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Publish Plone content in epub form

Project description

A product which allows you to import in Plone epub files.



EEA Epub product allows you to import in Plone epub files. On upload, Epub content will imported as Plone folders, files, images and documents.

Export to Epub is also available.

As of version 4.3 epub files created with Adobe InDesign CS4 and Sigil are tested and known to work with this package, previous versions of this package only supported epubs created with InDesign.

Main features

EEA Epub features:

  1. Imports epub files as Plone content.

  2. Stores the original epub in the main folder for easy retrieval.

  3. Exports the Plone content back into an epub.

  4. Clean filename as you import the epub and they contain characters that wouldn’t be allowed as a Plone id. This behaviour is on by default but it can be disabled by unchecking the boolean flag at portal_properties/site_properties clean_epub_file_names. If you find that the Document Pages added by the Epub process has broken links try to re-upload without this boolean flag.

  5. Possibility to temporarily disable dynamic ePub creation by adding an item called ‘action-download-epub’ within context

  6. Asynchronously generate ePub files and notify users by email when ePub is ready

Epub compatibility

EEA Epub makes the following assumptions about the loaded epub:

  1. You don’t use unicode or other special characters into the name of the epub, images or links

  2. You’ve created the epub with “Adobe InDesign CS4” or “Sigil” which uses some standards for the following:

    • The table of contents is named toc.ncx and is placed inside OEBPS

    • Book text & images are placed inside the folder OEBPS or other folders that are children of OEBPS

    • Items ids doesn’t contain the following characters . / ( if possible stick to letters, numbers and - _ )

Best practices when creating an epub:

  1. Chapter names should not be all uppercase or use special characters

  2. Image names should not contain spaces, periods, / or other special characters


At this moment any errors that would appear on the site are surpressed with a info message.

If you want to see the detailed error check the Plone instance log usually found in buildout-folder/var/log.


The easiest way to get eea.epub support in Plone 4 using this package is to work with installations based on zc.buildout. Other types of installations should also be possible, but might turn out to be somewhat tricky.

To get started you will simply need to add the package to your eggs and zcml sections, run buildout, restart your Plone instance and install the eea.epub package using the quick-installer or via the “Add-on Products” section in “Site Setup”:

eggs =

zcml =

You can download a sample buildout at:

Asynchronous setup

By default all ePubs are NOT generated asynchronous. You’ll need eea.pdf installed in order to be able to enable asynchronous download or you can provide an os environment called EEACONVERTER_ASYNC.

Also some extra config is needed within your buildout in order for this to work properly.

First of all you’ll need a folder were to store generated ePub files. For this you can create it manually within buildout:directory/var/ or you can let buildout handle it:


parts +=

media-downloads-path = ${buildout:directory}/var/downloads/pdf
media-downloads-temp = ${buildout:directory}/var/downloads/tmp

recipe = ore.recipe.fs:mkdir
path = ${buildout:media-downloads-path}
mode = 0700
createpath = true

recipe = ore.recipe.fs:mkdir
path = ${buildout:media-downloads-temp}
mode = 0700
createpath = true

This will create a folder named downloads within buildout:directory/var/

Next, in order for this folder to be visible from your website and your users to be able to download generated ePubs you’ll need to tell to your zope instances about it:


media-downloads-name = downloads
media-downloads-path = ${buildout:directory}/var/downloads/pdf
media-downloads-temp = ${buildout:directory}/var/downloads/tmp


environment-vars +=
  EEADOWNLOADS_NAME ${buildout:media-downloads-name}
  EEADOWNLOADS_PATH ${buildout:media-downloads-path}
  EEACONVERTER_TEMP ${buildout:media-downloads-temp}

Also, don’t forget to setup


eggs +=
zcml +=

Getting started


From “Add new” menu select “EpubFile” and upload an epub file.


