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Upgrade machinery for Plone.

Project description

This package contains the upgrade machinery to upgrade a Plone site to a newer version.

Version compatibility
To update to Plone 4.x please use versions up to 1.3.x.

To update to Plone 5.x and up, use versions 2.x and up.


2.0.5 (2017-07-03)

Bug fixes:

- Plone 5.1: Fixup timezone record fields, as old interface is gone since 3.0.2.

- Fix upgrade step for ISocialMediaSchema

2.0.4 (2017-06-04)

New features:
- New Options for thumb- and icon-handling in site control panel
upgradesteps to 5.1b4

- TinyMCE 4.5.6 update.

- Update registry for Plone 5.1 to integrate ``mockup-patterns-structureupdater``.

Bug fixes:

- Register ``ISiteSyndicationSettings`` again.
This interface was updated in 5.0rc3.
On older sites, this would cause an error on the ``syndication-controlpanel``:
KeyError: 'Interface `Products.CMFPlone.interfaces.syndication.ISiteSyndicationSettings` defines a field `render_body`, for which there is no record.

- Catch warning the pythonic way.
Makes it work with latest CMFCore.

- Fix and ``AttributeError`` for the Plone 5.1 beta 4 upgrade.

2.0.3 (2017-04-18)

New features:

- Add Plone 5.1 beta 4 upgrade profile.

- new metadata catalog column mime_type

Bug fixes:

- Do not convert/fail on None while update_social_media_fields

- Fixed ImportError when ``Products.ATContentTypes`` is not available.
This happens when you only have the ``Products.CMFPlone`` egg
and not the ``Plone`` egg. [maurits]

- Fixed title and description of plone.resource.maxage.
This had the title and description from shared maxage,
due to a wrong reference.

- Removed "change portal events"

2.0.2 (2017-04-03)

New features:

- Add image scaling options to image handling controlpanel
when migrating to 5.1b3.

Bug fixes:

- Update ``twitter_username``, ``facebook_app_id`` and ``facebook_username`` field values as they are now declared as ``ASCIILine`` instead of ``TextLine``.

2.0.1 (2017-03-09)

Bug fixes:

- Adapt tests to the new indexing operations queueing.
Part of PLIP 1343:

- Fix registration of upgrade-step to Plone 5.1a1

2.0.0 (2017-02-20)

Breaking changes:

- Remove really old upgrade steps (everything up to v40).

New features:

- New mockup releases for Plone 5.0 and 5.1.

- Remove jquery.cookie from plone-logged-in bundle's stub_js_modules.
The toolbar, which has a dependency on jquery.cookie,
was moved from the plone bundle to plone-logged-in in CMPlone 5.1a2.

- Products.MimetypesRegistry has no longer a skins layer, remove it.

- Add sort_on field to search controlpanel.

- Support sites without ``portal_quickinstaller``.
We use ``get_installer`` in Plone 5.1 migrations.
In earlier version we will keep using the ``portal_quickinstaller``,
because ``get_installer`` is not available.
In shared utility and base code, we try to import get_installer,
and fall back on the previous implementation.
See `PLIP 1340 <>`_.

- Add new Mockup 2.4.0 relateditems resource url.
Add new optional relateditems upload resource.

- Update ``last_compilation`` to deliver new bundles.

- Move PasswordResetTool to CMFPlone.
*Note: Pending password resets are deleted.*

- Adopt to changes in Zope4

Bug fixes:

- Remove displayContentsTab from action expressions in 5.1.

- Fix move_pw_reset_tool upgrade step

- Install in 5.0 alpha if available.
When it is already installed, upgrade it.

- Install in 5.0 alpha.
When it is already installed, upgrade it.

- Fixed AttributeError ``use_content_negotiation`` when migrating old language tool.
Not all versions have the same properties available.
Now we only take over existing properties.
5.0 beta.

- Fixed ConstraintNotSatisfied when default_editor is not allowed.
5.0 alpha.

- Enabled update from latest 4.3 profile revision.
Otherwise we would skip a few upgrade steps when migrating to
Plone 5. [maurits]

- Don't remove sub skin layers when cleaning ``portal_skins``.
Created ``utils.cleanUpSkinsTool`` method which has generally useful
code for cleaning up the skins.
Fixes `issue 87 <>`_.

