A simple package to interact with the EPFL LDAP
Project description
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<h1 align="center" style="margin:1em">
<h4 align="center">
Python toolkit for EPFL
<p align="center">
<a href="https://travis-ci.org/epfl-idevelop/epfl-ldap">
<img src="https://travis-ci.org/epfl-idevelop/epfl-ldap.svg?branch=master"
## Overview
epfl-ldap is an amazing toolkit that provides basics functionalities to EPFL
* LDAP search
* LDAP authenticate
* etc
## License
[MIT license - Copyright (c) EPFL](./LICENSE)
## Requirements
Python (2.7, 3.5)
## Installation
pip install epfl-ldap
## How test
To run tests locally :
> You must create enviroment variables for authenticate
To run tests with coverage in your current python version :
pytest --cov=epflldap
To run mock tests in all python version :
## How check PEP8
To check if the python code is PEP8 compliant :
flake8 --max-line-length=120
## How to publish a new version
* Update the CHANGELOG.md file
* Update the version of this package. See __init__.py file
* Generate a new distribution
python setup.py sdist
a new *.tar.gz file is created in dist/
* Test this new version
* Push all changes on github (with tests, docs, etc)
* Publish this new version on pypi
twine upload dist/*
- [x] Config flake8 to check PEP8
- [x] Config pytest
- [x] Config pytest with coverage
- [x] Config tox to support many python versions
- [x] Config mock tests
- [x] Config travis CI
- [ ] Write doc and publish it on http://docs.readthedocs.io
- [x] LDAP search
- [x] Define CONSTANTS
- [x] ldap_server = 'ldap.epfl.ch'
- [x] ldap_base = "o=epfl,c=ch"
- [x] User can define environment variable to override constants
- [x] LDAP authenticate
<h1 align="center" style="margin:1em">
<h4 align="center">
Python toolkit for EPFL
<p align="center">
<a href="https://travis-ci.org/epfl-idevelop/epfl-ldap">
<img src="https://travis-ci.org/epfl-idevelop/epfl-ldap.svg?branch=master"
## Overview
epfl-ldap is an amazing toolkit that provides basics functionalities to EPFL
* LDAP search
* LDAP authenticate
* etc
## License
[MIT license - Copyright (c) EPFL](./LICENSE)
## Requirements
Python (2.7, 3.5)
## Installation
pip install epfl-ldap
## How test
To run tests locally :
> You must create enviroment variables for authenticate
To run tests with coverage in your current python version :
pytest --cov=epflldap
To run mock tests in all python version :
## How check PEP8
To check if the python code is PEP8 compliant :
flake8 --max-line-length=120
## How to publish a new version
* Update the CHANGELOG.md file
* Update the version of this package. See __init__.py file
* Generate a new distribution
python setup.py sdist
a new *.tar.gz file is created in dist/
* Test this new version
* Push all changes on github (with tests, docs, etc)
* Publish this new version on pypi
twine upload dist/*
- [x] Config flake8 to check PEP8
- [x] Config pytest
- [x] Config pytest with coverage
- [x] Config tox to support many python versions
- [x] Config mock tests
- [x] Config travis CI
- [ ] Write doc and publish it on http://docs.readthedocs.io
- [x] LDAP search
- [x] Define CONSTANTS
- [x] ldap_server = 'ldap.epfl.ch'
- [x] ldap_base = "o=epfl,c=ch"
- [x] User can define environment variable to override constants
- [x] LDAP authenticate