Creates interactive web visualizations
Project description
A python package to create interactive web visualizations.
- Python2.7
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv ~/virtualenv/ds
$ source ~/virtualenv/ds/bin/activate
$ pip install dataspectra
Development Notes
Testing on your local computer without deploying
- In order to test new functions you will need Google Cloud SDK
- Test using --clear_datastore=yes app.yaml in the sample output.
- Your website will now be visible on localhost:8080
- Upload a sample subset of your data with
- Once your code looks good. You can copy it to the source code in aefiles.
- For running a quick test, use:
.. code-block:: bash
$ dataspectra develop
Updating the documentation
- Written in Sphinx
- Run the following in the docs directory.
.. code-block:: bash
$ make html
- If using Microsoft Visual Studio, can preview by Command-Shift-R.
Developing the package
.. code-block:: bash
$ python develop
Uploading package to pypi
.. code-block:: bash
$ python sdist upload
A python package to create interactive web visualizations.
- Python2.7
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv ~/virtualenv/ds
$ source ~/virtualenv/ds/bin/activate
$ pip install dataspectra
Development Notes
Testing on your local computer without deploying
- In order to test new functions you will need Google Cloud SDK
- Test using --clear_datastore=yes app.yaml in the sample output.
- Your website will now be visible on localhost:8080
- Upload a sample subset of your data with
- Once your code looks good. You can copy it to the source code in aefiles.
- For running a quick test, use:
.. code-block:: bash
$ dataspectra develop
Updating the documentation
- Written in Sphinx
- Run the following in the docs directory.
.. code-block:: bash
$ make html
- If using Microsoft Visual Studio, can preview by Command-Shift-R.
Developing the package
.. code-block:: bash
$ python develop
Uploading package to pypi
.. code-block:: bash
$ python sdist upload