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Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt.

Project description

Javascript url handling for Django that doesn’t hurt.

This package is now maintained by Vinta Software but it was originally created by @ierror. Many thanks to you, Bernhard.


Django JS Reverse is a small django app that makes url handling of named urls in javascript easy and non-annoying..

For example you can retrieve a named url:

url(r'^/betterliving/(?P<category_slug>[-\w]+)/(?P<entry_pk>\d+)/$', 'get_house', name='betterliving_get_house'),

in javascript like:

Urls.betterlivingGetHouse('house', 12)




Python version

Django versions


4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.2


4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.2


4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.2


4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.2


Install using pip

pip install django-js-reverse

… or clone the project from github.

git clone

Add 'django_js_reverse' to your INSTALLED_APPS setting.


Usage with webpack

Install using npm

npm install --save django-js-reverse

Include none-cached view …

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^jsreverse.json$', 'django_js_reverse.views.urls_json', name='js_reverse'),

… or a cached one that delivers the urls JSON

from django_js_reverse import views
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^jsreverse.json$', cache_page(3600)(views.urls_json), name='js_reverse'),

Include JavaScript in your bundle:

// utils/djangoReverse.mjs
import _ from 'lodash/fp';
import djangoJsReverse from 'django-js-reverse';

export default _.once(
  async () => {
    const res = await fetch('/jsreverse.json');
    const data = await res.json();
    return djangoJsReverse(data);
// somePlace.mjs
import djangoReverse from './utils/djangoReverse';

(async () => {
  const urls = await djangoReverse();
  const url = urls.someViewName('some-arg');

Usage as static file

First generate static file by

./ collectstatic_js_reverse

If you change some urls or add an app and want to update the reverse.js file, run the command again.

After this add the file to your template

<script src="{% static 'django_js_reverse/js/reverse.js' %}"></script>

Usage with views

Include none-cached view …

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^jsreverse/$', 'django_js_reverse.views.urls_js', name='js_reverse'),

… or a cached one that delivers the urls javascript

from django_js_reverse.views import urls_js
urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^jsreverse/$', cache_page(3600)(urls_js), name='js_reverse'),

Include javascript in your template

<script src="{% url js_reverse %}" type="text/javascript"></script>

or, if you are using Django > 1.5

<script src="{% url 'js_reverse' %}" type="text/javascript"></script>

Usage as template tag

You can place the js_reverse JavaScript inline into your templates, however use of inline JavaScript is not recommended, because it will make it impossible to deploy a secure Content Security Policy. See django-csp

{% load js_reverse %}

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
    {% js_reverse_inline %}

Use the urls in javascript

If your url names are valid javascript identifiers ([Missing superscript or subscript argument]*)i you can access them by the Dot notation:

Urls.betterlivingGetHouse('house', 12)

If the named url contains invalid identifiers use the Square bracket notation instead:

Urls['betterliving-get-house']('house', 12)
Urls['namespace:betterliving-get-house']('house', 12)

You can also pass javascript objects to match keyword aguments like the examples bellow:

Urls['betterliving-get-house']({ category_slug: 'house', entry_pk: 12 })
Urls['namespace:betterliving-get-house']({ category_slug: 'house', entry_pk: 12 })


Optionally, you can overwrite the default javascript variable ‘Urls’ used to access the named urls by django setting


Optionally, you can change the name of the global object the javascript variable used to access the named urls is attached to. Default is this


Optionally, you can disable the minfication of the generated javascript file by django setting


By default all namespaces are included


To exclude any namespaces from the generated javascript file, add them to the JS_REVERSE_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES setting

JS_REVERSE_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES = ['admin', 'djdt', ...]

If you want to include only specific namespaces add them to the JS_REVERSE_INCLUDE_ONLY_NAMESPACES setting tips: * Use “” (empty string) for urls without namespace * Use “foo0” to include urls just from “foo” namaspace and not from any subnamespaces (e.g. “foo:bar”)

JS_REVERSE_INCLUDE_ONLY_NAMESPACES = ['poll', 'calendar', ...]

If you run your application under a subpath, the collectstatic_js_reverse needs to take care of this. Define the prefix in your django settings:


By default collectstatic_js_reverse writes its output (reverse.js) to your project’s STATIC_ROOT. You can change the output path:


Running the test suite





This project is currently maintained by Vinta Software. If you need support please contact us on


0.10.2 (2023-08-14)

  • Drop support to older version of Python and Django that aren’t being officially supported anymore.

