A Python library that makes configuring your application independent from your configuration backend.
Project description
A Python library that makes configuring your application independent from your configuration backend.
Read the complete documentation on Read the Docs.
Why omniconf?
Configuring applications is hard, and it doesn’t help that there are many different (and valid) ways to do it:
cli arguments
config files: ConfigObj (.ini like), JSON, YAML, TOML
environment variables
Each of this methods are a valid way to configure an application, and each have their own strengths. Cli arguments are most suited for tools and daemons. Configuration files are suited for applications that have more complex requirements. Environment variables and key/value stores are handy when using containers. You may even want to use a combination of methods (not yet implemented).
This library aims to make configuring the application easier, and allows you to use multiple configuration backends transparently.
For up-to-date examples, take a look here.
For an up-to-date changelog, see ChangeLog.
Full typing support and experimental mypy plugin added in 1.5.0 .
Support for Python 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12 was added in version 1.5.0 .
Support for Python 2.7, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7 was dropped in version 1.5.0 .
Support for Vault backend was dropped in version 1.5.0 .
Support for Python 3.4 was dropped in version 1.4.0 .
Support for Jython was dropped in version 1.4.0 .
Support for Python 3.8 was added in version 1.3.1 .
Support for Python 3.3 was dropped in version 1.3.0 .
omniconf is licensed under LGPLv3. See the LICENSE file for details.
To contribute, base your changes on the develop branch. Use init.sh to install the required Python version using pyenv and setup a virtualenv in vendor/. Activate the virtualenv using source vendor/bin/activate. After the initial setup, use init.sh at any time to bring your environment up-to-date with the latest requirements.
$ ./init.sh
Installing Python version 3.x.x using pyenv
Creating Python venv named 'vendor'
- Install uv
- Updating pip, setuptools
Resolved 2 packages in 2ms
Installed 1 package in 10ms
- Installing dev and docs dependencies
Installed 56 packages in 32ms
- Installing app in edit mode
Installed 1 package in 0ms
- Installing pre-commit hook
pre-commit installed at .git/hooks/pre-commit
Make sure your contribution doesn’t break any existing tests, and add relevant new tests. You can run the test suite using tox:
$ tox
To check for style issues, just run the test suite, ruff is automatically called for linting and formatting checks.
When you’re done, open a pull request on Github.