Putting the nitro in rapid web development.
Project description
Author: Thomas Augestad Weholt, <thomas@weholt.org>.
License: Modified BSD.
- Requirements:
Django 1.5
Python 2.7.x or 3.3
Read more at https://bitbucket.org/weholt/django-quickview/src/fde97a0a0befaeda0ab2317035f8e7cd9c311511/docs/basic.md?at=default
Version history
0.3 - Fleshed out some docs, fixed some bugs, cleaned up code.
- 0.2 - Refactored code; QuickView is not dependent on a model. A subclass of QuickView named ModelQuickView takes
care of all model related magic. This makes it easier to write non-model based views based on the same concept.
0.1 - Initial release.