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Django-tribune is a chat-like application

Project description

.. _Django internationalization system:
.. _LastFM API:


This Django app is a *chat-like application* with some aspects of *IRC* but with a
strong usage of message clocks.

**Message clocks** are always displayed and used in message to reference answer or
relation with other messages.

A sample part of Tribune messages will look like this in a plain-text version : ::

16:15:27 <superman> First
16:16:13 Anonymous coward 16:15:27 oh no you don't !
16:15:27 <superman> 16:16:13 lier !
18:39:01 Mozilla/5.0 Hello world !
18:39:05 <superman> 18:39:01 hello
18:43:22 Anonymous coward 18:39:01 yo

The application has a rich interface but is also accessible from third client
application (via a XML backend) and even in plain text.


* Easy embedding in your Django webapp;
* Various backends `Formats`_;
* `Action commands`_;
* `Message filtering`_ usually called a *BaK*;
* A rich interface (currently in development);
* Full localization for french and english language;
* `Discovery`_ XML configuration file for third client applications (aka remote client
or *coincoins*);
* Channel support;
* Heavily documented.


* Finalized interface :

* **Done** Refresh backend using a timer;
* **Done** Checkbox to disable/enable the automatic refresh;
* **Done** Ajax post;
* **Done** Action commands (``name`` and ``lastfm``);
* **Done** Mussle and user casting (``moules<`` and ``an_username<``);
* **Done** Smileys display;
* **Done** Partial channel support;
* **Done** Simple clock and messages highlights;
* **Done** Owner marks;
* **Done** Error notices;
* **Done** Rollover display for clocks pointing message out of the screen;
* Editable settings;

* **Done** Remote views (JSON and maybe XML too) to get messages targeted on a given clock;
* Optional Captcha system to post new message to enable in settings;


* Download his `PyPi package <>`_;
* Clone it on his `Github repository <>`_;
* Documentation and demo on `DjangoSveetchies page <>`_.


* `texttable <>`_ (used to display
plain-text backends);


Just register the app in your project settings like this : ::


Then after you should register the app urls in your project ```` : ::

url(r'^tribune/', include('djangotribune.urls')),

Of course you can use another mounting directory than the default ``tribune/`` or even
use your own app urls, look at the provided ``djangotribune.urls`` to see what you have
to map.

And finally don't forget to do the Django's *syncdb command* to synchronise models in your

If needed you can change some `Application settings`_ in your settings file.

.. NOTE:: The recommended database engine is **PostgreSQL**. With SQLite you could have
problems because the application makes usage of case-insensitive matching
notably in `Message filtering`_.

Project templates

A simple note about templates, djangotribune templates use a base template ``djangotribune/base.html`` to include some common HTML to fit contents in your layout, and all other templates extend it to insert their content.

This base template is made to extend a ``skeleton.html`` template that should be the root base of your project layout. Therefore if you don't use a base template or use it with another name, just override ``djangotribune/base.html`` in project templates to fit it right within your project.


The tribune can either be used from the web interface or via remote client applications.

Message backends

Backends are available with various formats, each format has its own specificity.
Generally, *JSON* is for webapp usage, *XML* for remote clients and *Plain* for some


Very light, use the raw message, ascendant ordered by default. Url path from the
tribune is ``remote/`` for backend and ``post/`` for post view.
Very fast, use the remote message render, descendant ordered by default. Url path from
the tribune is ``remote/xml/`` for backend and ``post/xml/`` for post view.
The XML version *extended* to suit to old tribune application client. Currently the
only diff is the XML structure wich is indented. Url path from the tribune is
``remote/xml/crap/`` for backend and ``post/xml/crap/`` for post view.
Very *declarative*, use the web message render, descendant ordered by default. Url
path from the tribune is ``remote/json/`` for backend and ``post/json/`` for post

.. NOTE:: For channel backend and post urls you must prepend the path with the channel
slug, by example with a channel slug ``foo`` for the XML backend you will need
to do ``foo/remote/xml/``.

