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Sort lists naturally

Project description

Natural sorting for python. natsort requires python version 2.6 or greater (this includes python 3.x). To run version 2.6, 3.0, or 3.1 the argparse module is required.

natsort comes with a shell script that is described below. You can also execute natsort from the command line with python -m natsort.

There exists another natural sorting package for python called naturalsort. You may prefer this package if you wish to only sort version numbers.

Problem Statement

When you try to sort a list of strings that contain numbers, the normal python sort algorithm sorts lexicographically, so you might not get the results that you expect:

>>> a = ['a2', 'a9', 'a1', 'a4', 'a10']
>>> sorted(a)
['a1', 'a10', 'a2', 'a4', 'a9']

Notice that it has the order (‘1’, ‘10’, ‘2’) - this is because the list is being sorted in lexicographical order, which sorts numbers like you would letters (i.e. ‘a’, ‘at’, ‘b’). It would be better if you had a sorting algorithm that recognized numbers as numbers and treated them like numbers, not letters.

This is where natsort comes in: it provides a key that helps sort lists “naturally”. It provides support for ints and floats (including negatives and exponential notation) that you can turn off to support sorting version numbers.


Using natsort is simple:

>>> from natsort import natsorted
>>> a = ['a2', 'a9', 'a1', 'a4', 'a10']
>>> natsorted(a)
['a1', 'a2', 'a4', 'a9', 'a10']

natsort identifies the numbers and sorts them separately from strings.

You can also mix and match int, float, and str (or unicode) types when you sort:

>>> a = ['4.5', 6, 2.3, '5', 'a']
>>> natsorted(a)
[2.3, '4.5', '5', 6, 'a']
>>> # On Python 2, sorted(a) would return [2.3, 6, '4.5', '5', 'a']
>>> # On Python 3, sorted(a) would raise an "unorderable types" TypeError

The natsort algorithm will recursively descend into lists of lists so you can sort by the sublist contents:

>>> data = [['a1', 'a5'], ['a1', 'a40'], ['a10', 'a1'], ['a2', 'a5']]
>>> sorted(data)
[['a1', 'a40'], ['a1', 'a5'], ['a10', 'a1'], ['a2', 'a5']]
>>> natsorted(data)
[['a1', 'a5'], ['a1', 'a40'], ['a2', 'a5'], ['a10', 'a1']]

The Sorting Algorithms

Sometimes you want to sort by floats, sometimes by ints, and sometimes simply by digits. natsort supports all three number types. They can be chosen with the number_type argument to natsorted.

Sort by floats

By default, natsort searches for floats (even in exponential notation!). This means that it will look for things like negative signs and decimal points when determining a number:

>>> a = ['a50', 'a51.', 'a50.4', 'a5.034e1', 'a50.300']
>>> sorted(a)
['a5.034e1', 'a50', 'a50.300', 'a50.4', 'a51.']
>>> natsorted(a, number_type=float)
['a50', 'a50.300', 'a5.034e1', 'a50.4', 'a51.']
>>> natsorted(a) # Float is the default behavior
['a50', 'a50.300', 'a5.034e1', 'a50.4', 'a51.']

Sort by ints

In some cases you don’t want natsort to identify your numbers as floats, particularly if you are sorting version numbers. This is because you want the version ‘1.10’ to come after ‘1.2’, not before. In that case, it is advantageous to sort by ints, not floats:

>>> a = ['ver1.9.9a', 'ver1.11', 'ver1.9.9b', 'ver1.11.4', 'ver1.10.1']
>>> sorted(a)
['ver1.10.1', 'ver1.11', 'ver1.11.4', 'ver1.9.9a', 'ver1.9.9b']
>>> natsorted(a)
['ver1.10.1', 'ver1.11', 'ver1.11.4', 'ver1.9.9a', 'ver1.9.9b']
>>> natsorted(a, number_type=int)
['ver1.9.9a', 'ver1.9.9b', 'ver1.10.1', 'ver1.11', 'ver1.11.4']

Sort by digits (best for version numbers)

The only difference between sorting by ints and sorting by digits is that sorting by ints may take into account a negative sign, and sorting by digits will not. This may be an issue if you used a ‘-’ as your separator before the version numbers. Essentially this is a shortcut for a number type of int and the signed option of False:

>>> a = ['ver-2.9.9a', 'ver-1.11', 'ver-2.9.9b', 'ver-1.11.4', 'ver-1.10.1']
>>> natsorted(a, number_type=int)
['ver-2.9.9a', 'ver-2.9.9b', 'ver-1.10.1', 'ver-1.11', 'ver-1.11.4']
>>> natsorted(a, number_type=None)
['ver-1.10.1', 'ver-1.11', 'ver-1.11.4', 'ver-2.9.9a', 'ver-2.9.9b']

Using a sorting key

Like the built-in sorted function, natsorted can accept a key so that you can sort based on a particular item of a list or by an attribute of a class:

>>> from operator import attrgetter, itemgetter
>>> a = [['num4', 'b'], ['num8', 'c'], ['num2', 'a']]
>>> natsorted(a, key=itemgetter(0))
[['num2', 'a'], ['num4', 'b'], ['num8', 'c']]
>>> class Foo:
...    def __init__(self, bar):
... = bar
...    def __repr__(self):
...        return "Foo('{0}')".format(
>>> b = [Foo('num3'), Foo('num5'), Foo('num2')]
>>> natsorted(b, key=attrgetter('bar'))
[Foo('num2'), Foo('num3'), Foo('num5')]


The natsort package provides three functions: natsort_key, natsorted, and index_natsorted.


natsort.natsorted (sequence, key = lambda x: x, number_type = float, signed = True, exp = True)

sequence (iterable)

The sequence to sort.

key (function)

A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence.

number_type (None, float, int)

The types of number to sort by: float searches for floating point numbers, int searches for integers, and None searches for digits (like integers but does not take into account negative sign). None is a shortcut for number_type = int and signed = False.

signed (True, False)

By default a ‘+’ or ‘-’ before a number is taken to be the sign of the number. If signed is False, any ‘+’ or ‘-’ will not be considered to be part of the number, but as part of the string.

exp (True, False)

This option only applies to number_type = float. If exp = True, a string like "3.5e5" will be interpreted as 350000, i.e. the exponential part is considered to be part of the number. If exp = False, "3.5e5" is interpreted as (3.5, "e", 5). The default behavior is exp = True.


The sorted sequence.

Use natsorted just like the builtin sorted:

>>> from natsort import natsorted
>>> a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
>>> natsorted(a)
['num2', 'num3', 'num5']


natsort.natsort_key (value, number_type = float, signed = True, exp = True)


The value used by the sorting algorithm

number_type (None, float, int)

The types of number to sort on: float searches for floating point numbers, int searches for integers, and None searches for digits (like integers but does not take into account negative sign). None is a shortcut for number_type = int and signed = False.

signed (True, False)

By default a ‘+’ or ‘-’ before a number is taken to be the sign of the number. If signed is False, any ‘+’ or ‘-’ will not be considered to be part of the number, but as part part of the string.

exp (True, False)

This option only applies to number_type = float. If exp = True, a string like "3.5e5" will be interpreted as 350000, i.e. the exponential part is considered to be part of the number. If exp = False, "3.5e5" is interpreted as (3.5, "e", 5). The default behavior is exp = True.


The modified value with numbers extracted.

Using natsort_key is just like any other sorting key in python:

>>> from natsort import natsort_key
>>> a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
>>> a.sort(key=natsort_key)
>>> a
['num2', 'num3', 'num5']

If you need to call natsort_key with the number_type argument, or get a special attribute or item of each element of the sequence, the easiest way is to make a lambda expression that calls natsort_key:

>>> from operator import itemgetter
>>> a = [['num4', 'b'], ['num8', 'c'], ['num2', 'a']]
>>> f = itemgetter(0)
>>> a.sort(key=lambda x: natsort_key(f(x), number_type=int))
>>> a
[['num2', 'a'], ['num4', 'b'], ['num8', 'c']]


natsort.index_natsorted (sequence, key = lambda x: x, number_type = float, signed = True, exp = True)

sequence (iterable)

The sequence to sort.

key (function)

A key used to determine how to sort each element of the sequence.

number_type (None, float, int)

The types of number to sort on: float searches for floating point numbers, int searches for integers, and None searches for digits (like integers but does not take into account negative sign). None is a shortcut for number_type = int and signed = False.

signed (True, False)

By default a ‘+’ or ‘-’ before a number is taken to be the sign of the number. If signed is False, any ‘+’ or ‘-’ will not be considered to be part of the number, but as part part of the string.

exp (True, False)

This option only applies to number_type = float. If exp = True, a string like "3.5e5" will be interpreted as 350000, i.e. the exponential part is considered to be part of the number. If exp = False, "3.5e5" is interpreted as (3.5, "e", 5). The default behavior is exp = True.


The ordered indexes of the sequence.

