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Content Views for Plone

Project description

Introduction contains various views for Plone, such as folder_contents, as well as general content infrastructure, such as base classes and name choosers.


3.0.10 (2015-09-07)

  • Display results of delete_confirmation_info in delete_confirmation and fc-delete to warn about linkintegrity-breaches. [bloodbare, vangheem, pbauer]

3.0.9 (2015-08-21)

3.0.8 (2015-08-20)

  • Added basic test for folder contents “rearrange” and “item order” features. Minor restructuring of actions in own files to have a consistent structure (bbb imports in place). Minor changes in touched area regarding pep8, code-analysis, et al. [jensens]

  • Do not setDefaultPage in rename handler, there is already an subscriber that do so in Products.CMFDynamicViewFTI. [jensens]

  • Do not clear clipboard when pasting content [vangheem]

  • Fix i18n of ‘“title” has already been deleted’.

  • When clicking cancel on the delete_confirmation got to the view_url. [ale-rt]

  • Fix deletion of objects with unicode charaters in the title. [cillianderoiste]

3.0.7 (2015-07-18)

  • Remove IFolderContentsViewletManager and IContentsPage as it’s not used in Plone 5 anymore. [vangheem]

  • Change “Workflow” to “State” in folder contents [vangheem]

  • provide “no” button to delete on folder contents [vangheem]

  • add portal_type to context info for folder contents pattern as it needs that data [hgarus]

  • Give a decent error when ordering is not supported on a folder. [vangheem]

  • Update folder contents integration to be able to work in a way where button actions can be provided by add-on products [vangheem]

  • Make the @@fileUpload to not be guarded by the AddPortalContent permission, and instead do that check in code, so we can return better error message [frapell]

  • Let @@getVocabulary return the vocabulary’s value instead of the token for the id in the result set. The token is binary encoded and leads to encoding errors when selecting a value with non-ASCII data from vocabulary list in a select2 based widget. Fixes: [thet]

3.0.6 (2015-06-05)

3.0.5 (2015-05-11)

  • Removed CMFDefault dependency [tomgross]

  • Ensure that content is not deleted by acquisition when the delete action is used from a context that has already been deleted. Provide tests to catch regressions (see [cewing]

3.0.4 (2015-05-04)

  • add plone.protect as a dependency [vangheem]

  • provide _authenticator token on old style createObject factory views [vangheem]

  • Solving [aleix]

  • Translate folder contents add menu [vangheem]

  • use same columns title in results and in displayed colums configuration [vincent]

3.0.3 (2015-03-26)

  • pep8, flake8, utf8-headers et al cleanup. [jensens]

  • refactored p.a.c.namechooser.NormalizingNameChooser._getCheckId to not use lambdas. [jensens]

3.0.2 (2015-03-13)

  • Fix a few minor issues on folder_constraintypes_form. [fulv]

  • Add id to available columns of the folder_contents view. [thet]

  • fix json responses to be able to handle datetime objects and Missing.Value [vangheem]

  • Keep default_page when renaming objects. [pbauer]

  • Use INameChooser for new id when renaming objects using folder_rename or object_rename. Fix [pbauer]

  • Allow folderish types as default_page as long as users cannot add content to them. [pbauer]

  • fix removing tags with non-ascii characters in folder_contents [petschki]

3.0.1 (2014-10-23)

  • PLIP 13260: add browser views for select_default_page and select_default_view. [saily]

  • PLIP 13260: convert delete_confirmation, folder_rename and object_rename into z3c.forms. [saily]

  • PLIP 13260: Migration cut, copy and paste into browser views and add tests for that. [saily]

  • Pass REQUEST into manage_delObjects method to support checks. [saily]

  • Ported tests to [tomgross]

  • PEP8 [tomgross]

3.0.0 (2014-04-13)

  • Bump Plone 5 branch to 3.0 [esteele]

  • PLIP 13260 add browser views for select_default_page and

    select_default_view. [saily]

2.2.0 (2014-03-01)

  • PLIP #13705: Remove <base> tag. [frapell]

  • Fix constrainttypes form. [davisagli]

  • Move content_status_history from CMFPlone to a browser view in this package. [bloodbare]

  • Protect the folder constraintypes form with the ‘Modify constrain types’ permission. [davisagli]

  • Fix tests for Plone 5 where the PLONE_FIXTURE layer does not provide content types any longer. [timo]

  • Allow modifying the pagesize by adding a request-string e.g. “?pagesize=100”. [pbauer]