- Install plone.resource in Plone 5.0 alpha 3. Fixes possible
``TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable`` when
migrating from Plone 4.3 for a site that did not have plone.resource
or diazo installed yet.
Fixes `issue 1756 <>`_. [maurits]

- Be sure smtp_port is an integer.

- Fix upgrade step for PasswordResetTool if there was never da different value than the default was set.

- Check whether avoiding exception in RealUpgradeLayer setup avoids polluting test environment.

- avoid error in layer teardown

1.3.27 (2016-08-16)

Bug fixes:

- Add empty upgrade step for 4.3.11.

- Add empty upgrade step for 5.0.6.

1.3.26 (2016-08-15)

Bug fixes:

- Remove deprecated ``mockup-registry`` and ``mockup-parser`` resources.

- Update ``last_compilation`` to deliver new bundles.

- Add missing ``jquery.browser`` dependency which is needed by patternslib.

- Use zope.interface decorator.

1.3.25 (2016-06-21)


- Adds controlpanel setting to enable navigation root bound keyword vocabularies.

- Update to 5.1a2 upgrade step to allow upgrades from Plone 5.1a1.

1.3.24 (2016-03-31)


- Add actions controlpanel when migrating to 5.1a1.

- Add null upgrade step for 5.0.3 to 5.0.4

1.3.23 (2016-03-31)


- Update 5.0a1 upgrade step to allow upgrades from Plone 5.0.3.

1.3.22 (2016-03-29)


- Registry upgrades for Plone 5.1 (less variables).

1.3.21 (2016-02-24)


- Registry upgrades for Plone 5.0.3

- Hidden the v50 module from the installable products, just like our
other modules. [maurits]


- Use `unsetLastVersionForProfile` from GenericSetup 1.8.1 and
higher. [maurits]

- Fix ``cleanUpProductRegistry`` to not break when ``Control_Panel`` cannot be found.
Fixes test failures with Zope 4.

1.3.20 (2016-01-08)


- Run missing upgrade-step of when upgrading to 5.0.2.

1.3.19 (2015-12-17)


- reapply profile for site-controlpanel

- extended step to501 to recreate metadata for getIcon, see
plone/Products.CMFPlone#1226, #58, #60, #61
[fgrcon, gagaro, jensens]

- Removed fake kupu tool and related settings and resources.

- Cleanup the skins tool.

- Cleanup uninstalled products. Remove uninstalled products from QI
and mark their installed profile version as unknown.

- If non installable profiles (really: hidden profiles) have been
installed in GS, mark their products as installed in the QI. This
does not work when also that *product* is marked as non installable,
because in normal operation (outside of this does
not happen either.

- Unmark installed profiles that are no longer available.


- Fixed removal of Large Plone Folder when migrating from Plone 3.

1.3.18 (2015-09-27)

- Add migration for ILinkSchema

- Add migration for TinyMCE settings

- Fix migration of typesUseViewActionInListings to registry.

- Fix incorrect interate import.

1.3.17 (2015-09-22)

- Fix issues with missing registry-entries when upgrading 5.0rc2 -> 5.0rc3.

1.3.16 (2015-09-20)

- Plone 4.3: upgrade TinyMCE correctly. Update sunburst theme profile
version when applying its upgrade step. Update CMFEditions. Update
This fixes

- Portal properties calendar_starting_year and calendar_future_years_available
were moved to registry.

- Remove unused invalid_ids portal property

1.3.15 (2015-09-11)

- Fix migration of types_not_searched to registry.

- Remove site properties that have been migrated to the registry.

1.3.14 (2015-09-08)

- Remove no-longer-used properties from portal_properties

- Remove plone_forms skins folder for 5.0 rc1

- Install and migrate linkintegrity-relations.

1.3.13 (2015-08-23)

- Unregister removed collection.css.

- 5.0 beta: do not set ``url_expr`` on configlet. This must be done
with ``setActionExpression``.

