High performance HTML Template System
Project description
Clearsilver is a fast, powerful, and language-neutral HTML template system. It was designed through years of commercial web development at eGroups.com and Yahoo!. Clearsilver’s speed comes from being written as a C module which is exported for use in C, C++, Python, Perl, Ruby, and Java.
The goal of Clearsilver is to get nearly all html, strings, and presentation logic out of your code. By drastically reducing code size in your application, readability and maintainability are improved. Furthermore, it becomes easier to make UI changes without introducing bugs. Clearsilver unifies working with cookies, form data, and the http environment, by making it trivial to access them from either your code or templates in a standard fashion. It also makes it very easy to skin the application, or allow end user UI customization.
As a bonus, tools designed to work in concert with clearsilver are also available, including an object to relational database mapping tool, odb.py, and a transparent internationalization system, trans.py.