Module to create heatmaps
Project description
heatmap 1.0
Build heatmaps in python. Requires the Python Imaging Library.
Minimal example in examples/ Full readme at
- 2.2.1 - 11 Jan 12
pip install bugfix. sorry pip folks! thanks to Jordi Llonch again for the bugfix
bugfix in the area parameter for non-square areas; thanks to
- 2.2 - 2 Oct 12
modifed API to return Image instance; caller must specify filename
restructured project layout to be more standardized
many thanks to Jordi Llonch (, for the pull request
- 2.1.1 - 27 Sep 12
added install support for cygwin
fixed gross omission of KML output
fixed bug in min computation with negative values
- 2.1 - 20 Sep 12
fixed bug that flipped x/y coordinates - thanks to Curt Hartung for the find and fix
added area parameter to allow caller to specify data bounds - thanks to Alex Little for the design.
various small cleanups
- 2.0 - 17 Sep 12
moved heavy lifting into C module. Compiles on POSIX systems, pre-compiled DLLs provided for x86 and x64 Windows systems.
- 1.1 - 31 Jan 10
modified _colorize() to not use putpixel; reduced processing time for 1024x1024 image from 14s to 5s
- 1.0
Initial release