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Make ZIM file from Gutenberg books

Project description

A scraper that downloads the whole repository of [Project Gutenberg] ( and puts it into a locally browsable directory and then in a ZIM file (, a clean and user friendly format for storing content for offline usage.



python-pip python-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev advancecomp jpegoptim pngquant p7zip-full gifsicle


brew install advancecomp jpegoptim pngquant p7zip gifsicle



By default (no argument), it runs all the steps: download, parse, export and zim.

-h --help                       Display this help message
-y --wipe-db                    Do not wipe the DB during parse stage
-F --force                      Redo step even if target already exist

-l --languages=<list>           Comma-separated list of lang codes to filter export to (preferably ISO 639-1, else ISO 639-3)
-f --formats=<list>             Comma-separated list of formats to filter export to (epub, html, pdf, all)

-m --mirror=<url>               Use URL as base for all downloads.
-r --rdf-folder=<folder>        Don't download rdf-files.tar.bz2 and use extracted folder instead
-e --static-folder=<folder>     Use-as/Write-to this folder static HTML
-z --zim-file=<file>            Write ZIM into this file path
-t --zim-title=<title>          Set ZIM title
-n --zim-desc=<description>     Set ZIM description
-d --dl-folder=<folder>         Folder to use/write-to downloaded ebooks
-u --rdf-url=<url>              Alternative rdf-files.tar.bz2 URL
-b --books=<ids>                Execute the processes for specific books, separated by commas, or dashes for intervals
-c --concurrency=<nb>           Number of concurrent process for download and parsing tasks

-x --zim-title=<title>          Custom title for the ZIM file
-q --zim-desc=<desc>            Custom description for the ZIM file

--check                         Check dependencies
--prepare                       Download & extract rdf-files.tar.bz2
--parse                         Parse all RDF files and fill-up the DB
--download                      Download ebooks based on filters
--export                        Export downloaded content to zim-friendly static HTML
--dev                           Exports *just* Home+JS+CSS files (overwritten by --zim step)
--zim                           Create a ZIM file

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