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Parsing library for extracting data frames of genomic features from GTF files

Project description

Coverage Status PyPI


Parsing tools for GTF (gene transfer format) files.

Example usage

Parsing all rows of a GTF file into a Pandas DataFrame

from gtfparse import read_gtf

# returns GTF with essential columns such as "feature", "seqname", "start", "end"
# alongside the names of any optional keys which appeared in the attribute column
df = read_gtf("gene_annotations.gtf")

# filter DataFrame to gene entries on chrY
df_genes = df[df["feature"] == "gene"]
df_genes_chrY = df_genes[df_genes["seqname"] == "Y"]

Getting gene FPKM values from a StringTie GTF file

from gtfparse import read_gtf

df = read_gtf(
    column_converters={"FPKM": float})

gene_fpkms = {
    gene_name: fpkm
    for (gene_name, fpkm, feature)
    in zip(df["seqname"], df["FPKM"], df["feature"])
    if feature == "gene"

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