Go to Home page and click on download as ePub icon at the bottom of the page

or directly access http://localhost:8080/Plone/front-page/download.epub

Custom permissions

Custom permissions added by this package

Can download ePub (

Assign this permission to roles that you want to be able to download content as ePub Default: Owner, Manager, Editor

Can customize ePub (eea.epub.customize)

Assign this permission to roles that you want to be able to contextually customize the output ePub look and feel Default: Manager, Site Administrator

Content rules

This package uses Plone Content-rules to notify users by email when an asynchronous ePub job is done. Thus 3 custom content-rules will be added within Plone > Site Setup > Content-rules

ePub export succeeded

Notify the person who requested a ePub export that the ePub successfully exported and provide a link to the downloadable ePub

ePub export failed

Notify the person who requested a ePub export that the ePub export failed.

ePub export failed (admin)

Notify admin that there were issues while exporting ePub

Content rules email string substitution

In order to be able to easily customize emails sent by this package the following custom email template string substitutions can be made


The absolute URL of the Plone object which is downloaded as ePub


Email address of the user that triggered the download as ePub action


Error traceback when download as ePub job fails


Site Admin email address customizable via Plone > Site Setup > Mail


Site Admin name customizable via Plone > Site Setup > Mail


Title of the Plone object which is downloaded as ePub


The absolute URL where the generated output ePub can be downloaded


Download type. Default to EPUB for this package. It is package specific and it can be EPUB, PDF, etc.

Disable ePub export

You have the possibility to temporarily disable dynamic ePub export contextually by adding a static ePub file (or a Python Script, Page Template, etc) within context called action-download-epub. This way /download.epub will return this file instead of generating one based on context data.

Content rules

This package uses Plone Content-rules to notify users by email when an asynchronous ePub job is done. Thus 3 custom content-rules will be added within Plone > Site Setup > Content-rules


  1. BeautifulSoup

  2. Lxml

  3. Plone 4.x


  5. eea.converter

  6. eea.downloads

  7. eea.pdf (optional for advanced themes and asynchronous download)

Live demo

Here some live production demos at EEA (European Environment Agency)


Source code

Latest source code (Plone 4 compatible):

Plone 2 and 3 compatible:


EEA - European Enviroment Agency (EU)


6.5 - (2016-05-19)

  • Bug fix: Fix pylint warnings [chiridra refs #71940]

6.4 - (2016-05-04)

  • Update eea.translations with the latest translation strings - fixed errors in templates [chiridra refs #69753]

6.3 - (2015-08-18)

  • Change: Auto-include zcml within plone context in order to make this package work without having to add it within buildout zcml directive. [avoinea]

6.2 - (2015-03-17)

  • Change: Switched to curl in the jenkins build install script [olimpiurob refs #22402]

  • Change: Changed fetch url for jenkins build install script to the install script from the main EEA CPB repository [olimpiurob refs #22402]

  • Bug fix: Added a way to know if the ePub is being generated even if the async worker is down or the queue is too busy. [voineali refs #23411]

6.1 - (2015-02-27)

  • Bug fix: Fixed validation errors for exported ePubs (epubchecker) [avoinea]

6.0 - (2015-02-25)

  • Upgrade step: I. Within “Plone > Site setup > Add-ons” install “EEA Converter” II. Within Plone > Site setup > Content Rules: 1. Filter by Async PDF Export (fail) and Async PDF Export (success) 2. Disable founded rules 3. Filter by Async Export (fail) and Async Export (success) 4. Update these rules email texts with previous disabled ones (PDF ones) by changing PDF with ${download_type} 5. Delete Async PDF Export (fail) and Async PDF Export (success) related rules [voineali refs #22971]

  • Feature: Added possibility to download documents as ePub asynchronously [voineali refs #22971]

  • Bug fix: fixed UnicodeDecodeError within download.epub template [voineali refs #23338]

5.9 - (2015-02-16)

  • Feature: Added possibility to add a fallback ePub file within context called action-download-epub in order to temporarily stop dynamic ePub generation and statically return this item. [voineali refs #22970]

5.8 - (2015-02-03)

  • Feature: Added “Download as ePub” action also within export_actions category [voineali refs #22686]

5.7 - (2014-09-15)

  • Change: Made accessible from URL [voineali refs #20846]

5.6 - (2014-08-12)

  • Bug fix: fixed tests [ghicaale refs #20451]

5.5 - (2014-08-12)

  • Upgrade step: Assign “Can download ePub” permission to CommonEditor

  • Upgrade step: Within “Plone > Site setup > Add-ons” click on upgrade button available for eea.epub