- Turn @@tinymce-controlpanel ``content_css`` field into a list

1.3.12 (2015-07-23)

- Fix for 5.0b2 -> 5.0b3 upgrade step that removed permissions from most of
the control panel configlets. This fixes:
[sneridagh, timo]

1.3.11 (2015-07-20)

- upgrade plone buttons to not have so many things open in modals

- uninstall mockup-pattern-accessibility pattern registration

- add Products.CMFPlacefulWorkflow as dep as __init__ requires this

- add social media control panel upgrade

- upgrades for plone 5 tinymce configuration and social tags config

- add step for updated dropzone resource location

- remove dependency

- Add jquerytools removal upgrade

- Plone 5: upgrade manage portlets js

- Remove hard dependency on CMFDefault

- Update the category configlet of all the configlets in order to provide a way
to categorize properly each configlet [sneridagh]

- Updated links for the renamed 'Types' control panel [sneridagh]

1.3.10 (2015-05-13)

- Plone 4.3: Enable NewsML feed syndication

- Plone 5: Migrate imagine control panel settings to the configuration

- Plone 5: Solve CMFPlacefulWorkflow __iro__ problem because
of moving their paths when upgrading

1.3.9 (2015-03-26)

- LanguageTool/ migration

- Update tests after removal of ``allowAnonymousViewAbout`` and
``validate_email`` properties in CMFPlone.

- Do not run tests not suited for the current Plone version
(implemented for 4.0 and below)

- Add upgrade step for the security control panel.

- Add upgrade step for mail control panel. Refs PLIP 10359.
[jcerjak, khink]

- Add upgrade steps for markup control panel.

1.3.8 (2014-11-01)

- Add upgrade steps for editing, maintenance, navigation, search,
and site control panels.

1.3.7 (2014-10-22)

- Add upgrade-profile for vs5002 and update rolemap.xml to include
"Mail forgotten password"-permission also to Managers.

- Added upgrade step for which adds new operations and

- Plone 5 upgrade: Respect previous installed when migrating
first_weekday setting.

- #12286 Need (Plone 4.0 upgrade) migration step for hidden static text

- provide upgrade step for plone.protect

1.3.6 (2014-03-02)

- Migrate theme settings, install Barceloneta.

- Migrate Members folder default view

1.3.5 (2014-02-19)

- Be sure the improved syndication settings introduced in the 4.3 series
are applied on upgrade.

- Avoid failure at lexicon upgrade (4.3rc1)
when we have an integrity error into the ZCTextIndex.

- Install and remove portal_calendar when upgarding to Plone 5.

- Remove portal_interface when upgrading to Plone 5.

- Remove portal_actionicons, portal_discussion, and portal_undo when
upgrading to Plone 5.

- Add condition to the upgrade step to add scaling-quality 4.3-final. no longer has the imaging_properties (moved to CMFPlone)
so they are not there in plone5-tests.

- Add conditional install of plonetheme.classic in upgrade step 4.0a1. Since
plonetheme.classic will be removed in Plone 5, we can not be sure that it
is always installed.

- Replace deprecated test assert statements.

- Add undeclared Products.TinyMCE dependency.

- Add use_uuid_as_userid site property in Plone 5.
Part of PLIP 13419.

- Use lowercase for email login in Plone 5.
Part of PLIP 13419.

- Remove persistent kss_mimetype import step.

- Fix name of Plone 5 zcml conditional feature to plone-5.

- Don't fail on out of date catalog when upgrading syndication for 4.3

- Add Default Plone Password Policy to Plone's acl_users.

1.3.4 (2013-08-14)

- Replace basic infrastructure for 4.4 series with same for 5.0 series.

- Upgrade TinyMCE: Remove space from style to prevent bogus class.

1.3.3 (2013-06-13)

- Add upgrade step to set image scaling quality (p.a.imaging 1.0.8).

- Upgrade broken 'added' content rules.

- handle syndication upgrade when folder is not syndication enabled but
has syndication information.

1.3.2 (2013-05-30)

- Nothing changed yet.

1.3.1 (2013-04-13)

- Fix upgrade-step upgradeSyndication for Dexterity

1.3 (2013-04-06)

- Add basic upgrade infrastructure for the Plone 4.4 series.

- Do not import Products.kupu. Fixes

1.3rc1 (2013-03-05)

- add step for rc1 to upgrade catalog correctly

- Avoid hard dependency on ATContentTypes.

1.3b2 (2013-01-17)

- Run plonetheme.sunburst 1.4 upgrade.

- Add upgrade step for

1.3b1 (2013-01-01)

- Make sure the syndication upgrade step unregisters the old tool
as a utility.

- Add upgrade for version 4.3b1 to make sure TinyMCE is upgraded.

- In the UID index migration, if there are items whose key is None,
skip them instead of complaining about there being multiple items.

