Dirty models for python 3
Project description
Dirty Models
Dirty models for python 3
Python 3 package.
Easy to create a model.
Non destructive modifications.
Non false positive modifications.
Able to restore original data for each field or whole model.
Access to original data.
Read only fields.
Alias for fields.
Custom getters and setters for each fields.
Automatic cast value.
Easy import from/export to dict.
Basic field type implemented.
Multi type fields.
Default values for each field or whole model.
HashMap model. It could be used instead of DynamicModel.
FastDynamicModel. It could be used instead of DynamicModel. Same behavior, better performance.
Pickable models.
Datetime fields can use any datetime format using parser and formatter functions.
No database dependent.
Auto documentation using Dirty Models Sphinx extension.
Json encoder.
Field access like dictionary but with wildcards.
Opensource (BSD License)
Version 0.12.4
Make it compatible with Python 3.10.
Version 0.12.3
Fix HashMapsModel’s hardcode field type.
Version 0.12.2
Fix access to HashMapsModel’s field type when it is hardcoded in a class.
Version 0.12.1
Fix ~dirty_models.fields.MultiFieldType on creation mode.
Fix ~dirty_models.utils.BaseModelFormatterIter to be aware about override access modes.
Exposed all useful classes on package root.
Version 0.12.0
Added access_mode property to fields. It could be ~dirty_models.base.AccessMode.READ_AND_WRITE in order to allow to read and write. ~dirty_models.base.AccessMode.WRITABLE_ONLY_ON_CREATION in order to set value only on creation. ~dirty_models.base.AccessMode.READ_ONLY in order to prevent writing. And ~dirty_models.base.AccessMode.HIDDEN in order to hide field.
Old field property read_only is deprecated in favor of access_mode but it can be used like until this version.
Helper ~dirty_models.base.Creating to mark model as in creation mode.
Added class method ~dirty_models.models.BaseModel.create_new_model build a model and insert data in creation mode.
Allowed to override field access model on inherited fields using ~dirty_models.models.BaseModel.__override_field_access_modes__ hashmap.
Version 0.11.3
Fix bug casting string negative float.
Fix exception casting non valid values to enumerations.
Added title property to fields.
Added metadata property to fields. It could be used to store anything.
Improved model formatter.
Version 0.11.2
Fix bug #107.
Added ~dirty_models.utils.ModelIterator class in order to be able to iterate over model fields.
from dirty_models.utils import ModelIterator for fieldname, field_obj, value in ModelIterator(my_model): print('Field name: {}'.format(fieldname)) print('Field alias: {}'.format(field_obj.alias)) print('Field value: {}'.format(value))
Some fixes about read only data.
Version 0.11.1
Distribution fixes.
Version 0.11.0
New field type ~dirty_models.fields.BytesField.
String to integer casting could use any format allowed by Python: HEX (0x23), OCT (0o43) or no-meaning underscores (1_232_232, only since Python 3.6).
Version 0.10.1
Factory<dirty_models.utils> feature. It allows to define a factory as default value in order to be executed each time model is instanced. (Issue #100)
from dirty_models.utils import factory from datetime import datetime class Model(BaseModel): field_1 = DateTimeField(default=factory(datetime.now)) model = Model() print(model.field_1) # 2017-11-02 21:52:46.339040
Makefile fixes.
Python 3.6 is supported officially. It works since first day, but now tests run on Travis for Python 3.6.
Version 0.10.0
Pickable lists.
Improved pickle performance.
Setting None to a field remove content.
More tests.
Some code improvements.
Version 0.9.2
Fix timezone when convert timestamp to datetime.
Version 0.9.1
Fix installation.
Version 0.9.0
New EnumField.
Fixes on setup.py.
Fixes on requirements.
Fixes on formatter iters.
Fixes on code.
Added __version__ to main package file.
Synchronized version between main packege file, setup.py and docs.
Export only modifications.
Version 0.8.1
Added __contains__ function to models and lists. It allows to use in operator.
Added default_timezone parameter to DateTimeFields and TimeFields. If value entered has no a timezone defined, default one will be set.
