Parinx implements a basic Sphinx docstring parser language which providesa interface to extract the relavant parameter. You might find it most useful for tasks involving automated data extraction from sphinx docs.
Project description
Parinx implements a basic Sphinx docstring parser language which provides
a interface to extract the relavant parameter. You might find
it most useful for tasks involving automated data extraction from sphinx
docs. Typical usage often looks like this::
#!/usr/bin/env python
from parinx import parser
def test_parse_docstring(self):
docstring = """
Return a dict.
:type zone_id: ``str``
:param zone_id: Required zone id (required)
:keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
:rtype: ``dict``
result = parser.parse_docstring(docstring)
print (result)
(Note parse_docstrings return a dictionary)
`Parinx` is a Python module that makes working with Sphinx feel like you are working with [JSON](
`parse_docstring` takes `docstring` and `cls` i.e. class name as argument.
Default value for cls is `None`.
It returns dict which contains <br/>
`description` of method <br/>
`arguments` contains dict of dict: zone_id{type_name, desciption and required} <br/>
`return` contains dict: {type_name, class, description} <br/>
### When `cls=None`
>>> from parinx.parser import parse_docstring
>>> docstring = """
... Return a Zone instance.
... Second line docsting.
... :type zone_id: ``str``
... :param zone_id: Required zone id (required)
... :keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
... (optional)
... :type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`
... :return: instance
... :rtype: :class:`Zone` or `Node`
... """
>>> result = parse_docstring(docstring)
>>> result
'type_name': 'class:`Zone` or `Node`',
'description': 'instance'
'description': 'Return a Zone instance. Second line docsting.',
'arguments':defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x200be60>,
'type_name': '``str``',
'description': 'Required zone id (required)',
'required': True
'type_name': 'class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`',
'description':'Initial authentication information for the node
'required': False
>>> result['arguments']
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x200bed8>,
'type_name': '``str``',
'description': 'Required zone id (required)',
'required': True
'type_name': 'class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`',
'description': 'Initial authentication information for the node (optional)',
'required': False
>>> result['description']
'Return a Zone instance. Second line docsting.'
>>> return_type = result['return']['type_name']
>>> return_type
'class:`Zone` or `Node`'
### When `cls!= None`
>>> class Foo(object):
... def create_node(self, **kwargs):
... """
... Create a new node instance.
... :keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)
... :type name: ``str``
... :keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.
... (required)
... :type size: ``dict``
... :return: The newly created node.
... :rtype: :class:`Node`
... """
>>> docstring = get_method_docstring(Foo, 'create_node')
>>> parse_docstring(docstring, Foo)
'type_name': 'class:`Node`',
'description': 'The newly created node.'
'description': 'Create a new node instance.',
'arguments': defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x17eb8c0>,
'type_name': '``str``',
'description': 'String with a name for this new node (required)',
'required': True
'type_name': '``dict``',
'description': 'The size of resources allocated to this node.
'required': True
`split_docstring' return description and list of fields strings.
Supported field strings are:
* ':param' <br/>
* ':type' <br/>
* ':keyword' <br/>
* ':rtype:' <br/>
* '@inherits:' <br/>
* ':return:' <br/>
>>> result = split_docstring(docstring)
>>> result
('Return a node instance.',
[':keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str`` ',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)',
':type size: ``dict`` ',
':return: instance',
':rtype: :class:`Node` '])
>>> result[1]
[':keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str`` ',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.
':type size: ``dict`` ',
':return: instance',
':rtype: :class:`Node` ']
>>> result[1][3]
':type size: ``dict`` '
`get_method_docstring` takes class name(cls) and method name as argument(method_name).
It returns method docstring. <br/>
If method docstring is empty then it takes it from parent class.
>>> class Parent(object):
def create_node(self, **kwargs):
Create a new node instance.
:keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)
:type name: ``str``
:keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.
:type size: ``dict``
:return: The newly created node.
:rtype: :class:`Node`
>>> class Child(Parent):
def return_node(self, **kwargs):
Return a Zone instance.
Second line docsting.
:type zone_id: ``str``
:param zone_id: Required zone id (required)
:keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
:type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`
:return: instance
:rtype: :class:`Zone` or `Node`
>>> from parinx.parser import get_method_string
>>> get_method_docstring(Parent, 'create_node').split('\n')
['Create a new node instance.', '',
':keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str``', '',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.',
' (required)',
':type size: ``dict``', '',
':return: The newly created node.',
':rtype: :class:`Node`']
>>> get_method_docstring(Child, 'return_node').split('\n')
['Return a Zone instance.',
'Second line docsting.', '',
':type zone_id: ``str``',
':param zone_id: Required zone id (required)', '',
':keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node',
' (optional)',
':type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`', '',
':return: instance', ':rtype: :class:`Zone` or `Node`']
>>> get_method_docstring(Child, 'create_node').split('\n')
['Create a new node instance.', '',
':keyword name:String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str``', '',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.',
' (required)',
':type size: ``dict``', '',
':return: The newly created node.',
':rtype: :class:`Node`']
>>> get_method_docstring(Parent, 'return_node').split('\n')
Parinx implements a basic Sphinx docstring parser language which provides
a interface to extract the relavant parameter. You might find
it most useful for tasks involving automated data extraction from sphinx
docs. Typical usage often looks like this::
#!/usr/bin/env python
from parinx import parser
def test_parse_docstring(self):
docstring = """
Return a dict.