Url arguments

On backend URLs, you can set somes options by adding URL arguments like this : ::


An integer to specify how much message can be retrieved, this value cannot be higher
than the setting value ``TRIBUNE_MESSAGES_MAX_LIMIT``. Default value come from
setting ``TRIBUNE_MESSAGES_MAX_LIMIT`` if this option is not specified.
Message listing direction specify if the list should be ordered on ``id`` in
ascendant or descendant way. Value can be ``asc`` for ascendant or ``desc`` for
descendant. Each backend can has its own default direction.
The last ``id`` from wich to retrieve the messages in the interval of the ``limit``

For example, with a *tribune* with 42 messages numbered (on their ``id``) from 1
to 42, and with default limit to 30 :

* Requesting a backend without any option will return messages from ``id`` 13 to 42;
* Requesting a backend with option ``limit`` to 10, will return messages from ``id``
33 to 42;
* Requesting a backend with option ``last_id`` to 15 will return messages from ``id``
16 to 42;
* Requesting a backend with option ``limit`` to 5 and option ``last_id`` to 15 will
return messages from ``id`` 38 to 42;

No matter what direction you specify in option, the results will stay identical.

Message post

From web interface

The web interface implements all features, just use the input field at the bottom of the message
list to post a new message and it will be appended. The interface performs a periodical request
on the remote backend to display any new message.

If your message is not validated, the input field will be displayed with red borders, the borders will
be hidded just after a new validated post.

Actually, the only option you can manage is the *Active refresh* than you can disable to avoid any
periodical request on the remote backend. But if you disable it and you post a new message, there will
still be a *POST* request that will refresh the message list.

From remote client applications

Remote clients can send a new message directly within a **POST** request and putting the
content in a ``content`` argument. Validated messages return the last updated backend (from
the *knowed* last id). Unvalid message return an Http error.

`Url arguments`_ options can be given for the POST request and they will be used for the returned
backend in success case.

In fact, remote client applications should always give the
``last_id`` option (taken from the last message they know just before sending the POST
request) to receive only messages they didn't know (and not the whole backend).

Dealing with errors

* This is not really an error, but remote backend return a **Http304** (*NotModified*) when
you try to fetch a backend where they are no new message;
* If the *POST* request is invalidated (with the form) the returned response will be a
**Http400** (*Bad Request*) with an explanation in Ascii;
* A **Http404** is returned when you try to use a channel remote backend that
doesn't exists;
* You could receive a **Http500** (*Internal Server Error*) in case of bugs or bad
configured server;
* Sometimes you can receive a **Http403** if you try to use a restricted command but
there are not implemented yet.

Action commands

Action commands can be passed in message content, generally this results in doing the
action without saving a new message although some actions can push a message to save.

All action command must start with a ``/`` followed (without any separator) by the
action name and then the action arguments if any. Unvalid action command will often
result in saving the content as a new message.

This allows anonymous users to display a custom name instead of their *User-Agent* in

Name saving is made by a special cookie, so if the user loses or deletes his cookie,
he loses his custom name.

Add new ua : ::

/name My name is bond

Remove the saved ua : ::


Note that this name will only be directly visible for anonymous user, because
registered users have their username displayed, but the name (or user-agent) is
visible on mouseover their username. This is behavior is only on HTML board, remote
clients have their own behaviors.
This command use the `LastFM <>`_ `API <>`_
to automatically post a *musical instant* for the current
track played. This works only the **current** track played, not the last recent
track played.

You should specify an *username* in argument within the action, it will be used as
the username account on LastFM from where to search the current track.

Generally, you will do like this : ::

/lastfm instant myname

But if you are authenticated on the tribune and your username is the same as on your
LastFM account, you can do like this : ::

/lastfm instant

This will result in a message like this :

**====> Moment Artist - Title <====**
Intended for users to manage their message filters, see `Message filtering`_ for a
full explanation.

Message filtering

All users (registred and anonymous) can manage their own entries for filtering messages
on various pattern. These filters are stored in the user session in an object called BaK
as *Boîte à Kons* (eg: *Idiots box*) which is persistent in your session.

That being so an user can lose his session (by a very long inactivity or when logged out)
so there are option to **save** the filters in your BaK in your profile in database then
after you can **load** them in your session when needed.

There is two ways to manage filters from your bak :

* You can use **the easy way** which always assumes you use an exact pattern, this is the
purpose of options **add** and **del** than expects only two arguments, a target and
the pattern;
* Or you can use **the verbose way** which expects three arguments respectively the target,
the kind and the pattern, this is the purpose of options **set** and **remove**;

Available arguments

The part of the message which will be used to apply the filter, available targets are :

* ``ua`` for the user-agent;
* ``author`` for the author username only effective for messages from registered used;
* ``message`` for the message in his raw version (as it was posted).
The kind of matching filter that will be used. Only used in the *verbose way*
options, for the *easy way* this is always forced to an exact matching.

