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fut is a simple library for managing Fifa Ultimate Team.

Project description

WARNING: I've review requests and this version looks as safe as stable versions for fifa18 but i might have miss something so please be careful.


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fut is a simple library for managing Fifa Ultimate Team.
It is written entirely in Python.

`Click here to get Slack invitation <>`_


Documentation is available at

Players database:

Players database (json):

Consumables database provided by koolaidjones:

.. image::
:height: 100px

`Click here to get Slack invitation <>`_

PHP ported version by InkedCurtis

If You prefer php language, there is ported version made by InkedCurtis:

AutoBuyer GUI

If You're looking for "user friendly" autobuyer take a look at hunterjm's project (dead probably):



Optional parameters:

- code: [string] email/sms code for two-step verification (make sure to use string if your code starts with 0).
- platform: [pc/ps3/ps4/xbox/xbox360] pc default.
- emualte: [and/ios] use this feature to avoid webapp errors (BE WARE IT'S HIGH RISK).
- debug: [True/False] enables debug.
- cookies: [filename] saves cookies after every request and load it from given file when restaring app (just like browser).
- proxies: [dict] http/socks proxies in requests's format
- anticaptcha_client_key: [str] API key for [Anti Captcha]( Requires setting proxies. After you encounter Captcha exception while making a request you should reinitialize Core object (it will relaunch session and enter Captcha).

.. code-block:: python

>>> import fut
>>> session = fut.Core('email', 'password', 'secret answer')

Be sure to set :code:`platform=` to your platform and :code:`sms=True` if you use SMS for 2 Factor Authentication.


Optional parameters:

- min_price: [int] Minimal price.
- max_price: [int] Maximum price.
- min_buy: [int] Minimal buy now price.
- max_buy: [int] Maximum buy now price.
- level: ['bronze'/'silver'/gold'] Card level.
- start: [int] Start page number.
- category: ['fitness'/'?'] Card category.
- assetId: [int] assetId.
- defId: [int] defId.
- league: [int] League id.
- club: [int] Club id.
- position: [int?/str?] Position.
- zone: ['attacker'/'?'] zone.
- nationality: [int] Nation id.
- rare: [boolean] True for searching special cards.
- playStyle: [str?] playStyle.
- page_size: [int] Amount of cards on single page (changing this might be risky).

.. code-block:: python

>>> items = session.searchAuctions('player')


Optional parameters:

- FAST: [boolean] True for skipping trade status & credits check.

.. code-block:: python

>>>['tradeId'], 600)


Optional parameters:

- buy_now: [int] Buy now price.
- duration: [int] Auction duration in seconds (3600 default).

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.sell(item['id'], 150)
Before selling a newly-bought item, you have to send it to the tradpile. :code:`session.sendToTradepile(item_id)`

Quick sell

single item:

.. code-block:: python

>>> item_id = 123456789
>>> session.quickSell(item_id)

multiple items:

.. code-block:: python

>>> item_id = [123456789, 987654321]
>>> session.quickSell(item_id)

Piles (Watchlist / Tradepile / Unassigned / Squad / Club)

.. code-block:: python

>>> items = session.tradepile()
>>> items = session.unassigned()
>>> items = session.squad()
>>> items =, level=10, type=1, start=0)
>>> items = session.clubConsumablesDetails()
>>> session.sendToTradepile(item_id) # add card to tradepile
>>> session.sendToClub(trade_id, item_id) # add card to club
>>> session.sendToWatchlist(trade_id) # add card to watchlist
>>> session.tradepileDelete(trade_id) # removes item from tradepile
>>> session.watchlistDelete(trade_id) # removes item from watch list (you can pass single str/ing or list/tuple of ids - like in quickSell)

>>> session.tradepile_size # tradepile size (slots)
>> len(session.tradepile()) # tradepile fulfilment (number of cards in tradepile)
>>> session.watchlist_size # watchlist size (slots)
>> len(session.watchlist()) # watchlist fulfilment (number of cards in watchlist)


It's cached on every request so if you want the most accurate info call fut.keppalive()

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.credits


Relists all expired cards in tradepile.

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.relist() # relist all expired cards in tradepile

Apply consumable

Apply consumable on player.

- item_id: [int] Player's item_id.
- resource_id: [int] Consumable's resource_id.

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.applyConsumable(item_id, resource_id)

Card stats and definiction IDs

Returns stats and definition IDs for each card variation.

