A portlet showing related items, based on the current contexts tags.
Project description
This product gives you a new portlet: The KeywordRelatedPortlet. It shows other content in the site that has the same tags (aka. keywords, aka. Subject) as the current page.
In a buildout, add fourdigits.portlet.keywordrelated to the eggs and re-run buildout.
After restarting your site, got to Site setup, and install the products through the Add-on products form.
Currently the only configuration option is the number of items to show.
The add-on was tested on Plone 4.1. It should work on any Plone version, from Plone 3 upwards.
Future features
In the future, this portlet should allow: * filtering items on content type * influencing the sorting mechanism
Pull requests are most welcome.
Please file any issues with this product at https://github.com/collective/fourdigits.portlet.keywordrelated/issues
0.3 (2014-01-22)
Make tests more comprehensive.
Use Plone’s default portlet layout for items.
Only render the portlet if the context has keywords.
0.2 (2014-01-21)
Documentation update.
0.1 (2014-01-21)
Package created using templer []