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A hack on top of fissix (lib2to3 fork) for modernizing code for hybrid codebases.

Project description

Python           _              _
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This library is a very thin wrapper around fissix, a fork of lib2to3, to utilize it to make Python 2 code more modern with the intention of eventually porting it over to Python 3.

The python -m modernize command works like python -m fissix, see fissix. Here’s how you’d rewrite a single file:

python -m modernize -w

It does not guarantee, but it attempts to spit out a codebase compatible with Python 2.6+ or Python 3. The code that it generates has a runtime dependency on six, unless the --no-six option is used. Version 1.9.0 or later of six is recommended. Some of the fixers output code that is not compatible with Python 2.5 or lower.


See the LICENSE file for the license of modernize. Using this tool does not affect licensing of the modernized code.

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