pip install handi
Latest version
legacy commands & utils
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author: gustav0125
- Tags utility
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Natural Language
- Operating System
- Programming Language
Project description
Legacy Commands & Utilities
$ pip install -U handi
- Basic Utility
- [public ip]$ pubip$[private ip]$ prvip$[wifi password]$ sudo wifipass$ /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/My-Office:psk=12345678…[gps]$ gps$ [22.7702, 112.9578][timer]$ timer cp 1.iso ../$ 3 seconds[encode]$ encode [string]$ encode 12345678$ 3132333435363738[decode]$ decode [string]$ decode 3132333435363738$ 12345678[encrypt]$ encrypt [string] [password]$ encrypt “Nothing is Unlimited.” 12345678$ gAAAAABeIA9OWhfmu6U97CoCdKj0LctEHfs4biG3ts-XULYPR98p1nQ6XKGmW-7D3wIGAWiTvtN73heuO7L7-QLwQZJtPv9qD_kCcofBfJ6UJ–pKcQ8tqY=[decrypt]$ decrypt [string] [password]$ decrypt gAAAAABeIA9OWhfmu6U97CoCdKj0LctEHfs4biG3ts-XULYPR98p1nQ6XKGmW-7D3wIGAWiTvtN73heuO7L7-QLwQZJtPv9qD_kCcofBfJ6UJ–pKcQ8tqY= 12345678$ Nothing is Unlimited.[strong remove]$ srm [repeats] [filename]$ srm 15 accounts.txt[shutdonw]$ boo[terminal clear]$ cls[replace]$ repl [fromstr] [tostr] [path1] [path2] …$ repl junying frank accounts.txt[statistics]$ hash>>hitscommand1/usr/bin/which1/usr/local/bin/ipinfo4/usr/local/bin/version1/usr/local/bin/prvip6/usr/local/bin/timer3/usr/local/bin/srm2/usr/local/bin/oneline1/usr/local/bin/sumup1/bin/rm1/usr/bin/vim1/usr/local/bin/cls1/usr/bin/touch1/usr/bin/sudo1/usr/local/bin/rmlnno11/usr/local/bin/mac1/usr/local/bin/printkey3/bin/ls1/usr/local/bin/gps
- Code Management
- [totalines]$ totalines [ext1] [ext2] …$ totalines py go cpp h java$ 124535[git commit]$ commit
- Text Handling
- [findstr]$ findstr [keystring] [path][column]$ echo Time Machine|column 2$ Machine[row]$ cat accounts.txt|row 2$ frank 9980[sumup]$ sumup [filename]$ cat accounts.txt|column 2|sumup$ 1199899.0125[fromstr]$ fromstr [startmark] [string]$ echo Nothing Lasts.|fromstr “Nothing “$ Lasts.[endstr]$ endstr [endstring] [string]$ echo Nothing lasts.||endstr .$ Nothing Lasts[excludestr]$ excludestr [excludestring1]$ echo abcdEFG|excludestr EFG$ abcd[lenstr]$ lenstr [string]$ lenstr 123456789$ 9[upperstr]$ upperstr [string]$ upperstr gustavKo$ GUSTAVKO[lowerstr]$ lowerstr [string]$ lowerstr ABcD$ abcd[linecount]$ linecount [filename]$ linecount accounts.list$ 14273[concastr]$ concatstr [juncword] [filepath]$ concatstr , 1 2 3 4 5$ 1,2,3,4,5[delete specific lines in file]$ deline [keystring] [filename]$ deline junying accounts.txt
- JSON Handling
- $ chkey [keyname] [inpath]$ delkey [key] [inpath] [outpath]$ findkey [keyname] [inpath]$ printkey [keyname] [inpath] [subkey1] [subkey2]$ replconfval [filepath] [keystring] [findstr] [replacestr] [seperator]$ replconfkey [keystring] [filepath] [quotechar] [replacestring/replacefile]$ rmempty [inpath] [outpath]
MIT License <https://choosealicense.com/licenses/mit>
Project details
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: MIT License (MIT)
- Author: gustav0125
- Tags utility
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Natural Language
- Operating System
- Programming Language
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
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Details for the file handi-
File metadata
- Download URL: handi-
- Upload date:
- Size: 70.6 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: Python-urllib/3.6
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | de12eca847f649ec382e46317ee04bba2c8f1c133112c429f4088984ad4ae7aa |
MD5 | 38d7f46ccafd293f87469ba194c9ed35 |
BLAKE2b-256 | a4ec57b687c9aee51445737588efe1d3db3e0d3470de042979267660157af887 |