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.searchDefinition(asset_id, start=0, count=35)


Sends keepalive ping and returns current credits amount (you have to make at least one request every ~10 minutes to avoid session expire/logout).

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.keepalive()


Logs out nicely (like clicking on logout button).

.. code-block:: python

>>> session.logout()


Database if fully cached at first invocation so there won't by any additional requests:

.. code-block:: python

>>> fut.nations
>>> fut.leagues
>>> fut.teams
>>> fut.stadiums
>>> fut.players
>>> fut.playstyles

You can access database even without login:

.. code-block:: python

>>> import fut
>>> nations = fut.core.nations()
>>> leagues = fut.core.leagues()
>>> teams = fut.core.teams()
>>> stadiums = fut.core.stadiums()
>>> players = fut.core.players()
>>> playestyles = fut.core.playstyles()

Convert Team/League/Nation/Player id to name

.. code-block:: python

>>> nations[1]
... 'Albania'
>>> leagues[1]
... 'Alka Superliga'
>>> teams[1]
... 'Arsenal'
>>> stadiums[1]
... 'Old Trafford'
>>> players[1]
... {'rating': 88, 'lastname': 'Seaman', 'id': 1, 'firstname': 'David', 'nationality': 14, 'surname': None}
>>> playstyles[250]
... 'BASIC'

Item object (dict) structure

.. code-block:: python

>>> for item in items:
... trade_id = item['tradeId']
... buy_now_price = item['buyNowPrice']
... trade_state = item['tradeState']
... bid_state = item['bidState']
... starting_bid = i['startingBid']
... item_id = i['id']
... timestamp = i['timestamp'] # auction start
... rating = i['rating']
... asset_id = i['assetId']
... resource_id = i['resourceId']
... item_state = i['itemState']
... rareflag = i['rareflag']
... formation = i['formation']
... injury_type = i['injuryType']
... suspension = i['suspension']
... contract = i['contract']
... playStyle = i['playStyle'] # used only for players
... discardValue = i['discardValue']
... itemType = i['itemType']
... owners = i['owners']
... offers = i['offers']
... current_bid = i['currentBid']
... expires = i['expires'] # seconds left

to be continued ;-)


How to report bug/attach logs?

1. enable debug

.. code-block:: python

session = fut.Core('email', 'password', 'secret answer')

2. reproduce error - for example if there is bug when searching market, just search market with enabled debug
3. open fut.log, search for password/login and remove it
4. publish fut.log to help us find root cause of a bug

Getting "requests.exceptions.SSLError:....'' doesn't match ''"?
This is a new error, but here's a temporary fix to try:

1. Re-download the api from github
2. Go into fut/
3. On line 7, change :code:`auth_url = rc['authURL']` to :code:`auth_url = ''`
4. Run `python install`
5. Try your script again
6. **Please report in the Slack channel whether or not this worked!!**


To avoid getting ban take a look at our little discussion/guide thread:

Generally speaking, you should send no more than 500 requests per hour and 5000 requests per day. Be somewhat human. If you encounter a captcha, try to answer/solve it as soon as possible.

Somehow i've sent card to full tradepile and it disappeared

Make space in tradepile and just call one command to restore it:

.. code-block:: python

session.sendToTradepile(-1, id)

I've got card with None tradeId so cannot move/trade it

Make space in tradepile and just call one command to restore it:

.. code-block:: python

session.sendToTradepile(-1, id)

PermissionDenied exceptions raises when trying to sell cards directly from watchlist

The solution is to send the items to Tradepile and offer from there.

CLI examples

.. code-block:: bash

not yet



.. :changelog:


0.4.2 (2018-10-22)

* add missing release_type in auth (possible fix #434)
* fix release_type detection thanks to kmiloflorez2 and kirov #432 #436
* correct page_size/count values (thanks to derSoerrn95 #427)

0.4.1 (2018-10-07)

* add more pinevents (Hub)
* update card_info_url
* bump user agent

0.4.0 (2018-10-06)

* first fifa19 stable release

0.3.11 (2018-04-22)

* simple fixes for futbin and futhead
* add ability to send multiple items to pile (#383)
* correct transfer market status check (#392)
* track the number of requests that have been made (thanks to flipdazed #402)
* fix level value when searching club (thanks to Krato123)
* no more nationalities in players

0.3.10 (2017-12-22)

* sku_a changed into sku_b (#376 thanks to ricklhp7)

0.3.9 (2017-12-18)

* default page_size for search 16->36 (thanks to kirov #360)
* add packs method to list all available packs
* fix multiple item quicksell (thanks to farukuzun #366)