1.3a2 (2012-10-18)

- Add upgrade step to remove KSS.
[vangheem, davisagli]

- Remove old upgrades that depended on KSS being present.

- Make sure registry settings for syndication and ResourceRegisties bundles
are set up for Plone 4.3.
[vangheem, davisagli]

- Make upgrade steps only run when is
installed (i.e. not for a plain Products.CMFPlone site.)

1.3a1 (2012-08-31)

- Added Plone 4.3 upgrade step to apply 1.5 upgrade step.

- Added Plone 4.3 upgrade step to re-install (Diazo theme
support) if installed previously. This will upgrade the control panel to the
new unified one.

- Added Plone 4.3 upgrade step to make sure TinyMCE 1.3 upgrade steps are run.

- Added upgrade step for new sortable_title logic.

- Add 'displayPublicationDateInByline' property to site properties sheet.
Required for PLIP #8699.

- Remove the plone_deprecated skin layer from all skins in Plone 4.3.

- Provide kupu tool module alias, so upgrade steps can read data from it.

- Remove kupu from the test dependencies.

- Make the RAM cache utility upgrade work without

- Fix an issue in an old upgrade step when used with current

- Add Member role to View dashboard permission

- Install when upgrading.

- Plone 4.1.5 upgrade step added that makes sure that
has been properly installed.

1.2.5 (2013-03-05)

- Add upgrade profile for Plone 4.2.5

1.2.4 (2013-01-17)

- Add upgrade profile for Plone 4.2.4

- Add missing to_423 folder.

1.2.3 (2012-12-15)

- Add upgrade profile for Plone 4.2.3

- In the UID index migration, if there are items whose key is None,
skip them instead of complaining about there being multiple items.

1.2.2 (2012-10-15)

- Add upgrade step to make sure the registry record for ResourceRegistries
bundles is installed.

1.2.1 (2012-08-11)

- Add upgrade profile for Plone 4.2.1

1.2 (2012-06-29)

- Add upgrade step to install the CMFEditions component registry bases

1.2rc2 (2012-05-31)

- Add profile for Plone 4.2rc2

1.2rc1 (2012-05-07)

- Fix an issue in an old upgrade step when used with current

- Add Member role to View dashboard permission

- Install when upgrading.

- Plone 4.1.5 upgrade step added that makes sure that
has been properly installed.

1.2b2 (2012-02-09)

- Fix adding Site Administrator roles for when
custom workflows might not have the permission_roles
for states set.

1.2b1 (2011-12-05)

- Avoid 4020->4100 rules being overpassed from a 4022 version.

- Add upgrade step to re-enable the getObjPositionInParent index in the

- Add upgrade step to add Site Administrator to allowRolesToAddKeywords.

1.2a2 - 2011-08-25

- Release 1.2a2

1.2a1 - 2011-08-08

- Removed input-label.js from portal_javascript in the 4.2 alpha profile.

1.1.7 (2012-06-27)

- Add Plone 4.1.6 upgrade step.

1.1.6 (2012-04-18)

- Add Plone 4.1.5 upgrade step.

1.1.5 (2012-02-08)

- Fix adding Site Administrator roles for when
custom workflows might not have the permission_roles
for states set.

1.1.4 (2011-11-28)

- Avoid 4020->4100 rules being overpassed from a 4022 version.

1.1.3 (2011-10-08)

- Add upgrade step to re-enable the getObjPositionInParent index in the

1.1.2 (2011-09-22)

- Add missing upgrade steps from recent versions of Plone 4.0.x.

1.1.1 (2011-09-21)

- Fix v41.alphas.convert_to_uuidindex() to truly ignore acquired
UID values in the index instead of accidentally treating them
as duplicates, due to a bug in path comparison. Fixes for
cases where multiple items without UID() method are contained
in a folder with a UID in a site being upgraded to 4.1:

- Add upgrade step to fix ZCTextIndex OkapiIndex instances with an
incorrect _totaldoclen

- Migrate type icons from content_icon to icon_expr for all FTIs.
[thomasdesvenain, vincentfretin]

1.1 - 2011-07-12

- Fix misnamed metadata.xml files in the 4.1 profiles.

- Add new upgrade step to add missing UUIDs to Collection-criteria.

1.1rc3 - 2011-06-02

- In actions.xml, use object_url for the object_buttons.

- Actually register the `update_controlpanel_permissions` and
`update_role_mappings` upgrade steps.

