Provides maildir like access to files
Project description
The filestore is an easy way to to process files with multiple processes without needing locks.
Initialize a FileStore
Create a filestore in a temporary area:
>>> import tempfile, os >>> temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() >>> store_dir = os.path.join(temp_dir, 'store1') >>> os.mkdir(store_dir) >>> from gocept.filestore import FileStore >>> filestore = FileStore(store_dir) >>> filestore <gocept.filestore.filestore.FileStore object at 0x...>
So far nothing has happend:
>>> import os >>> os.listdir(store_dir) []
Before using the store we need to prepare it:
>>> filestore.prepare()
Prepare has created the tmp/new/cur directory structure:
>>> sorted(os.listdir(store_dir)) ['cur', 'new', 'tmp']
Calling prepare again does nothing:
>>> filestore.prepare() >>> sorted(os.listdir(store_dir)) ['cur', 'new', 'tmp']
If the store_dir is removed, it is created again by calling prepare.
>>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(store_dir) >>> os.listdir(temp_dir) [] >>> filestore.prepare() >>> os.listdir(temp_dir) ['store1'] >>> sorted(os.listdir(store_dir)) ['cur', 'new', 'tmp']
Use a FileStore
Adding files to the store works with the create method:
>>> f = filestore.create('a-file')
Files are created in the ‘tmp’ area with the ‘w’ mode (if not specified):
>>> '.../tmp/a-file' >>> f.mode 'w'
We find the file in the tmp area. Note that filestore.list lists files with their full path names, so we could feed the name directly to file/open:
>>> filestore.list('tmp') ['.../tmp/a-file']
We got a plain file back, so write to it:
>>> _ = f.write('Die Ente bleibt draussen!') >>> f.close()
We have finished writing our file, so we can move it to the new space for other applications to pick it up:
>>> filestore.move('a-file', 'tmp', 'new') >>> filestore.list('tmp') [] >>> filestore.list('new') ['.../new/a-file']
The move operation uses os.move which is supposed to be atomic. When another processes “sees” the file it can directly work with it and move it to ‘cur’:
>>> filestore.move('a-file', 'new', 'cur') >>> filestore.list('new') [] >>> filestore.list('cur') ['.../cur/a-file']
Files can be copied, too:
>>> filestore.copy('a-file', 'cur', 'tmp') >>> filestore.list('cur') ['.../cur/a-file'] >>> filestore.list('tmp') ['.../tmp/a-file']
Finally, files can be removed:
>>> filestore.remove('a-file', 'cur') >>> filestore.list('cur') []
Remove the temporary directory after testing:
>>> import shutil >>> shutil.rmtree(store_dir)
1.0 (2023-07-14)
Drop support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6.
0.5 (2023-03-16)
Add support for Python 3,9, 3.10, 3.11.
Use GitHub actions as CI.
0.4 (2019-11-29)
Migrate repository to Bitbucket.
Migrate repository to GitHub.
Made Python 3 compatible (tested with Python 2.7, 3.7 and 3.8).
Replace bootstrap/buildout with tox.
Increase test coverage to 100%.
0.3 (2009-10-08)
Added copy() method.
0.2 (2007-08-30)
Initial public release.