Use index_natsorted if you want to sort multiple lists by the sort order of one list:

>>> from natsort import index_natsorted
>>> a = ['num3', 'num5', 'num2']
>>> b = ['foo', 'bar', 'baz']
>>> index = index_natsorted(a)
>>> index
[2, 0, 1]
>>> # Sort both lists by the sort order of a
>>> [a[i] for i in index]
['num2', 'num3', 'num5']
>>> [b[i] for i in index]
['baz', 'foo', 'bar']

Shell Script

For your convenience, there is a natsort shell script supplied to you that allows you to call natsort from the command-line. natsort was written to aid in computational chemistry research so that it would be easy to analyze large sets of output files named after the parameter used:

$ ls *.out
mode1000.35.out mode1243.34.out mode744.43.out mode943.54.out

(Obviously, in reality there would be more files, but you get the idea.) Notice that the shell sorts in lexicographical order. This is the behavior of programs like find as well as ls. The problem is in passing these files to an analysis program that causes them not to appear in numerical order, which can lead to bad analysis. To remedy this, use natsort:

# This won't get you what you want
$ foo *.out
# This will sort naturally
$ natsort *.out
$ natsort *.out | xargs foo

You can also filter out numbers using the natsort command-line script:

$ natsort *.out -f 900 1100 # Select only numbers between 900-1100

If needed, you can exclude specific numbers:

$ natsort *.out -e 1000.35 # Exclude 1000.35 from search

For other options, use natsort --help. In general, the other options mirror the natsorted API.

It is also helpful to note that natsort accepts pipes.

Note to users of the natsort shell script from < v. 3.1.0

The natsort shell script options and implementation for version 3.1.0 has changed slightly. Options relating to interpreting input as file or directory paths have been removed, and internally the input is no longer treated as file paths. In most situations, this should not give different results, but in some unique cases it may. Feel free to contact me if this ruins your work flow.


Seth M. Morton


05-07-2014 v. 3.2.0

  • “Fixed” unorderable types issue on Python 3.x with a workaround that attempts to replicate the Python 2.x behavior by putting all the numbers (or strings that begin with numbers) first.

  • Now explicitly excluding __pycache__ from releases by adding a prune statement to

05-05-2014 v. 3.1.2

  • Added setup.cfg to support universal wheels.

  • Added Python 3.0 and Python 3.1 as requiring the argparse module.

03-01-2014 v. 3.1.1

  • Added ability to sort lists of lists.

  • Cleaned up import statements.

01-20-2014 v. 3.1.0

  • Added the signed and exp options to allow finer tuning of the sorting

  • Entire codebase now works for both Python 2 and Python 3 without needing to run 2to3.

  • Updated all doctests.

  • Further simplified the natsort base code by removing unneeded functions.

  • Simplified documentation where possible.

  • Improved the shell script code

    • Made the documentation less “path”-centric to make it clear it is not just for sorting file paths.

    • Removed the filesystem-based options because these can be achieved better though a pipeline.

    • Added doctests.

    • Added new options that correspond to signed and exp.

    • The user can now specify multiple numbers to exclude or multiple ranges to filter by.

10-01-2013 v. 3.0.2

  • Made float, int, and digit searching algorithms all share the same base function.

  • Fixed some outdated comments.

  • Made the __version__ variable available when importing the module.

8-15-2013 v. 3.0.1

  • Added support for unicode strings.

  • Removed extraneous string2int function.

  • Fixed empty string removal function.

7-13-2013 v. 3.0.0

  • Added a number_type argument to the sorting functions to specify how liberal to be when deciding what a number is.

  • Reworked the documentation.

6-25-2013 v. 2.2.0

  • Added key attribute to natsorted and index_natsorted so that it mimics the functionality of the built-in sorted

  • Added tests to reflect the new functionality, as well as tests demonstrating how to get similar functionality using natsort_key.

12-5-2012 v. 2.1.0

  • Reorganized package.

  • Now using a platform independent shell script generator (entry_points from distribute).

  • Can now execute natsort from command line with python -m natsort as well.

11-30-2012 v. 2.0.2

  • Added the use_2to3 option to

  • Added to the distribution.

  • Added dependency to the argparse module (for python2.6).

11-21-2012 v. 2.0.1

  • Reorganized directory structure.

  • Added tests into the file iteself.

11-16-2012, v. 2.0.0

  • Updated sorting algorithm to support floats (including exponentials) and basic version number support.

  • Added better README documentation.

  • Added doctests.

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natsort-3.2.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (19.3 kB view hashes)

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