Django render_partial tag allows inserting rendered views into templates
Project description
pip install django_render_partial
Add 'django_render_partial' to INSTALLED_APPS
Ensure that 'django.template.context_processors.request' is in TEMPLATES['OPTIONS']['context_processors']
Write a template for partial view, e.g. partial_view.html:
<p>{{ arg1 }} + {{ arg2 }} = {{ result }}</p>
Write a partial view:
def partial_view(request, *args, **kwargs): result = kwargs['arg1'] + kwargs['arg2'] kwargs['result'] = result return render(request, 'partial_view.html', kwargs)
if you are using function-based views, or:
class PartialView(TemplateView): template_name = 'partial_view.html' def get_context_data(self, **kwargs): result = kwargs['arg1'] + kwargs['arg2'] kwargs['result'] = result return super(PartialView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)
if you are using class-based views.
Add it to
url(r'^partial-view/(?P<arg1>\w+)/(?P<arg2>\w+)/$', partial_view, name='partial_view'),
url(r'^partial-view/(?P<arg1>\w+)/(?P<arg2>\w+)/$', PartialView.as_view(), name='partial_view'),
In your template:
{% load render_partial %} {% with some_var=2 %} {% render_partial 'partial_view' arg1=40 arg2=some_var %} {% endwith %}
The render_partial tag would be rendered to:
<p>40 + 2 = 42</p>
Note that the with tag above is not required for render_partial to work. It is used to show that render_partial accepts variables. Every argument will be evaluated against context except for the names of any keyword arguments.
If you don’t want to expose your partial view in, you can also use fully qualified dot separated view name:
{% render_partial 'partial_test.views.PartialView' arg1=40 arg2=some_var %} {% render_partial 'partial_test.views.partial_view' arg1=40 arg2=some_var %}
IMPORTANT: the calling template must receive a context variable called request containing the original HttpRequest. Don’t forget to add 'django.template.context_processors.request' to TEMPLATES['OPTIONS']['context_processors'].
Adapted from