0.3.8 (2017-12-07)

* add support (all credits go to kirov #353)
* add futbinPrice, futheadPrice
* add missing params to club method (#351)
* tidt & taxv moved to compiled_2.js

0.3.7 (2017-12-01)

* allow init with None cookies (fix #345 by kirov)
* fix clubConsumables (#347, #348)
* remove path value check in remoteConfig

0.3.6 (2017-11-12)

* add sbsSetChallenges (thanks to dan-gamble #330)
* readme polish (thanks to syndac)
* add tradepileClear
* add sbsSquad
* add sendToSbs
* add clubConsumables
* correct version param in pinevents
* save token between logins (maybe cookies are not needed?)

0.3.5 (2017-10-26)

* various pinEvents improvements
* remove default buy now price for sell method to avoid mistakes
* add buyPack
* add objectives
* add duplicates list
* add level param to club method
* correct tradeStatus params
* check tradeStatus after selling item like webapp do
* add marketDataMaxPrice & marketDataMinPrice to item data parser

0.3.4 (2017-10-18)

* disable debug info

0.3.3 (2017-10-18)

* correct pin values (#314)

0.3.2 (2017-10-18)

* fix syntax error

0.3.1 (2017-10-18)

* pinEvents: random timestamp with delay & option request before sending data
* add sbsSets
* correct few details (page_size, sleep times etc.) - community work :-)
* rename searchAuctions to search (You can still use searchAuctions)
* fix python2 compatibility (#296)
* correct _ value - all credits go to ricklhp7
* fix sendToWatchlist (jsarasti patch #303)
* proper currentBid check logic (jsarasti patch #303)
* fix squad method (#300)
* fix database (players, nations, leagues, teams, stadiums)
* add balls method (database)
* rewrite searchDefinition (jsarasti work #304)

0.3.0 (2017-10-12)

* initial release for fifa 18
* bump useragent
* add ability to login via sms code or totp authenticator (fully automatic)
* pinEvents

0.2.19 (2017-09-21)

* searchAuctions: add ability to search rare (special) cards #280
* fix addition request to send code (#285)

0.2.18 (2017-05-25)

* do not force log in when not necessary (thanks to xAranaktu #264)
* add missing params, update logic in login (thanks to xAranaktu #266)
* reenable postion parsing & add missing keys in item_data parser (fix #265)
* unify item_data keys for players & consumables
* add playstyles & stadiums
* add missing param sku_a (thanks to rafaelget #259)

0.2.17 (2017-05-20)

* fix #262 searchAuctions && piles returns empty list when no results found
* fix wrong fut version in referer on login (thanks to xAranaktu #263)
* init usermassinfo functionality (thanks to xAranaktu #263)
* add tradingEnabled check on login (thanks to xAranaktu #263)

0.2.16 (2017-05-17)

* fix applyConsumable
* add brokeringSku param for tradepile (thanks to pulkitsharma #259)

0.2.15 (2017-05-04)

* huge performance improvement on database load (skip encoding guess)
* fix baseId version calculation
* core: add clubConsumablesDetails
* core: add applyConsumable

0.2.14 (2017-04-29)

* fix player parser

0.2.13 (2017-04-28)

* fix cardInfo for not a player
* cache database

0.2.12 (2017-04-28)

* proper #255 fix - from now we're going to read whole players db on login

0.2.10 (2017-04-24)

* fix baseId calculation (#255)

0.2.9 (2017-03-07)

* proper #250, #251 fix (thanks to bas85)

0.2.8 (2017-03-06)

* fix login problems, need confirmation (#250)
* bump fifa version in urls & user-agent etc.
* temporary disabled emulate feature, need more info and work (#250)

0.2.7 (2017-01-17)

* fix missing import (#244)

0.2.6 (2017-01-10)

* add (minimum request) delay param (#233)
* add fast param to bid method
* use Unauthorized expcetion (fix #232)

0.2.5 (2016-12-28)

* add timeout (#226)

0.2.4 (2016-12-15)

* proper(?) page_size and start values correction (thanks to rafaelget #220)
* fix fut_home url (thanks to Fanatico1981 #219)

0.2.3 (2016-11-20)

* correct page_size value #216

0.2.2 (2016-10-31)

* add bans wave warning

0.2.1 (2016-10-03)

* fix tradepile/watchlist when consumable in pile (#194)
* fix card info url & bump default year in leagues/teams
* fix credits resetting to 0 on search (thanks to hunterjm #198)