1.1rc2 - 2011-05-21

- Release 1.1rc2.

1.1rc1 - 2011-05-20

- Adjusted boolean index conversion to new variable index value support
introduced in ZCatalog 2.13.14.

- Added upgrade step to respect the new blacklisted interface list.

- Added upgrade step to fix the cataloged ids of interfaces in the
`object_provides` index. Closes

- Added new upgrade step to optimize date range index and respect the new
floor and ceiling date settings.

- Removed `v40.alphas.optimizeDateRangeIndexes` upgrade step, as it is
superseded by the `v41.alphas.optimize_rangeindex` code and would do an
upgrade that the second step reverted anyways.

- Add

- Remove unexistant GenericSetup step dependency on plonepas-content.

1.1b2 - 2011-04-06

- Added a 4.1b2 profile.

1.1b1 - 2011-03-02

- Fix handling of BTrees sets when converting the UUIDIndex.

- Optimize `DateIndex._unindex` internals.

1.1a3 - 2011-02-14

- Upgrade `UID` index to new UUIDIndex.

- Upgrade `is_default_page` and `is_folderish` to new boolean index.

- Upgrade index internals for field, key and range indexes.

- Added 4.1a3 profile.

1.1a2 - 2011-02-10

- Added 4.1a2 steps.

1.1a1 - 2011-01-18

- Add CMFPlacefulWorkflow, kupu, iterate and p.a.openid to test dependencies
as the test site zexps contain their objects.

- Make CMFPlacefulWorkflow, kupu and iterate optional during CMFPlone tests.

- Depend on ``Products.CMFPlone`` instead of ``Plone``.

- Added upgrade step to install plone.outputfilters.

- Added properties / actions for Single Sign On login form.

- Added upgrade steps to add the Site Administrator role and Site Administrators
group and update control panel permissions on upgrading to Plone 4.1a1.

- Added infrastructure for upgrades to Plone 4.1.

1.0.4 - 2011-02-26

- Add empty profile for 4.0.3-4.0.4 upgrade.

1.0.3 - 2011-01-18

- Add empty profile for 4.0.2-4.0.3 upgrade.

1.0.2 - 2010-11-15

- During the blob migration of files and images, disable link
integrity checking, as it can lead to problems, even though no
content is permanently removed.

1.0.1 - 2010-09-28

- Add empty profile for 4.0-4.0.1 upgrade.

- Avoid relying on the ``Control_Panel/Products`` section, as it is no longer
used. This closes

1.0 - 2010-08-28

- Add empty profile for rc1-final upgrade.

1.0rc1 - 2010-08-05

- Update personal preferences action to its new URL.

- Added `padding-left` to the safe_html style whitelist. This refs

- Update license to GPL version 2 only.

1.0b5 - 2010-07-07

- Added upgrade step to remove the ``sunburst_js`` skin layer.

- Upgrade step for removing IE8.js from Sunburst.

- Merged the ``recompilePythonScripts`` upgrade step with the unified folder
upgrade step. This avoids an extra complete traversal of the entire site.

- Rewrote the ``updateIconMetadata`` upgrade step for speed.

- Moved the code to remove old persistent Interface records into the
recompilePythonScripts step. This step actually covers all objects.

- Optimized the ``optimizeDateRangeIndexes`` upgrade step to take advantage of
knowledge about index internals instead of a brute force reindexIndex call.

- Optimized the "update getIcon metadata" upgrade step and added a progress
handler to it.

- Enhance the unregisterOldSteps upgrade step, by removing all persistent
steps for which a ZCML steps exists.

- Take a savepoint before starting the unified folder upgrade. This lets us
fail fast if there's problems pickling anything.

- Also catch TypeError's in the action icons upgrade.

- Added optional CacheFu uninstallation step. This will remove CacheFu tools
if they are detected to be broken.

- Removing action links from Events, since they are in the template (and were
never supposed to have actions in the first place). This fixes

- Re-add the File and Image FTI icon expressions.

- Add missing upgrade steps for control panels and site properties.

- Modify the restoreTheme upgrade step to improve handling of themes when
upgrading from Plone 3. Now if the skin was "Plone Default", it will be
set to "Plone Classic Theme" if the layers were uncustomized. If the
layers were customized, the layers and viewlet settings will be copied to
a new skin called "Old Plone 3 Custom Theme", and then "Plone Default"
will be reset to its typical configuration in a fresh Plone 4 site.
This closes

1.0b4 - 2010-06-03

- Add to jsregistry to accomodate
new jQuery Forms plug in.