  • Use PLONE_APP_CONTENTTYPES_FIXTURE as testing base layer because ATContentTypes have been removed from PLONE_FIXTURE and some tests require content types. [timo]

  • New folder contents implementation based on mockup [vangheem]

2.1.3 (2013-08-13)

  • Fix translations of selectable restriction-options. [pbauer]

2.1.2 (2013-05-26)

  • PEP8 cleanup. [timo]

  • Added missing i18n markup to [jianaijun]

2.1.1 (2013-04-06)

  • Load folder_contents.js from the portal root instead of the context. [maurits]

  • In the folder_contents view, assume a folderish context and set the base tag with a trailing slash. Fixes [danjacka]

2.1 (2013-03-05)

  • show a warning message on the folder contents view when the default page is also a folder, that in order to add items to the default page’s folder, they’ll need to visit it’s folder_contents view. also addresses [vangheem]

  • on the folder_contents view, show the add menu for the context object always. This fixes the issue when the default view of a folder is also a folder and you can not add items to it. fixes [vangheem]

2.1a2 (2012-10-16)

  • Remove KSS dependency from AJAX table views. [cah190]

  • In use sequence_length to get batch size. [cah190]

2.1a1 (2012-06-29)

  • Adjust TAL to work after the TAL engine became a bit stricter about only allowing path expressions within string expressions. [davisagli]

  • Remove hard dependency on ATContentTypes. [davisagli]

  • Clarify which item is the default view for the folder in the folder contents view. [rossp]

  • Use plone.batching for all batches (PLIP #12235) [tom_gross]

2.0.9 (2012-04-15)

  • In allow properly sorting on modification date, by adding a class like sortabledata-2012-04-03-10-37-27. [maurits]

2.0.8 (2012-03-06)

  • Namechooser: Attempt to return an id with timestamp before returning a value error after 100 id check attempts. [eleddy]

  • Namechooser: Pass the parent object to the Plone check_id script so it can detect duplicates.

  • Namechooser: Use the Zope ObjectManager _checkId method to check new ids when possible, to avoid errors when adding invalid ids not caught by the old check. This fixes [davisagli]

2.0.7 (2011-07-04)

  • Replace links to …/@@folder_contents by links to …/folder_contents so that ‘Content’ tab remains selected after a folder action. This fixes [thomasdesvenain]

  • Add brain in dict returned by folderitems method of the FolderContentsTable for items not part of the currently visible batch as well. [mj]

2.0.6 (2011-05-02)

  • Add brain in dict returned by folderitems method of FolderContentsTable class to ease customisation. [gotcha]

  • Add [WouterVH]

  • Fixed state title in folder contents. [thomasdesvenain]

2.0.5 - 2011-04-06

  • Fix display of title in folder contents table. [elro]

2.0.4 - 2011-04-04

  • Reduce the required table item keys to id or getId. [elro]

  • Make all columns other than title optional in table view. [elro]

  • It is the portal_type that is listed in typesUseViewActionInListings. [elro]

2.0.3 - 2011-03-15

  • Preserve filename extension when picking a unique name. [elro]

  • Depend on Products.CMFPlone instead of Plone. [elro]

2.0.2 - 2010-12-23

  • Avoid using a mutable default argument in the FolderContentsTable code. In a LinguaPlone environment after viewing the folder contents of a collection, the language of that collection got stuck as a content filter and wasn’t reset anymore. Viewing the folder contents of any item in a different language showed an empty table until the Zope instance was restarted. [tom_gross, hannosch]

  • Use the folder as the factory expression context when a front-page is used as the display for the folder. Tests in [rossp]

2.0.1 - 2010-07-18

  • Update license to GPL version 2 only. [hannosch]

2.0 - 2010-07-01

  • Fetch the folder contents view icon more directly. [davisagli]

2.0b5 - 2010-05-01

  • Speed up folder contents view by only creating the necessary data for items in the batch to be displayed. [witsch]

  • Disable KSS updates for “select all” and “show all items/batched” in “folder contents” view as they are broken for folders with lots of content. [witsch]

2.0b4 - 2010-04-08

  • Slight reconfiguration of the order of the folder_contents table; dragging is now in the first column, and visually much improved. [limi]

  • Fixing possibly our #1 integrator issue, where do you find the template that corresponds to the folder_contents URL? Grep gives you nothing, since this was renamed to in the 3.x series. Renamed it back to, and adjusted the ZCML accordingly. [limi]