0.2.0 (2016-09-26)

* fifa 17 & dump versions (thanks to rafaelget #192)

0.1.10 (2016-04-30)

* fix python 3 compatibility #183
* bump client version for and/ios (fix #190 thanks to rafaelget)
* bump user-agent and flash version

0.1.9 (2015-12-11)

* bump client version for and/ios
* bump user-agent * flash version

0.1.8 (2015-12-09)

* core: fix #172, fix #176 crash when skuAccessList is empty

0.1.7 (2015-11-30)

* core: fix baseId calculation (thanks to hunterjm #174)

0.1.6 (2015-11-19)

* core: store credits after every call instead of making an additional call out

0.1.5 (2015-11-15)

* core: fix club (thanks to hunterjm #169)

0.1.4 (2015-10-29)

* core: fix itemParse (thanks to hunterjm #163)

0.1.3 (2015-10-28)

* core: bump clientversion for android/ios emulation
* core: add tradeStatus (thanks to hunterjm #161)
* exceptions: add code, reason, string to FutError

0.1.2 (2015-09-28)

* core: fix baseId calculation
* support app authentication (#147)

0.1.1 (2015-09-19)

* fix for ps/xbox

0.1.0 (2015-09-17)

* fifa 16
* core: update credits only on demand
* config: update user-agent (chrome 45 @ win10)

0.0.24 (2015-02-11)

* core: fix #135 type conversion in quickSell & watchlistDelete
* core: rename parameter squad_num to squad_id

0.0.23 (2015-02-09)

* urls: fix #131
* Captcha exception got img & token parameter
* core: add logout
* core: quickSell & watchlistDelete accepts now int/str or tuple/list with multiple ids
* urls: enable ssl for all urls
* core & urls: add timestamp dynamically (just right before every request)

0.0.22 (2014-12-28)

* setup: fix manifest
* core: save session if code is not provided but required

0.0.21 (2014-12-13)

* two-step verification
* fix cookies parameter not working (#99)
* core: use LWPCookieJar instead of pickle
* core: fix logging in __sendToPile__

0.0.20 (2014-10-19)

* fix typo

0.0.19 (2014-10-19)

* core: update old fut14 urls
* core: add cookies feature (save cookies after every request and load it when restaring app like browser)
* core: add saveSession, searchDefinition
* core: log sendToPile action

0.0.18 (2014-10-01)

* core: add methods to list and delete available messages (thanks to jamslater)
* core: rework base id from resource id calculation, use new constant (thanks to jamslater)
* core: update android * ios clientVersion (9->11)

0.0.17 (2014-09-22)

* rename project (fut14->fut)
* fut15 (drop support for fifa 14)

0.0.16 (2014-08-31)

* #76 fix buying (thanks to arthurnn)

0.0.15 (2014-08-29)

* add new exceptions: doLoginFail, MaxSessions, Captcha
* add changelog
* NullHandler is default logging handler
* core: bump clientVersion (8->9)

0.0.14 (2014-07-06)

* core: relist returns number of delted/sold if clean parameter was set
* add new exception FeatureDisabled
* core: add emulate
* core: add stats
* core: add clubInfo

0.0.13 (2014-04-19)

* core: add sendToWatchlist

0.0.12 (2014-02-23)

* exceptions: add Unauthorized & MultipleSession
* fix quicksell

0.0.11 (2014-02-15)

* fix logger
* is now executable

0.0.10 (2014-02-15)

* core: add clean ability to relist (remove sold cards)
* core: keepalive returns credit amount

0.0.9 (2014-01-26)

* fix relist

0.0.8 (2014-01-26)

* add new exception Conflict
* init docs
* core: add relist
* core: add sendToClub

0.0.7 (2014-01-13)

* add few exceptions

0.0.6 (2013-12-30)

* core: add DEBUG feature
* add multiplatform support (xbox/ps3/and/ios)

0.0.5 (2013-12-23)

* core: add assetId param to searchAuction method
* core: add pileSize
* core: add leagueId to item data parser

0.0.4 (2013-11-10)

* convert lowercase function/method names to mixedCase (send_to_tradepile -> sendToTradepile)
* drop python-2.5 (requests)
* core: python 3 support

0.0.3 (2013-10-25)

* core: move requests session init & headers from login to init
* core: update credits on every request (only if it is avaible included in response)

0.0.2 (2013-10-17)

* core: add watchlist
* core: add card_info function
* core: add alias for base_id & card_info

0.0.1 (2013-10-15)

* init

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