:type zone_id: ``str``
:param zone_id: Required zone id (required)
:keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
:rtype: ``dict``
result = parser.parse_docstring(docstring)
print (result)
(Note parse_docstrings return a dictionary)
`Parinx` is a Python module that makes working with Sphinx feel like you are working with [JSON](
`parse_docstring` takes `docstring` and `cls` i.e. class name as argument.
Default value for cls is `None`.
It returns dict which contains <br/>
`description` of method <br/>
`arguments` contains dict of dict: zone_id{type_name, desciption and required} <br/>
`return` contains dict: {type_name, class, description} <br/>
### When `cls=None`
>>> from parinx.parser import parse_docstring
>>> docstring = """
... Return a Zone instance.
... Second line docsting.
... :type zone_id: ``str``
... :param zone_id: Required zone id (required)
... :keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
... (optional)
... :type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`
... :return: instance
... :rtype: :class:`Zone` or `Node`
... """
>>> result = parse_docstring(docstring)
>>> result
'type_name': 'class:`Zone` or `Node`',
'description': 'instance'
'description': 'Return a Zone instance. Second line docsting.',
'arguments':defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x200be60>,
'type_name': '``str``',
'description': 'Required zone id (required)',
'required': True
'type_name': 'class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`',
'description':'Initial authentication information for the node
'required': False
>>> result['arguments']
defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x200bed8>,
'type_name': '``str``',
'description': 'Required zone id (required)',
'required': True
'type_name': 'class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`',
'description': 'Initial authentication information for the node (optional)',
'required': False
>>> result['description']
'Return a Zone instance. Second line docsting.'
>>> return_type = result['return']['type_name']
>>> return_type
'class:`Zone` or `Node`'
### When `cls!= None`
>>> class Foo(object):
... def create_node(self, **kwargs):
... """
... Create a new node instance.
... :keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)
... :type name: ``str``
... :keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.
... (required)
... :type size: ``dict``
... :return: The newly created node.
... :rtype: :class:`Node`
... """
>>> docstring = get_method_docstring(Foo, 'create_node')
>>> parse_docstring(docstring, Foo)
'type_name': 'class:`Node`',
'description': 'The newly created node.'
'description': 'Create a new node instance.',
'arguments': defaultdict(<function <lambda> at 0x17eb8c0>,
'type_name': '``str``',
'description': 'String with a name for this new node (required)',
'required': True
'type_name': '``dict``',
'description': 'The size of resources allocated to this node.
'required': True
`split_docstring' return description and list of fields strings.
Supported field strings are:
* ':param' <br/>
* ':type' <br/>
* ':keyword' <br/>
* ':rtype:' <br/>
* '@inherits:' <br/>
* ':return:' <br/>
>>> result = split_docstring(docstring)
>>> result
('Return a node instance.',
[':keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str`` ',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node. (required)',
':type size: ``dict`` ',
':return: instance',
':rtype: :class:`Node` '])
>>> result[1]
[':keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str`` ',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.
':type size: ``dict`` ',
':return: instance',
':rtype: :class:`Node` ']
>>> result[1][3]
':type size: ``dict`` '
`get_method_docstring` takes class name(cls) and method name as argument(method_name).
It returns method docstring. <br/>
If method docstring is empty then it takes it from parent class.
>>> class Parent(object):
def create_node(self, **kwargs):
Create a new node instance.
:keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)
:type name: ``str``
:keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.
:type size: ``dict``
:return: The newly created node.
:rtype: :class:`Node`
>>> class Child(Parent):
def return_node(self, **kwargs):
Return a Zone instance.
Second line docsting.
:type zone_id: ``str``
:param zone_id: Required zone id (required)
:keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node
:type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`
:return: instance
:rtype: :class:`Zone` or `Node`
>>> from parinx.parser import get_method_string
>>> get_method_docstring(Parent, 'create_node').split('\n')
['Create a new node instance.', '',
':keyword name: String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str``', '',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.',
' (required)',
':type size: ``dict``', '',
':return: The newly created node.',
':rtype: :class:`Node`']
>>> get_method_docstring(Child, 'return_node').split('\n')
['Return a Zone instance.',
'Second line docsting.', '',
':type zone_id: ``str``',
':param zone_id: Required zone id (required)', '',
':keyword auth: Initial authentication information for the node',
' (optional)',
':type auth: :class:`NodeAuthSSHKey` or `NodeAuthPassword`', '',
':return: instance', ':rtype: :class:`Zone` or `Node`']
>>> get_method_docstring(Child, 'create_node').split('\n')
['Create a new node instance.', '',
':keyword name:String with a name for this new node (required)',
':type name: ``str``', '',
':keyword size: The size of resources allocated to this node.',
' (required)',
':type size: ``dict``', '',
':return: The newly created node.',
':rtype: :class:`Node`']
>>> get_method_docstring(Parent, 'return_node').split('\n')