0.10.1b1 (2023-08-14)

  • Update for Django 4.0 and 4.1, Python 3.8, 3.9, 3.10

0.10.1a1 (2023-08-14)

  • Update pypi deploy username and token

0.10.1a (2019-08-02)

  • support webpack and other bundlers

0.10.0 (2019-08-01)

  • deprecate django_js_reverse.VERSION. It will now always be (0, 9, 2)

  • deprecate js_reverse_inline

  • use setuptools.setup


  • Fix: avoid XSS introduced in 0.9.0 when using js_reverse_inline. A low threat as content injected is likely to be trusted input from the urlconfig.



  • Fix: A bug fix in Django 2.0.6 has broken django-js-reverse #65 Thank you kavdev


  • Fix: The tests folder of the #53 was still present in the build. => Added cleanup to the release make command.


  • New: Support for Django 2.0: #58 Thank you wlonk

  • Fix: #53 - Don’t install the tests folder as a separate folder. Moved inside the django_js_reverse namespace.


  • New: Support for Django 1.10

  • Chg: Renamed “production” branch to “master”

  • Fix: #48 - “Change False to ‘window’ in global object name in README.” Thank you karamanolev

  • Fix: PR #45 - “Fix: collectstatic_js_reverse usage message” Thank you ghedsouza

  • Fix: PR #44 - “Remove duplicate _get_url call” Thank you razh


  • Fix: #42 - “Templatetag js_reverse_inline breaks on Django 1.9” Thank you tommikaikkonen

  • Optimized imports


  • Fix: #41 - make it possible to use number 0 as url argument


  • New: By default collectstatic_js_reverse writes its output (reverse.js) to your project’s STATIC_ROOT. Now You can change settings: JS_REVERSE_OUTPUT_PATH Thank you mjnaderi

  • New: Support for Django 1.9 Thank you mjnaderi

  • New: It’s now possible to include specific namespaces only. See JS_REVERSE_INCLUDE_ONLY_NAMESPACES setting for details. Thank you BrnoPCmaniak


  • Refactored: Separate the view functionality from the JS generation

  • New: Replaced slimit by rjsmin based on #33 Thank you chripede


  • Fix: #27 Thank you michael-borisov

  • New: Support for Keyword-based URL reversing #30 Thank you hyperair


  • Fix: Current ply breaks slimit => force ply==3.4


  • New: Django allows you to have multiple URL patterns with the same name.

  • This release adds support for the featuer. Thank you defrex

  • New: Test support for django 1.8

  • New: test for script_prefix without ending slash


  • New: You can change the name (default=this) of the global object the javascript variable used to access the named urls is attached to by changing JS_REVERSE_JS_GLOBAL_OBJECT_NAME setting. Thank you aumo


  • Fix: If you run your application under a subpath, the collectstatic_js_reverse needs to take care of this. You can now define a setting JS_REVERSE_SCRIPT_PREFIX that handles this issue. Thank you lizter for reporting the issue


  • Improvement: management command collectstatic_js_reverse throws an error if settings.STATIC_ROOT is not set

  • Tests: exluded a debug print from coverage

  • Removed: support for django 1.4

  • New: Templatetag to include js-reverse-js inline in your templates


  • New: Add better support for django rest framework Django rest framework generates url names like user-list, so it get’s converted now as well so Urls['user-list']() or the cleaner Urls.user_list() are both usable.

  • Fix: JSReverseStaticFileSaveTest is working and being tested again

  • Improvement: Cleanup Javascript Thank you bulv1ne for the pull request

  • New: Test support for the latest pypy versions pypy3-2.4.0 and pypy-2.5.0

  • Fix: Get rid of test warning “MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES is not set.” for Django >= 1.7


  • Provided PyPI wheel Package


  • Fix: collectstatic runner: moved to own management command collectstatic_js_reverse


  • Add ability to save in file:

    <script src="{% static 'django_js_reverse/js/reverse.js' %}"></script>``

    to do this run ./ collectstatic

    Add JS_REVERSE_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES option to exclude namespaces from import default is []

    To exclude e.g. admin and Django Debug Toolbar:

    JS_REVERSE_EXCLUDE_NAMESPACES = ['admin', 'djdt']

    Thank you Andertaker


  • New: Support for nested namespaces. Thank you hyperair

  • New: Support for arguments within namespace path. Thank you hyperair

  • New: Support for optional url arguments. Thank you hyperair


  • New: Django 1.7 support


  • New: Default minification of the generated javascript file

  • Fix: content type of the jsreverse script. Thank you @emcsween

  • Testing: Use selenium for better testing


  • Added support for namespaces


  • Test support for pypy, python 3.4, django 1.6

  • Refactored include of JS_REVERSE_JS_VAR_NAME js var name

  • Get rid of “DeprecationWarning: The mimetype keyword argument is depracated, use content_type instead”

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