- Add upgrade step to convert all files and images to blobs. This closes

- Upgrade the standard File and Image FTI's to use blobs. This refs

- Add upgrade step to remove the Large Plone Folder type for Plone 4.0rc1
(there is another step which already turns Large Plone Folders into
unordered regular Folders). Removed references to Large Plone Folder from
old upgrade steps.

1.0b3 - 2010-05-03

- Added an automated upgrade step to remove old persistent Zope2 Interface
records. This refs
[dunlapm, hannosch]

1.0b2 - 2010-04-09

- Add an upgrade step to update the getIcon metadata column for core types so
that our new CSS sprited icons can be used.

- Update the safe_html transform with the new config params, migrating existing
config from Kupu.

- Added upgrade step for viewlet changes in Plone 4.0b2.

1.0b1 - 2010-03-08

- Update the Plone 4 action icons upgrade step to avoid storing icon
expressions as unicode when possible.

- Add step to update viewlet order and hidden managers for the Sunburst theme
to reflect recent changes.

- Add upgrade step to move added recursive_groups plugin to the bottom of the
IGroupsPlugin list.

- Added upgrade step to profile version 4007.

1.0a5 - 2010-02-19

- Migrate `getObjPositionInParent` to stub index capable of sorting search
results according to their position in the container, a.k.a. "nogopip".

- In migration to 4.0a5, hide the plone.path_bar viewlet from the
plone.portaltop manager for the Sunburst Theme.

- Add new editing control panel.

- Removed the no longer needed history viewlet. This refs

- Added upgrade step to update folderish types to add the 'All content'
folder_full_view. Include IE fixes and disabling of base2 js.

- Add upgrade step to cleanup plonetheme.classic CSS resources upon
migration. Make plonetheme.classic visible in the QI.

- Added upgrade step to optimize the internal data structures of date range
indexes as introduced in Zope 2.12.2.

- Changed the cleanUpProductRegistry upgrade step to remove all entries from the
persistent registry and run it again for existing alpha sites.

1.0a4 - 2010-02-01

- Fix theme upgrades by making sure that plone_styles gets updated to
classic_styles even when it already exists in the skins tool.

- Add upgrade step to create, but not install, a recursive groups PAS plugin.

- Update the `portal_type` of former "Large Folder" content to "Folder".

- Make sure the step registry gets cleaned up before the toolset-fixing
profile gets imported, when upgrading to 4.x.

- Add upgrade to pull iefixes from ResourceRegistries.

- Add missing upgrades from Plone 3.3.2 to 3.3.3 to 3.3.4 to 4.0a1.

- Call the portal_metadata DCMI upgrade step from CMFDefault when upgrading
to Plone 4.0b1.

- Enable the diff export in functional upgrade tests, we do a complete
GenericSetup export of all upgraded sites now.

- Remove the hint of doing an export/import comparison for the full upgrades.
These have varying add-ons installed depending on the original site and its
quite hard to get the same add-ons installed again in a new site.

- Added functional upgrade tests based on an actual zexp export of each major
version of Plone. Each one is imported and upgraded. A diff of the upgraded
configuration vs the one of a completely new site is generated. Thanks to
CMF for the inspiration. This closes

- Declared missing dependencies.

1.0a3 - 2009-12-16

- Updated all profile versions in the Plone 4 series to new simple integer
based numbers.

- Updated to match the new profile version for Plone.

- Extended the unregisterOldSteps upgrade step to remove persistent step
registrations now done via ZCML.

- Fixed a reference of jquery.js in the Plone 3.0 upgrade steps. The file was
only introduced in Plone 3.1.

- Moved the join action URL expression update to the 4.0a2-4.0a3 step, since
it never got wired up for a1-a2.

- Removed references to content_icon, which is deprecated in CMFCore 2.2.0
beta 1.

1.0a2 - 2009-12-02

- Provide join_form_fields to user_registration_fields migration.

- Recompile all persistent Python Scripts during the upgrade.

- Simplify installation of new dependencies and include ````.

- Run the steps found in the ``Products.CMFPlone:dependencies`` profile.

- Remove ``calendarpopup.js`` from portal_javascripts.

