Pluggable app for taxonomies, content collections, and navigation.
Project description
Boilerplate for taxonomies, content collections, and content models using django-mptt and django-taggit.
Drag and drop construction of taxonomies.
Arbitrary relationships among groups, taxonomies, collections, content, and attachments.
Templates for displaying taxonomies with and without collections’ contents.
dj-content model is just boilerplate for django-mptt and django-taggit. It defines a hierarchical structure with arbitrary relationships via collections. The Quickstart example is a sufficient starting point for many projects. Each abstract class provided by dj-contentmodel is a descendant of django.db.models, so extend them as you would a Django model. The Group and Taxonomy classes are also descendants of django-mptt’s MPTTModel class and can be extended accordingly. Additional examples dj-contentmodel’s abstract classes are available at
First, install dj-contentmodel:
pip install dj-contentmodel
Then, import the abstract base classes.:
from dj_contentmodel.models import Taxonomy, Collection, Content, Attachment
Next, subclass the imported classes to create taxonomies and content models as needed. The following example is of a minimum configuration. The names of defined classes are arbitrary, but the relationships among classes are not.
class Sitemap(Taxonomy): """Main navigation""" collections = models.ManyToManyField('Bucket', blank=True) class Meta: verbose_name = "Category" verbose_name_plural = "Categories" ... class Bucket(Collection): """Arbitrary collections to group content.""" contents = models.ManyToManyField('Page', blank=True) ... class Page(Content): ... class Report(Attachment): parents = models.ManyToManyField('Page', blank=True) ...
Finally, register your models with the admin.
from django.contrib import admin from mptt.admin import DraggableMPTTAdmin Sitemap, DraggableMPTTAdmin, list_display=( 'tree_actions', 'indented_title',), list_display_links=( 'indented_title',),)
Without a migration, it may be necessary to create the tables.:
python migrate --run-syncdb
Running Tests
Does the code actually work? For now I have my fingers crossed. Later iterations will be test driven and include integration and performance testing.
source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate (myenv) $ pip install -r requirements_test.txt (myenv) $ python
Tools used in rendering this package:
0.1.0 (2016-06-07)
First release on PyPI.