Nose plugin that generates a nice html test report with ability of using template based on jinja2 templates from any folder.
Project description
Nose plugin that generates a nice html test report with ability of using template based on jinja2 templates from any folder.
Free software: BSD license
pip install nose-html-reporting
- --with-html
Enable plugin HtmlOutput: Output test results as pretty html. [NOSE_WITH_HTML]
- --html-file=FILE
Path to html file to store the report in. Default is nosetests.html in the working directory
- --html-report-template=FILE
Path to jinja2 file to get the report template from. Default is templates/report.html from the package working directory
To run the all tests run:
To execute tests:
nosetests tests/ --with-html --html-report=nose_report2_test.html --html-report-template=src/nose_htmlreport/templates/report2.jinja2
0.1.0 (2015-01-11)
First release on PyPI.
0.2.1 (2015-03-23)
Now plugin catches not only test logging messages, but messages called before test run. Store to separate variable
New report template is default one
Added test run time to context of the report
0.2.3 (2015-08-03)
Added formatting with decoding for test traceback