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Media Cloud API Client Library

Project description

MediaCloud Python API Client

This is a python client for accessing the MediaCloud API v4. This allows you to perform cross-platform searches and also browse our collection/source/feed directory.

pylint pytest GitHub license


First sign up for an API key. Then

pip install mediacloud

Check for a detailed history of changes.


Take a look at the test in the mediacloud/test/ module for more detailed examples.

Count Stories Matching a Query

import mediacloud.api
mc_search = mediacloud.api.SearchApi(YOUR_MC_API_KEY)
all_stories = []
pagination_token = None
more_stories = True
while more_stories:
    page, pagination_token = mc_search.story_list('robots', start_date= , end_date= collection_ids=[US_NATIONAL_COLLECTION])
    all_stories += page
    more_stories = pagination_token is not None
print(f"Retrived {len(all_stories)} matching stories")

Page Through Stories Matching a Query

import mediacloud.api
mc_search = mediacloud.api.SearchApi(YOUR_MC_API_KEY)
all_stories = []
pagination_token = None
more_stories = True
while more_stories:
    page, pagination_token = mc_search.story_list('modi AND biden', collection_ids=[INDIA_NATIONAL_COLLECTION],
    all_stories += page
    more_stories = pagination_token is not None
print(f"Retrived {len(all_stories)} matching stories")

Fetch all Sources in a Collection

import mediacloud.api
SOURCES_PER_PAGE = 100  # the number of sources retrieved per page
mc_directory = mediacloud.api.DirectoryApi(YOUR_MC_API_KEY)
sources = []
offset = 0   # offset for paging through
while True:
    # grab a page of sources in the collection
    response = mc_directory.source_list(collection_id=INDIA_NATIONAL_COLLECTION, limit=SOURCES_PER_PAGE, offset=offset)
    # add it to our running list of all the sources in the collection
    sources += response['results']
    # if there is no next page then we're done so bail out
    if response['next'] is None:
    # otherwise setup to fetch the next page of sources
    offset += len(response['results'])
print("India National Collection has {} sources".format(len(sources)))


If you are interested in adding code to this module, first clone the GitHub repository.


  • flit install
  • pre-commit install



Distributing a New Version

  1. Run pytest to make sure all the test pass
  2. Update the version number in pyproject.toml
  3. Make a brief note in the about what changes
  4. Commit changes, and tag comimt with version number
  5. Push to main

Supported by

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