Essential Gravatar support for Django. Features helper methods, templatetags and a full test suite!
Project description
A lightweight django-gravatar app. Includes helper methods for interacting with gravatars outside of template code.
A Note on Continued Support
Hey Folks, I haven’t actively maintained this project for some years now. Please let me know if there are security issues or regressions in basic functionality. I will do my best to address those. However, I don’t have the time to invest in other changes to the project. Additionally, I haven’t been involved in Django development in many years now. If you’re interested in adopting this project please shoot me a message.
Helper methods for constructing a gravatar url and checking an email for an existing gravatar
Templatetags for generating a gravatar url or gravatar <img> tag.
Full test suite!
Install from PyPi:
You can pip install the app directly from GitHub:
$ pip install git+git://
Alternatively, you can now install directly from PyPi!
$ pip install django-gravatar2
Make sure you install django-gravatar2 as there are several other incompatible django-gravatar libraries available.
Add django_gravatar to your INSTALLED_APPS in
INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'django_gravatar', )
Basic Usage
Use in code:
from django_gravatar.helpers import get_gravatar_url, has_gravatar, get_gravatar_profile_url, calculate_gravatar_hash url = get_gravatar_url('', size=150) gravatar_exists = has_gravatar('') profile_url = get_gravatar_profile_url('') email_hash = calculate_gravatar_hash('')
Use in templates:
{% load gravatar %} {% gravatar_url 150 %} # {% gravatar 150 %} # <img class="gravatar" src="" width="150" height="150" alt="" /> {% gravatar 150 "" %} # <img class="gravatar" src="" width="150" height="150" alt="" /> {% gravatar_profile_url %} #
The following options can be configured in your
GRAVATAR_URL # Gravatar base url. Defaults to ‘’
GRAVATAR_SECURE_URL # Gravatar base secure https url. Defaults to ‘’
GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE # Gravatar size in pixels. Defaults to ‘80’
GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_IMAGE # An image url or one of the following: ‘mm’, ‘identicon’, ‘monsterid’, ‘wavatar’, ‘retro’. Defaults to ‘mm’
GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_RATING # One of the following: ‘g’, ‘pg’, ‘r’, ‘x’. Defaults to ‘g’
GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_SECURE # True to use https by default, False for plain http. Defaults to True
Feel free to fork django-gravatar on GitHub! We’d love to see your pull requests. Please make sure you run tests before submitting a patch.
Run tests:
$> cd example_project $> ./ test django_gravatar