  • Removed unused template We have been using for ~2 years, it’s time to kill it off. [limi]

2.0b3 - 2010-03-05

2.0b2 - 2010-02-18

2.0b1 - 2010-01-25

  • Move logic for deciding source of folder contents listing to a new function so the FolderContentsTable view is useful as a base for subclasses. [MatthewWilkes]

2.0a3 - 2009-12-27

  • Removed no longer required _getCharset handling from the name chooser. Plone only supports utf-8 as a database encoding. [hannosch]

  • Use the getIconExprObject method of the FTI instead of the deprecated getIcon method. [hannosch]

  • Fixed package dependencies and prefer Acquisition-less BrowserView. [hannosch]

  • Introduce a new marker interface IContentsPage noting that the current request is showing the folder contents page. [hannnosch]

2.0a2 - 2009-12-02

  • Fixed a unicodedecodeerror in Closes #9853 [wigwam]

  • Templates were updated to a new way of disabling the columns via a REQUEST variable. [spliter]

2.0a1 - 2009-11-14

  • Avoid dependencies. [hannosch]

  • folder_contents view used the same msgid for two different messages. Fixed that. This closes [vincentfretin]

  • Removed deprecated use of is_folderish script. [davisagli]

  • Added support for the new add_view_expr property available on FTIs. This can be used to construct a URL for add views. [optilude]

  • Removed PortalContent.__init__ call including an id argument from Item, as there’s no base class which accepts this argument. [hannosch]

  • Added package dependencies. [hannosch]

1.7 - 2010-04-07

  • Fixed serious regression introduced in c31433. You cannot pass encoded strings into Message mappings. [hannosch]

1.6 - 2010-03-01

  • Make the folder contents listing fall back to using the portal_type id when the title is not available (e.g. if the portal_type is missing). [davisagli]

  • Fixed erroneous tfooter tag in (used in folder contents). It should be tfoot, not tfooter. [limi]

  • Fixed not translatable message in “Select ${title}” appears when the mouse is over a checkbox in folder_contents. [vincentfretin]

  • Fixed folder_add_settings_long default message, it used “context” instead of “here”. [vincentfretin]

1.5 - 2009-05-16

1.4 - 2009-03-04

  • Changed the folder contents tables to deal properly with the Acquisition context of self.context. In Five’s browser views, you need to do aq_inner(self.context). This closes

  • Made the tests less fragile in regard to browser errors. [hannosch]

  • Translate the name of the content types in folder_contents. Fixes [csenger]

  • Made the tests less fragile in regard to browser errors. [hannosch]

  • Fixed folder contents tests, which tried to remove a no longer existing portlet assignment. [hannosch]

  • Small cleanup and removed hard-dependency on KSS. [hannosch]

  • Added missing i18n markup to This closes [dunlapm]

  • Fixed content type name for items in folder_contents when you hover any. Closes [spliter]

  • Fixed title and description for non AT content in folder_contents where widget method was acquired from parent AT content. [elro]

1.3 - 2008-07-07

  • Use the widget itself to render the title and description and include the usual viewlet managers around the title. [wichert]

  • Fixed i18n markup in [naro]

1.2 - 2008-04-22

  • Added authenticator token for CSRF protection. [witsch]

  • Fix invalid leading space in all ‘Up to Site Setup’ links. [wichert]

1.1.1 - 2008-03-24

  • Improved the batch disabling action so that it only shows up when there is a batch. [jvloothuis]

  • Made the reviewlist more powerful by making the folder contents selection features available for it as well. [jvloothuis]

  • Changed the replacement command to actually replace the div, not just its inner content. This fixes a problem with browsers like Internet Explorer which did not apply the drag and drop script after updating. [jvloothuis]

  • Fixed i18n markup in [hannosch]

1.1.0 - 2008-03-08

  • Made it possible to show all the items in the folder contents at once (no batching). This can be used to drag items across batch boundaries and makes it easier to move an item from the end of the folder to the beginning. [jvloothuis]

  • Update the folder_factories view to add the FTI id to the output of of addable_types. This makes it possible for callers to manipulate its results. [wichert]

  • Fixed the ‘id’ attribute of CMFAdding class. By default, it is an empty string, which confuses absolute_url() and causes the <base /> tag to be set incorrectly. This in turn confuses KSS, and probably other things. [optilude]

1.0 - 2007-08-16

  • Fixed missing i18n markup on the folder contents view. [hannosch]

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