pathvalidate is a Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc.
Project description
pathvalidate is a Python library to sanitize/validate a string such as filenames/file-paths/etc.
- Sanitize/Validate a string as a:
file name
file path
- Sanitize will do:
Remove invalid characters for a target platform
Replace reserved names for a target platform
Remove unprintable characters
Argument validator/sanitizer for argparse and click
- Multi platform support:
POSIX: POSIX-compliant systems (Linux, macOS, etc.)
universal: platform independent
Multibyte character support
CLI tool
You can find this package’s command line interface tool at the pathvalidate-cli repository.
Sanitize a filename
- Sample Code:
from pathvalidate import sanitize_filename fname = "fi:l*e/p\"a?t>h|.t<xt" print(f"{fname} -> {sanitize_filename(fname)}\n") fname = "\0_a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt" print(f"{fname} -> {sanitize_filename(fname)}\n")
- Output:
fi:l*e/p"a?t>h|.t<xt -> filepath.txt _a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt -> _abcde%f(g)h+i_0.txt
The default target platform is universal. i.e. the sanitized file name is valid for any platform.
Sanitize a filepath
- Sample Code:
from pathvalidate import sanitize_filepath fpath = "fi:l*e/p\"a?t>h|.t<xt" print(f"{fpath} -> {sanitize_filepath(fpath)}\n") fpath = "\0_a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt" print(f"{fpath} -> {sanitize_filepath(fpath)}\n")
- Output:
fi:l*e/p"a?t>h|.t<xt -> file/path.txt _a*b:c<d>e%f/(g)h+i_0.txt -> _abcde%f/(g)h+i_0.txt
Validate a filename
- Sample Code:
import sys from pathvalidate import ValidationError, validate_filename try: validate_filename("fi:l*e/p\"a?t>h|.t<xt") except ValidationError as e: print(f"{e}\n", file=sys.stderr) try: validate_filename("COM1") except ValidationError as e: print(f"{e}\n", file=sys.stderr)
- Output:
[PV1100] invalid characters found: platform=universal, description=invalids=('/'), value='fi:l*e/p"a?t>h|.t<xt' [PV1002] found a reserved name by a platform: 'COM1' is a reserved name, platform=universal, reusable_name=False
Check a filename
- Sample Code:
from pathvalidate import is_valid_filename, sanitize_filename fname = "fi:l*e/p\"a?t>h|.t<xt" print(f"is_valid_filename('{fname}') return {is_valid_filename(fname)}\n") sanitized_fname = sanitize_filename(fname) print(f"is_valid_filename('{sanitized_fname}') return {is_valid_filename(sanitized_fname)}\n")
- Output:
is_valid_filename('fi:l*e/p"a?t>h|.t<xt') return False is_valid_filename('filepath.txt') return True
filename/filepath validator for argparse
- Sample Code:
from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathvalidate.argparse import validate_filename_arg, validate_filepath_arg parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--filename", type=validate_filename_arg) parser.add_argument("--filepath", type=validate_filepath_arg) options = parser.parse_args() if options.filename: print(f"filename: {options.filename}") if options.filepath: print(f"filepath: {options.filepath}")
- Output:
$ ./examples/ --filename eg filename: eg $ ./examples/ --filename e?g usage: [-h] [--filename FILENAME] [--filepath FILEPATH] error: argument --filename: [PV1100] invalid characters found: invalids=(':'), value='e:g', platform=Windows
filename/filepath sanitizer for argparse
- Sample Code:
from argparse import ArgumentParser from pathvalidate.argparse import sanitize_filename_arg, sanitize_filepath_arg parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument("--filename", type=sanitize_filename_arg) parser.add_argument("--filepath", type=sanitize_filepath_arg) options = parser.parse_args() if options.filename: print("filename: {}".format(options.filename)) if options.filepath: print("filepath: {}".format(options.filepath))
- Output:
$ ./examples/ --filename e/g filename: eg
filename/filepath validator for click
- Sample Code:
import click from import validate_filename_arg, validate_filepath_arg @click.command() @click.option("--filename", callback=validate_filename_arg) @click.option("--filepath", callback=validate_filepath_arg) def cli(filename: str, filepath: str) -> None: if filename: click.echo(f"filename: {filename}") if filepath: click.echo(f"filepath: {filepath}") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()
- Output:
$ ./examples/ --filename ab filename: ab $ ./examples/ --filepath e?g Usage: [OPTIONS] Try ' --help' for help. Error: Invalid value for '--filename': [PV1100] invalid characters found: invalids=('?'), value='e?g', platform=Windows
filename/filepath sanitizer for click
- Sample Code:
import click from import sanitize_filename_arg, sanitize_filepath_arg @click.command() @click.option("--filename", callback=sanitize_filename_arg) @click.option("--filepath", callback=sanitize_filepath_arg) def cli(filename, filepath): if filename: click.echo(f"filename: {filename}") if filepath: click.echo(f"filepath: {filepath}") if __name__ == "__main__": cli()
- Output:
$ ./examples/ --filename a/b filename: ab
For more information
More examples can be found at
Installation: pip
pip install pathvalidate
Installation: conda
conda install conda-forge::pathvalidate
Installation: apt
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:thombashi/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install python3-pathvalidate
Python 3.9+ no external dependencies.