Backup the consul key value pair directory wise in yml files and uploads to an s3 bucket
Project description
This package is preset on pypi at consulbacks3 This is the package to create consul backup , zip it and push the same to the s3 for the backup purpose.
The package creates simple yml files which contains key value pairs seperated by space colon space i.e “ : “ .
Installtion instruction
Install the package on the server where consul is installed.
sudo pip install consulbackups3
Run consulbacks3-configure to configure and enter the below details and save the settings .
CONSUL_DATA_URL (default is - “http://localhost:8500/v1/kv/?recurse”)
Run consulbacks3 to take backup of all of the key-value pairs .
Note: You will need aws access_key and secret which have access to the corresponding bucket.
Things to do :
Documentation at readthedocs
Restore/write to consul from the backup file