  • Change: Renamed epub_view to download.epub [voineali refs #20393]

  • Feature: Added “Can download ePub” and “Can customize ePub” permissions [voineali refs #20436]

5.4 - (2014-07-15)

  • Bug fix: Export to epub even if there is no PDF cover set for content-type [voineali refs #20268]

  • Change: Removed collective.sendaspdf dependency [voineali refs #20268]

5.3 - (2014-06-06)

  • Upgrade step: Within “Plone > Site setup > Add-ons” click on upgrade button available for eea.epub [voineali refs #19882]

  • Change: Moved EPUB related images and actions from eea.soercontent package [voineali refs #19882]

5.2 - (2014-01-21)

  • Feature: adding Sphinx-generated documentation in Page Template format [batradav refs #9502]

  • Bug fix: removed wrongly added blockquotes within README.rst [ichim-david refs #18064]

  • Bug fix: Updated old URLs pointing Trac [ghicaale refs #18003]

5.1 - (2013-11-20)

  • Bug fix: links were missing any style [simiamih refs #16799]

5.0 - (2013-10-22)

  • Feature: improved epub - daviz reference, toc, styles, cover [simiamih refs #16799]

4.9 - (2013-10-07)

  • Feature: major export improvements - image files, cover photo, css [simiamih refs #16799]

4.8 - (2013-10-04)

  • Change: updated zope imports with the versions that require minimum Plone 4.1 for eea.epub [ichimdav refs #15651]

4.7 - (2013-06-17)

  • Change: use BeautifulSoup4 instead of deprecated BS 3 [tiberich #14584]

4.6 - (2013-01-15)

  • Upgrade step: Within “Plone > Site setup > Add-ons” click on upgrade button available for eea.epub [ichimdav #9068]

  • Feature: register epubs with application/epub+zip mimetype [ichimdav #9068]

4.5 - (2012-11-22)

  • Upgrade step: Within “Plone > Site setup > Add-ons” click on upgrade button available for eea.epub [ichimdav #3621]

  • Feature: use filename id when creating plone content, cleaning the filename id when it contains illegal characters if boolean property clean_epub_filename is enabled at portal_properties/site_properties [ichimdav #3621]

4.4 - (2012-06-12)

  • Bug fix: fixed markup of HISTORY.txt file [ciobabog refs #5231]

  • Change: Change code in eea.epub to fix translation problem [prospchr refs #5159]

4.3 - (2012-04-26)

  • Feature: import epubs that are not created by Adobe Indesign which have the images and the html pages in separate folder like those created by Sigil [ichimdav #5054]

4.2 - (2012-02-06)

  • no changes

4.1 - (2012-02-06)

  • Bug fix: Added dependencies to [voineali]

4.0-dev - (2011-11-06)

  • Bug fix: proper parsing of html entities by using an html parser instead of an xml one [ichimdav #4523]

  • Bug fix: cleaned spaces defined as &nbsp that can’t be read as xml [ichimdav #4271]

  • Cleanup: fixed all pylint, pyflakes violations [voineali #4121]

  • Feature: added upgrade steps [voineali @4392]

  • Feature: Plone 4.0.4 compatible release [tiberich #4121]

0.6 - (2011-04-07)

  • Bug fix: clean epub import to prevent navigation portlet from miss-behaving [ichimdav #4242]

  • Bug fix: fixes #4242 Removed / clean up, the portlet epub and toc, we can use standard plone nav [demarant]

  • Feature: force documents/chapters not to be renamed after title change [demarant]

0.5 - (2011-03-17)

  • Bug fix: fixed wrong anchors that spanned over paragraphs [ichimdav #4196]

  • Bug fix: added translation domain to ZCML files [voineali #4139]

0.4 - (2011-03-09)

  • Change: cleaned test, added doctypes, fixed pylint violations warnings [ichimdav #4140]

0.3 - (2011-03-01)

  • Change: surpressed error messages with an info status message [ichimdav #3883]

  • Bug fix: fix epub file import [ichimdav #3883]

0.2 - (2010-10-29)

  • Feature: add-to-folder menu item [thuliper #3627]

  • Bug fix: image link fixes [thuliper #3711]

0.1 - (2010-10-11)

  • Initial release

Project details

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