Client for the Landscape API (Python 3)
Project description
Landscape API (Python 3)
Client for the Landscape API (Python 3)
Free software: MIT license
easy installation from PyPI (you can use pipenv, pip, pipex, Chocolatey, …)
working on Windows (pipx create landscape-api.exe shim)
working with Python>=v3.5 (easily from landscape_api_py3.base import API)
for quick use can be installed with pipx install landscape_api_py3
Quick start
Check if you have installed Python v3.5 and above.
To install Landscape API (Python 3), run this command in your terminal:
On Linux:
$ pip install landscape-api-py3
$ python -m landscape-api --uri https://your-uri-to-ls-api/api --key <your API key> --secret <your API secret> --json get-computers --limit 1
On Windows:
C:\> pip install landscape-api-py3
C:\> python -m landscape-api --uri https://your-uri-to-ls-api/api --key <your API key> --secret <your API secret> --json get-computers --limit 1
or you can use pipx (virtual environment will be created automatically):
On Linux:
$ pip install --user pipx
$ pipx ensurepath
$ exec $SHELL # Restart your shell to reload PATH
$ pipx install landscape-api-py3
$ landscape-api --uri https://your-uri-to-ls-api/api --key <your API key> --secret <your API secret> --json get-computers --limit 1
On Windows:
C:\> pip install --user pipx
C:\> pipx ensurepath
C:\> REM Restart console window to reload PATH
C:\> pipx install landscape-api-py3
C:\> landscape-api --uri https://your-uri-to-ls-api/api --key <your API key> --secret <your API secret> --json get-computers --limit 1
Known issues
none (issues with dependencies resolved in v0.3.0)
Based on package landscape-api from Canonical Ltd. This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.
v0.7.1 (2021-01-27)
fixed documentation
v0.7.0 (2021-01-27)
fix #245: CreateScript endpoint raises exception (solution suggested and tested)
fix #246: CreateScriptAttachment endpoint raises exception (solution suggested and tested)
minor format change
add pyproject.toml
v0.6.1 (2020-06-17)
fix #19
minor updates
v0.5.0 (2020-06-11)
added support for Python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and above
fixed minor bugs
updated documentation (Installation, Usage, Quick start)
v0.4.2 (2020-06-10)
fixed documentation import bug
fixed default CA cert bug
v0.4.1 (2020-06-10)
fixed bug with imports - now it’s compatible with Canonical landscape-api
v0.3.5 (2020-06-10)
minor fixes
v0.3.4 (2020-06-09)
replaced pycurl –> requests
v0.2.0alpha (2020-06-08) - First pre-release of landscape-api package
🎉 first ALPHA non-production version release of landscape-api ported to Python v3.8
Known issues (v0.2.0alpha):
on Windows download CA certificate file from and use –ssl-ca-file or LANDSCAPE_API_SSL_CA_FILE (see Landscape API documentation here)
on Linux depends on gnutls and libssl (require pycurl package for installation)
Before installation of the package (v0.2.0alpha):
on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) use sudo apt-get install -y libgnutls-dev
on Ubuntu 20.04 (Focal Fossa) use sudo apt-get install -y libgnutls28-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev
on Windows 10 simply use pipx install landscape_api_py3
0.1.3 (2020-06-07)
first release on PyPI