OpenSlides VoteCollector Plugin
Project description
This plugin connects OpenSlides with the software “VoteCollector” to provide electronic voting for motions with Keypads from Voteworks.
The OpenSlides VoteCollector Plugin was contracted by the German company Voteworks GmbH. It was initially developed by the core authors of OpenSlides, Oskar Hahn and Emanuel Schütze (Intevation GmbH), in April 2012. Currently, it is maintained by Emanuel Schütze.
OpenSlides 2.2+ (
VoteCollector 1.9.2+
I. Installation on Windows (with OpenSlides portable version)
Install and run VoteCollector
Download VoteColletor from
To use VoteCollector in simulation mode (no keypads required) please run from command line:
VoteCollector.exe -s
Note: You have to buy a license key for VoteCollector to use more than 5 keypads. See
Get latest VoteCollector plugin release from:
Move the (extracted) subdirectory ‘openslides_votecollector’ to:
Start openslides.exe.
Now the plugin installation is finished. You can open the new menu item ‘VoteCollector’ in the main navigation of OpenSlides.
Change settings of plugin under ‘Settings > VoteCollector’.
II. Installation on GNU/Linux and MacOSX
Install and run VoteCollector (on Windows only, e.g. in a VirtualBox machine)
Download VoteColletor from
To use VoteCollector in simulation mode (no keypads required) please run from command line:
VoteCollector.exe -s
Note: You have to buy a license key for VoteCollector to use more than 5 keypads. See
Setup and activate a virtual environment:
$ python3 -m venv .virtualenv $ source .virtualenv/bin/activate
Install OpenSlides and VoteCollector plugin from the Python Package Index (PyPI):
$ pip install openslides openslides-votecollector OpenSlides and all required python packages will be installed.
Start OpenSlides:
$ openslides
Now the plugin installation is finished. You can open the new menu item ‘VoteCollector’ in the main navigation of OpenSlides.
Change settings of plugin under ‘Configuration > VoteCollector’.
Seating plan
To change the seating plan edit openslides_votecollector/ and change the creation of Seat objects in the setup_default_plan() function.
Version 2.0.3 (2017-12-06)
Fixes for OpenSlides 2.2 support.
Support elections with more than 9 candidates (multi-digit mode). Requires VoteCollector 1.9.2.
Improved CSS for seating plan.
Version 2.0.2 (2017-06-11)
Fixes for OpenSlides 2.1.1 support
Added new column for keypad list to set/unset active/present state.
Improved seat colors on motion and assignment poll slide.
Version 2.0.1 (2017-03-09)
Updated OpenSlides 2.1 support: Fixed usage of has_perm()). Updated keypad csv import.
Version 2.0.0 (2016-12-20)
Added support for OpenSlides 2.1.x with autoupdate for all incoming votes.
New speakers voting (add or remove from list of speakers via keypad).
New election voting (Yes/No/Abstain for one candidate or 1 of n candidates via keypad keys 1..10) with anonymize votes.
Updated motion voting, with anonymize votes.
Added possibility to change the seat label.
Version 1.2.1 (2015-03-18)
Improved seating plan voting modus:
Show seat number in seating plan only if keypad/seat is active.
Seating plan and live mode: Show box with total result only if voting is finished. While voting the seating plan is visible only.
Show votes cast (number of voted keypads) and number of active keypads on the poll slide.
Improved font size and seat box size.
Version 1.2 (2015-03-02)
Added possibility to delete personal poll data to make polls anonymous.
Coupled keypad activation/deactivation with user’s status. Anonymous keypads are now always active.
Fixed bug in keypad form.
Allow to set a config that all incoming votes on seating plan are colored in grey only. So you can see which seat has voted but not how.
Version 1.1 (2015-01-23)
Updated to OpenSlides 1.7.x/1.6.x.
Updated for VoteCollector 1.3.4.
Added personal and anonymous voting.
New config options for live mode and seating plan.
Show keypad serial number in list.
Updated motion poll slides.
Version 1.0.4 (2013-12-04)
Updated to OpenSlides 1.5.x.
Added README and requirements.txt.
Added fabfile and unit tests.
Changed license to MIT.
Version 1.0.3 (2012-12-14)
Updated INSTALL.txt.
Added for easier install.
Version 1.0.2 (2012-12-12)
Updated to OpenSlides 1.3.x.
Version 1.0.1 (2012-07-25)
Updated to OpenSlides 1.2.x.
Version 1.0 (2012-05-21)
First release of this plugin for OpenSlides 1.1.x.