Added force_timezone parameter to DateTimeFields in order to convert values to a specific timezone.
More cleanups.
Version 0.8.0
Renamed internal fields. Now they use double score format __fieldname__.
Raise a RunTimeError exception if two fields use same alias in a model.
Fixed default docstrings.
Cleanup default data. Only real name fields are allowed to use as key.
Added ~dirty_models.models.BaseModel.get_attrs_by_path in order to get all values using path.
Added ~dirty_models.models.BaseModel.get_1st_attr_by_path in order to get first value using path.
Added option to access fields like in a dictionary, but using wildcards. Only for getters. See: ~dirty_models.models.BaseModel.get_1st_attr_by_path.
Added some documentation.
Version 0.7.2
Fixed inherited structure
Added get_default_data method to models in order to retrieve default data.
Version 0.7.1
Solved problem formatting dynamic models
Added date, time and timedelta fields to dynamic models.
Version 0.7.0
Timedelta field
Generic formatters
Json encoder
import json
from datetime import datetime
from dirty_models import BaseModel, DatetimeField
from dirty_models.utils import JSONEncoder
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
field_datetime = DatetimeField(parse_format="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
model = ExampleModel(field_datetime=datetime.now())
assert json.dumps(model, cls=JSONEncoder) == '{"field_datetime": "2016-05-30T22:22:22"}'
Auto camelCase fields metaclass
Version 0.6.3
Documentation fixed.
Allow import main members from root package.
Version 0.6.2
Improved datetime fields parser and formatter definitions. Now there are three ways to define them:
Format string to use both parse and formatter:
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
datetime_field = DateTimeField(parse_format='%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')
Define a format string or function for parse and format datetime:
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
datetime_field = DateTimeField(parse_format={'parser': callable_func,
'formatter': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'})
Use predefined format:
DateTimeField.date_parsers = {
'iso8061': {
'formatter': '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',
'parser': iso8601.parse_date
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
datetime_field = DateTimeField(parse_format='iso8061')
Version 0.6.1
Improved model field autoreference.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
model_field = ModelField() # Field with a ExampleModel
array_of_model = ArrayField(field_type=ModelField()) # Array of ExampleModels
Version 0.6.0
Added default value for fields.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
integer_field = IntegerField(default=1)
model = ExampleModel()
assert model.integer_field is 1
Added default values at model level. Inherit default values could be override on new model classes.
class InheritExampleModel(ExampleModel):
__default_data__ = {'integer_field': 2}
model = InheritExampleModel()
assert model.integer_field is 2
Added multi type fields.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
multi_field = MultiTypeField(field_types=[IntegerField(), StringField()])
model = ExampleModel()
model.multi_field = 2
assert model.multi_field is 2
model.multi_field = 'foo'
assert model.multi_field is 'foo'
Version 0.5.2
Fixed model structure.
Makefile helpers.
Version 0.5.1
Added a easy way to get model structure. It will be used by autodoc libraries as sphinx or json-schema.
Version 0.5.0
Added autolist parameter to ArrayField. It allows to assign a single item to a list field, so it will be converted to a list with this value.
class ExampleModel(BaseModel):
array_field = ArrayField(field_type=StringField(), autolist=True)
model = ExampleModel()
model.array_field = 'foo'
assert model.array_field[0] is 'foo'
$ pip install dirty-models
Getter and setter feature needs refactor to be able to use as decorators.
DynamicModel is too strange. I don’t trust in it. Try to use HashMapModel or FastDynamicModel.
Basic usage
from dirty_models.models import BaseModel
from dirty_models.fields import StringField, IntegerField
class FooBarModel(BaseModel):
foo = IntegerField()
bar = StringField(name="real_bar")
alias_field = IntegerField(alias=['alias1', 'alias2'])
fb = FooBarModel()
fb.foo = 2
assert fb.foo is 2
fb.bar = 'wow'
assert fb.bar is 'wow'
assert fb.real_bar is 'wow'
fb.alias_field = 3
assert fb.alias_field is 3
assert fb.alias1 is fb.alias_field
assert fb.alias2 is fb.alias_field
assert fb['alias_field'] is 3