Open-source frequency domain circuit simulator for photonic integrated circuits.
Project description
Installing OPICS
Installing from pypi
The easiest way to install OPICS is using pip pypi:
pip install opics
Installing from source
Download the OPICS source code.
git clone
Install the OPICS package using pip.
pip install -e ./opics
Once the package is installed, it can be imported using:
import opics as op
OPICS Libraries
Listing available libraries
The package does not come with any component libraries pre-installed. You can select and download available libraries from the library catalogue.
library_catalogue = op.libraries.library_catalogue
print(f"Available Libraries: {[_ for _ in library_catalogue.keys()]} ")
Downloading libraries
The OPICS libraries are downloaded by passing in library_name, library_url, and library_path to the libraries.download_library module. The module returns True if the library is downloaded successfully.
import os
installation_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.environ['USERPROFILE']), 'Desktop\\delete')
op.libraries.download_library("ebeam", installation_path)
# reload libraries
import importlib
List installed libraries
List library components
Remove libraries
Any of the installed libraries can be removed using the libraries.remove_library module.
#reinstall ebeam library
Library components
Let’s take a look at the library components.
ebeam_lib = op.libraries.ebeam
Listing library components
Let’s take a look inside a component for more information on its parameters and layout, such as port locations.
Setting up a simulation
The network module is used to define a circuit, add and connect components. The network module takes network_id and f as inputs. If no f or frequency data points specified, the network module uses the default value specified in opics.globals.F.
from opics import Network
from opics.globals import C
import numpy as np
freq = np.linspace(C * 1e6 / 1.5, C * 1e6 / 1.6, 2000)
circuit = Network(network_id="circuit_name", f=freq)
Once an empty network is defined. We can start by adding components.
input_gc = circuit.add_component(ebeam_lib.GC)
y = circuit.add_component(ebeam_lib.Y)
wg2 = circuit.add_component(ebeam_lib.Waveguide, params=dict(length=0e-6))
wg1 = circuit.add_component(ebeam_lib.Waveguide, params={"length":15e-6})
y2 = circuit.add_component(ebeam_lib.Y)
output_gc = circuit.add_component(ebeam_lib.GC)
We can also define custom port names for components for easy reference.
input_gc.set_port_reference(0, "input_port")
output_gc.set_port_reference(0, "output_port")
Connect components using the Network.connect module.
circuit.connect(input_gc, 1, y, 0)
circuit.connect(y, 1, wg1, 0)
circuit.connect(y, 2, wg2, 0)
circuit.connect(y2, 0, output_gc, 1)
circuit.connect(wg1, 1, y2, 1)
circuit.connect(wg2, 1, y2, 2)
Simulate the network/circuit
Plot the simulated response
An interactive plot can be spawned by enabling the interactive option.
circuit.sim_result.plot_sparameters(show_freq=False, interactive=True)