Basic functions for sending notifications via HipChat API (v2)
Project description
HipChat Notifications
This is a very simple library for sending user and room notifications to HipChat via their v2 API.
It contains a couple of generic functions for sending messages to rooms and users within HipChat.
>>> hipchat.notify_room('Customer Service', 'This is a message')
>>> hipchat.notify_user('hugo', 'Hello, Hugo')
It includes some colour-specific helpers for room-only notifications:
>>>'Customer service', 'This is a green message')
The functions support the message_format values:
html - Message is rendered as HTML and receives no special treatment. Must be valid HTML and entities must be escaped (e.g.: ‘&’ instead of ‘&’). May contain basic tags: a, b, i, strong, em, br, img, pre, code, lists, tables.
text - Message is treated just like a message sent by a user. Can include @mentions, emoticons, pastes, and auto-detected URLs (Twitter, YouTube, images, etc).
>>>'Customer service', 'Hello @fred', message_format='text')
The color, notify and from parameters are also supported (from is passed as a kwarg called label):
>>> notify_room(
... 'customer service',
... 'Hey there @Tony',
... color='red',
... label='baz',
... notify=True,
... message_format='text'
... )
The following settings are read from the environment using os.getenv
A valid API access token. See the API docs for details on how to generate a token. (Hint: the easiest way is to use a “Personal access token” generated through the site.)
If there is no token set in the environment the notifications will be logged using the ‘hipchat’ logger, with a DEBUG level.
The library is available on PyPI as ‘hipchat_notifications’.
The tests can be run using tox:
$ tox
Hugo Rodger-Brown - @hugorodgerbrown
Roberto Salgado - @droberin