Print csv files in columnated format, either plain or as a Markdown or LaTeX table
Project description
A command-line utility for pretty printing csv files and converting to other formats.
If Python 3 with the package manager pip is installed, doing pip3 install csvprint
in your terminal should do the trick.
Development installation
With pipenv installed.
- Clone this repo
- Do
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pip install -e .
csvprint [filename]
prints a formatted table if filename
is a comma separated file.
» cat imdb.csv
Title,Release Year,Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption,1994,$25 000 000
The Godfather,1972,$6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II,1974,$13 000 000
The Dark Knight,2008,$185 000 000
12 Angry Men,1957,$350 000
» csvprint imdb.csv
Title Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption 1994 $25 000 000
The Godfather 1972 $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II 1974 $13 000 000
The Dark Knight 2008 $185 000 000
12 Angry Men 1957 $350 000
You can also pipe into csvprint
» cat imdb.csv | csvprint
Title Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption 1994 $25 000 000
The Godfather 1972 $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II 1974 $13 000 000
The Dark Knight 2008 $185 000 000
12 Angry Men 1957 $350 000
Command | Result |
-a |
specify alignment (left or right) - see examples below |
-c |
specify which columns to print |
-h |
print help message |
--markdown |
print as markdown |
--latex |
print as latex table |
--numeric [c1:d1] [c2:d2] ... |
specify decimal numbers for chosen numeric columns (c for column, d for digits) |
--header |
add header decoration around the first line |
-s 'char' |
file is delimited by char (instead of comma), tab for tab |
-p [n] |
add a padding of n spaces for each column, on both sides |
-d [string] |
specify the string to separate columns |
Alignment example
There are three options for specifying alignment. One can use l
or r
for aligning all cells to the left or right, respectively. One can also specify a distinct alignment option for each column. Then the number of options will need to match the number of columns.
» csvprint imdb.csv -a l r r
Title Release Year Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption 1994 $25 000 000
The Godfather 1972 $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II 1974 $13 000 000
The Dark Knight 2008 $185 000 000
12 Angry Men 1957 $350 000
Markdown example
Markdown output also supports left and right alignment.
» csvprint examples/imdb.csv --markdown -a l r r
Title | Release Year | Estimated Budget
Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | $25 000 000
The Godfather | 1972 | $6 000 000
The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | $13 000 000
The Dark Knight | 2008 | $185 000 000
12 Angry Men | 1957 | $350 000
When rendered as HTML, this looks like
Title | Release Year | Estimated Budget |
Shawshank Redemption | 1994 | $25 000 000 |
The Godfather | 1972 | $6 000 000 |
The Godfather: Part II | 1974 | $13 000 000 |
The Dark Knight | 2008 | $185 000 000 |
12 Angry Men | 1957 | $350 000 |
Numeric example
» csvprint examples/numeric.csv
measure1 measure2
1.2323 9000
1.299 9000001
» csvprint examples/numeric.csv --numeric 1:1 2:1
measure1 measure2
1.2 9000.0
1.3 9000001.0
Run pytest
while in the root directory of this repository.