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Python client for interacting with IBM Cloud Data Engine service

Project description


Allows you to run SQL statements in the IBM Cloud on data stored on object storage::

Building and testing the library locally

Set up Python environment

Run source ./ which creates and activates a clean virtual Python environment. It uses Python 2.7 by default. Adapt line 2 inside the script if you want a different version.

Install the local code in your Python environment

Run ./

Test the library locally

  1. Create a file ibmcloudsql/ with the following three lines and your according properties:
apikey='<your IBM Cloud API key>'
instance_crn='<your Data Engine instance CRN>'
result_location='<COS URI of default result location for your SQL result sets>'

see details in the template file

  1. Run python ibmcloudsql/

Packaging and publishing distribution

  1. Make sure to increase version=... in before creating a new package.
  2. Run It will prompt for user and password that must be authorized for package ibmcloudsql on

Example usage

import ibmcloudsql
my_ibmcloud_apikey = '<your api key here>'
my_instance_crn='<your ibm cloud Data Engine instance CRN here>'
my_target_cos_url='<Cloud Object Storage URL for the SQL result target. Format: cos://<endpoint>/<bucket>/[<prefix>]>'
sqlClient = SQLQuery(my_ibmcloud_apikey, my_instance_crn)
sqlClient.run_sql('SELECT * FROM cos://us-geo/sql/orders.parquet STORED AS PARQUET LIMIT 5 INTO {} STORED AS CSV'.format(my_target_cos_url)).head()

Demo notebook

You can use IBM Watson Studio with the following demo notebook that shows some elaborate examples of using various aspects of ibmcloudsql.

SQLQuery method list

  • SQLQuery(api_key, instance_crn, target_cos_url=None, token=None, client_info='') Constructor
  • logon(force=False, token=None) Needs to be called before any other method below. It exchanges the api_key set at initialization for a temporary oauth token. The invocation is a No-Op if previous logon is less than 5 minutes ago. You can force logon anyway with optional paramater force=True. When you have inititialized the client without an api_key but instead specified a custom token then you can specify a fresh `token to logon method to update the client with that.
  • submit_sql(sql_text, pagesize=None) Returns jobIdas string. Optional pagesize parameter (in rows) for paginated result objects.
  • wait_for_job(jobId) Waits for job to end and returns job completion state (either completed or failed)
  • get_result(jobId, pagenumber=None) returns SQL result data frame for entire result or for specified page of results.
  • list_results(jobId) Returns a data frame with the list of result objects written
  • delete_result(jobId) Deletes all result set objects in cloud object storage for the given jobId
  • rename_exact_result(jobId) Renames single partitioned query result to exact single object name without folder hierarchy.
  • get_job(jobId) Returns details for the given SQL job as a json object
  • get_jobs() Returns the list of recent 30 submitted SQL jobs with all details as a data frame
  • run_sql(sql_text) Compound method that calls submit_sql, wait_for_job and wait_for_job in sequenceA
  • sql_ui_link() Returns browser link for Data Engine web console for currently configured instance
  • get_cos_summary(cos_url) Returns summary for stored number of objects and volume for a given cos url as a json
  • list_cos_objects(cos_url) Returns a data frame with the list of objects found in the given cos url
  • export_job_history(cos_url) Exports new jobs as parquet file to the given cos_url.
  • export_tags_for_cos_objects(cos_url, export_target_cos_file) Exports all objects as a parquet file to the given cos_url that have tags configured along with the value for each tag.


  • RateLimitedException(message) raised when jobs can't be submitted due to 429 / Plan limit for concurrent queries has been reached

Constructor options

  • api_key: IAM API key. When this parameter is set to None then you must specify an own valid IAM otauth token in the parameter token.
  • instance_crn: Data Engine instance CRN identifier
  • target_cos_url: Optional default target URL. Don't use when you want to provide target URL in SQL statement text.
  • token: Optional custom IAM oauth token. When you specify this then you must set api_key parameter to None.
  • client_info: Optional string to identify your client application in IBM Cloud for PD reasons.
  • max_tries: Optional integer to specify maximum attempts when dealing with request rate limit. Default value is 1, which means it will through exception RateLimitedException when response status code is 429. It will enable exponential backoff when specifying any positive number greater than 1. For instance, given max_tries=5, assuming it will get response status code 429 for 4 times until the 5th attempt will get response status code 201, the wait time will be 2s, 4s, 8s and 16s for each attempts.


Data Engine Python SDK does not support Pyinstaller.

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