A tool for monitoring and logging the temperature from a TEMPer USB Thermometer
Project description
A Python web app which displays the temperature from a TEMPer USB device.
Install by executing python setup.py install
You should get a script called in-glass in /usr/local/bin/
Connect your USB TEMPer thermometer to a USB port on your computer
Run sudo in-glass and visit []( in your favorite browser.
You MUST run with sudo for the script to be able to access the USB device from the kernel.
For a JSON output, append /json to the URL. /json returns celsius and fahrenheit values for each device.
[Flask](https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask), a cool micro-framework thing.
[temper-python/temperusb](https://github.com/padelt/temper-python), a Python library which reads values from the TEMPer thermometer.