Application which scans a list of given pids and determines the executing user
Project description
An application which scans a list of given pids and determines the executing user.
Each line on stdout contains the result, either a username or a uid (if –uid is specified, or a username cannot be determined from a uid), or “unknown” on complete failure (like invalid PID).
Error messages are on the same line, but in stderr, such that any script can use the stdout result and simply check for “unknown” instead of needing to parse the errors.
Usage: findProcessOwner (options) [pid1] (optional: pid2, pid3)
Prints the owner (account running) processes, given their pids. They are returned one per line on stdout.
Any errors reported go to stderr. If no owner can be determined, stdout will contain “unknown” for that line.
Thus your program can always ensure parsable output by parsing stdout, one-entry per line, and checking for “unknown”.
If a username can not be determined (like user deleted, or uid changed, etc) a pid will be printed.
--uid Print the UID instead of the username
--version Print the version
findProcessOwner 1234
findProcessOwner --uid 1234 3231
Returns zero if all searches were successful, otherwise non-zero.
Current shell user:
$ myuser
Three processes, two invalid:
$ 12233 unknown (Could not determine owner of pid 12345)
unknown (Could not determine owner of pid 12233)
Three processes, two invalid, stderr nullified:
$ 12233 2>/dev/null unknown