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Cloudant / CouchDB Client Library

Project description

This library is currently a preview (alpha version) of Cloudant’s new official Python library. As such it currently does not have complete API coverage nor is the documentation 100% complete. We are busily working towards bridging the API and documentation gaps, so please check back often as additions/changes will be occuring frequently.

Installation and Usage

Released versions of this library are hosted on PyPI and can be installed with pip.

The latest stable version on PyPI is 0.5.10, but is now deprecated.

The current development version, which you should now use, is 2.0.0a2. Version 2.x makes significant breaking changes – no attempt was made to reproduce the API of 0.5.10.

Because 2.0.0 is still in development (2.0.0a2) and we wish to give developers time to upgrade, version 0.5.10 will remain the latest stable version on PyPI until at least early 2016.

In order to install version 2.0.0a1 or greater, execute

pip install --pre cloudant

In order to install the deprecated 0.5.10, execute

pip install cloudant

Getting started

Now it’s time to begin doing some work with Cloudant and Python. For working code samples of any of the API’s please go to our test suite.


In order to manage a connection you must first initialize the connection by constructing either a Cloudant or CouchDB client. Since connecting to the Cloudant managed service provides extra end points as compared to a CouchDB instance, we provide the two different client implementations in order to connect to the desired database service. Once the client is constructed, you follow that up by connecting to the account, performing your tasks, and then disconnecting from the account.

Later in the Context managers section we will see how to simplify this process through the use of the Python with statement.

Connecting with a client

# Use CouchDB to create a CouchDB client
# from cloudant.account import CouchDB
# client = CouchDB(USERNAME, PASSWORD, url='')

# Use Cloudant to create a Cloudant client using account
from cloudant.account import Cloudant
client = Cloudant(USERNAME, PASSWORD, account=ACCOUNT_NAME)
# or using url
# client = Cloudant(USERNAME, PASSWORD, url='')

# Connect to the account

# Perform client tasks...
session = client.session()
print 'Username: {0}'.format(session['userCtx']['name'])
print 'Databases: {0}'.format(client.all_dbs())

# Disconnect from the account


Once a connection is established you can then create a database, open an existing database, or delete a database. The following examples assume a client connection has already been established.

Creating a database

# Create a database using an initialized client
# The result is a new CloudantDatabase or CouchDatabase based on the client
my_database = client.create_database('my_database')

# You can check that the database exists
if my_database.exists():
    print 'SUCCESS!!'

Opening a database

Opening an existing database is done by supplying the name of an existing database to the client. Since the Cloudant and CouchDB classes are sub-classes of dict, this is accomplished through standard dict notation.

# Open an existing database
my_database = client['my_database']

Deleting a database

# Delete a database using an initialized client


Working with documents using this library is handled through the use of Document objects and Database API methods. A document context manager is also provided to simplify the process. This is discussed later in the Context managers section. The examples that follow demonstrate how to create, read, update, and delete a document. These examples assume that either a CloudantDatabase or a CouchDatabase object already exists.

Creating a document

# Create document content data
data = {
    '_id': 'julia30', # Setting _id is optional
    'name': 'Julia',
    'age': 30,
    'pets': ['cat', 'dog', 'frog']

# Create a document using the Database API
my_document = my_database.create_document(data)

# Check that the document exists in the database
if my_document.exists():
    print 'SUCCESS!!'

Retrieving a document

Accessing a document from a database is done by supplying the document identifier of an existing document to either a CloudantDatabase or a CouchDatabase object. Since the CloudantDatabase and CouchDatabase classes are sub-classes of dict, this is accomplished through standard dict notation.

my_document = my_database['julia30']

# Display the document
print my_document

Retrieve all documents

You can also iterate over a CloudantDatabase or a CouchDatabase object to retrieve all documents in a database.

