A Python wrapper for Open Chinese Convert
Project description
What is OpenCC-python?
OpenCC-Python is a Python wrapper for Open Chinese Converter
To install opencc-python:
pip install opencc-python
How to use it?
You need to install opencc command tool first, if you are using Windows, the command tool is already attached in the package, you can use it right away. Following is a simple example
# -*- coding: utf8 -*- import opencc cc = opencc.OpenCC('t2s') print cc.convert(u'Open Chinese Convert(OpenCC)「開放中文轉換」,是一個致力於中文簡繁轉換的項目,提供高質量詞庫和函數庫(libopencc)。')
And the output should be
Open Chinese Convert(OpenCC)「开放中文转换」,是一个致力于中文简繁转换的项目,提供高质量词库和函数库(libopencc)。
There are four build-in configurations in opencc.BUILDIN_CONFIGS,
t2s - Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese
s2t - Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese
mix2t - Mixed to Traditional Chinese
mix2s - Mixed to Simplified Chinese
To use a customized path to opencc command tool, you can pass opencc_path parameter like this
cc = opencc.OpenCC('t2s', opencc_path='/path/to/opencc')
To use your own configuration, you should change the data_path, too
cc = opencc.OpenCC(config='/path/to/my/config', opencc_path='/path/to/opencc', data_path='/path/to/data/folder')