Kinds are written like *operators*, the available kinds are :

* ``*=`` for Case-sensitive containment test;
* ``|=`` for Case-insensitive containment test;
* ``==`` for Case-sensitive exact match;
* ``~=`` for Case-insensitive exact match;
* ``^=`` for Case-sensitive starts-with;
* ``$=`` for Case-sensitive ends-with.
The pattern to match by the filter. This is a simple string and not a regex pattern.
You can use space in your pattern without quoting it.

Options details

The *easy way* to add a new filter. This requires two arguments, the target and the
pattern like that : ::

/bak add author Badboy
The *easy way* to drop a filter. This requires two arguments, the target and the
pattern that you did have used, like that : ::

/bak del author Badboy
The *verbose way* to add a new filter. This requires three arguments, the target, the
kind operator and the pattern like that : ::

/bak set author == Badboy
The *verbose way* to drop a filter. This requires three arguments, the target, the
kind operator and the pattern like that : ::

/bak remove author == Badboy
To save your current filters in your session to your profile in database, this works only
for registered users.

Saving your filters will overwrite all your previous saved filters, so if you just
want to add new filters, load the previously saved filters before.

This is option does not require any argument : ::

/bak save
To load your previously saved filters in your current session. If you allready have
filters in your current session this will overwrite them.

This is option does not requires any argument : ::

/bak load
To enable message filtering using your filters in current session. A new session have
message filtering enabled by default.

This is option does not requires any argument : ::

/bak on
To disable message filtering using your filters in current session. The filters will
not be dropped out of your session so you can enable them after if needed.

This is option does not requires any argument : ::

/bak off
To clear all your filters in current session. You can use this option followed after
by a save action to clear your saved filters too.

This is option does not requires any argument : ::

/bak reset

.. NOTE:: Messages filters will not be retroactive on displays on remote clients, only
for new message to come after your command actions. So generally you will have
to reload your client to see applied filters on messages posted before your
command actions.


You want to avoid displaying message from the registered user ``BadBoy``, you will do : ::

/bak add author Badboy

You want to avoid displaying all message containing a reference to ```` you will do : ::

/bak set message *=

You want to avoid displaying message from all user with an user-agent from ``Mozilla`` : ::

/bak set ua *= Mozilla

Application settings

All default app settings are located in the ```` file of ``djangotribune``, you can modify them in your
project settings.

.. NOTE:: All app settings are overwritten if present in your project settings with the exception of
dict variables. This is to be remembered when you want to add a new entry in a list variable, you will have to
copy the default version in your settings with the new entry otherwise default variable will be lost.

When set to ``True`` all anonymous users will be rejected from any request on remote
views, post views and board views, only registred users will continue to access to
these views.

By default this is set to ``False`` so anonymous and registred users have full access
to any *public views*.
Default message limit to display in backend.

Requires an integer, by default this is set to 50.
The maximum value allowed for the message limit option. Limit option used beyond this
will be set to this maximum value.

Requires an integer, by default this is set to 100.
Maximum length (in characters) for the content message.

Require an integer, by default this is set to 500. You have no real limit on this
value because this is stored in full text field without limit.
`Template string <>`_ for
smileys URL, this is where you can set the wanted smiley host. By default this is set to : ::{0}.gif

So the host will be **.
List of titles randomly displayed on tribune boards.

The default one allready contains many titles.
The URL to use to request the `LastFM API`_ used within ``lastfm`` action command.
The Application key to use for on requests made to `LastFM API`_.
The default time in milli-seconds between each backend refresh request on the interface.


Discovery files describes the needed configuration to use a tribune with third client

They are simple XML files for describe configuration to access to the remote backend and
to post new message, plus some other options and parameters.

You can access them at location ``/discovery.config`` under the path of the tribune,
so for the default tribune this is usually : ::


And for a channel with the slug name "foo", it will be : ::


Internationalization and localization

This application make usage of the `Django internationalization system`_, see the Django documentation about this if
you want to add a new language translation.

Project details

Download files

Download the file for your platform. If you're not sure which to choose, learn more about installing packages.

Source Distribution

djangotribune-0.6.2.tar.gz (66.7 kB view hashes)

Uploaded Source

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Microsoft Microsoft PSF Sponsor Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page