# Get all of the documents from my_database
for document in my_database:
    print document

Update a document

from cloudant.document import Document

# First retrieve the document
my_document = my_database['julia30']

# Update the document content
# This can be done as you would any other dictionary
my_document['name'] = 'Jules'
my_document['age'] = 6

# You must save the document in order to update it on the database

Delete a document

# First retrieve the document
my_document = my_database['julia30']

# Delete the document

Dealing with results

If you want to get Pythonic with your returned data content, we’ve added a Result class that wraps your content and exposes Pythonic ways to access it. Instantiate a Result with a raw data callable such as all_docs from a database object or the callable reference from a view and then access the data as you would normally. The following example uses all_docs and shows ways to slice and iterate over the result set. It assumes that either a CloudantDatabase or a CouchDatabase object already exists.

from cloudant.result import Result

# Retrieve Result wrapped document content
# The include_docs argument is optional and defaults to False
result_set = Result(my_database.all_docs, include_docs=True)

# Get the result for matching a key
result = result_set['julia30']

# Slice by startkey and endkey
result = result_set['julia30':'ruby99'] # result between keys
result = result_set['julia30':] # result after key
result = result_set[:'ruby99'] # result up to key

# Slice by block
result = result_set[100:200] # result 100 to 200
result = result_set[:200] # result up to the 200th
result = result_set[100:] # result after the 100th

# Iterate over results
for result in result_set:
    print result

Context managers

Now that we’ve gone through the basics, let’s take a look at how to simplify the process of connection, database acquisition, and document management through the use of Python with blocks and this library’s context managers. Handling your business using with blocks saves you from having to connect and disconnect your client as well as saves you from having to perform a lot of fetch and save operations as the context managers handle these operations for you. This example uses the cloudant context helper to illustrate the process but identical functionality exists for CouchDB through the use of the couchdb context helper.

# cloudant context helper
from cloudant import cloudant

# couchdb context helper
# from cloudant import couchdb

from cloudant.document import Document

# Perform a connect upon entry and a disconnect upon exit of the block
with cloudant(USERNAME, PASSWORD, account=ACCOUNT_NAME) as client:

    # Perform client tasks...
    session = client.session()
    print 'Username: {0}'.format(session['userCtx']['name'])
    print 'Databases: {0}'.format(client.all_dbs())

    # Create a database
    my_database = client.create_database('my_database')
    if my_database.exists():
        print 'SUCCESS!!'

    # You can open an existing database
    del my_database
    my_database = client['my_database']

    # Performs a fetch upon entry and a save upon exit of this block
    # Use this context manager to create or update a Document
    with Document(my_database, 'julia30') as doc:
        doc['name'] = 'Julia'
        doc['age'] = 30
        doc['pets'] = ['cat', 'dog', 'frog']

    # Display a Document
    print my_database['julia30']

    # Delete the database

    print 'Databases: {0}'.format(client.all_dbs())

End point access

This library is currently a preview of Cloudant’s new Python library. As such it’s currently not got complete API coverage. While we work towards this, API which isn’t covered can still benefit from the client’s authentication and session usage by directly accessing the underlying Requests session object. This can be used to access things like Cloudant Search and Cloudant Query while we finish off the API in the library.

Access the session object using the r_session attribute on your client object. From there, use the session to make requests as the user the client is set up with. The following example shows a GET to _all_docs, but obviously you can use this for any HTTP request to the Cloudant/CouchDB server. This example assumes that either a Cloudant or a CouchDB client object already exists.

# Define the end point and parameters
end_point = '{0}/{1}'.format(client.cloudant_url, 'my_database/_all_docs')
params = {'include_docs': 'true'}

# Issue the request
response = client.r_session.get(end_point, params=params)

# Display the response content
print response.json()

API Reference

Content coming soon…



Test Suite

Content coming soon…

Using in other projects

Content coming soon…


Copyright © 2015 IBM. All rights reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Project details

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Source Distribution

cloudant-2.0.0a2.tar.gz (24.1 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Built Distribution

cloudant-2.0.0a2-py2-none-any.whl (29.3 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Python 2

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