- Preserve the default theme after an upgrade instead of making sunburst the
new default. Also ensure the classic_styles layer isn't part of sunburst.

- The plone_styles layer is automatically renamed to classic_styles.

- Let the mailhost upgrade step replace broken objects with a fresh standard
mailhost. It's likely our new one has the features of the custom product.

- Clean up Zope's product registry to deal with removed products and internal
changes to the HelpSys catalogs.

- Deal with more removed import steps and remove them from the registry.

- Cleanup the skins tools and remove broken directory views as well as cleaning
up the skin selections to avoid references to no longer existing directories.

- Remove entries from the toolset registry pointing to no longer existing
tools. This can happen when add-ons have been uninstalled.

- When upgrading to Plone 4.0a1, be sure to update the toolset with new class
locations before importing any other profiles, which might otherwise fail
in the toolset step. Be sure to update the locations for the tools which
moved from CMFPlone to PlonePAS, for upgrades from very old sites.

1.0a1 - 2009-11-17

- Added Products.contentmigration as a dependency.

- Fixed removeal of highlightsearchterms.js.

- Added plonetheme.classic and plonetheme.sunburst as dependencies.

- Add migration for unified folders.

- Replace highlightsearchterms.js with jquery.highlightsearchterms.js

- Add new default modifiers from CMFEditions on upgrade.

- Adjust the sarissa.js condition on upgrading to Plone 4, so that it doesn't
break if kupu is absent.

- Make sure the TinyMCE profile and default_editor property get installed when
upgrading to Plone 4 (kupu remains the default editor for upgraded sites).

- Aded Migration for SecureMailHost removal

- Added step to remove the plone_various step from the persistent import
step registry.

- Added upgrade step to remove outdated actions and properties from both the
Plone Site and TempFolder FTI.

- Adjusted setupReferencebrowser upgrade step to proper new-style.

- Added property use_email_as_login=False to the site properties in the
Plone 4 alpha migration. Refs

- Added update of resources to use the authenticated flag instead of a full
expression where possible, in the Plone 4 alpha migration.

- Added renaming of Categories to Tags in the portal_atct tool indices in the
Plone 4 alpha migration.

- Added updating of the actor variable expression for several workflows in the
Plone 4 alpha migration. This helps fix

- Added removal of action for AT graphviz reference visualization from
all content types in the Plone 4 alpha migration.

- Made the action icons migration switch from GIF to PNG where possible,
and correctly handle actions in the document_actions category.

- Added link to upgrade instructions for sites upgraded from Plone < 2.5
(technically, sites using GroupUserFolder)

- Added a INonInstallable utility to hide this package's profiles from the
quick installer.

- Fixed a couple profiles that were not registered for IMigratingPloneSiteRoot.

- Added Plone 4 migration step to add icon_expr to FTIs.

- Revert the migration steps for getting rid of the external editor.

- Adjusted action icon migration to handle the configlet icons properly.

- Re-added missing configlet migrations.

- Adjust migration for installing CMFDiffTool to reflect the fact that this is
now configured in CMFPlone.

- Re-add portal_controlpanel to the list of special action providers for the
migrateOldActions function.

- Corrected the migrateActionIcons function to use the correct API for setting
the new icon_expr, so that the icon_expr_object also gets set correctly.

- Adjusted the addMissingWorkflows action to reflect additional variables
returned by the WorkflowDefinitionConfigurator in current DCWorkflow.

- Moved the cleanDefaultCharset action to the 3.0a2-3.0b1 migration; it is a
prerequisite for that step's properties.xml import.

- Adjusted the 2.5-3.0a1 step to correct the toolset registry class metadata
for the tools which are located in PlonePAS as of Plone 3.

- Added migration to make sure we're using an IRAMCache utility from
zope.ramcache instead of

- Merged changeset 27805 from 3.3 branch migrations for 3.3rc3 to
3.3rc4 (fix cooked expressions in css registry).

- Added the z3c.autoinclude entry point so this package is automatically loaded
on Plone 3.3 and above.

- Import the `replace_local_role_manager` method from borg.localrole.

- Merge changeset 24257 from 3.2 branch migrations for 3.2 to 3.2.1

- Fixed deprecation warnings for use of Globals.

- Specified package dependencies.

- Updated method calls to PlonePAS. They lost the out argument.

- Adjusted enableZope3Site function to match the new CMF21 upgrade step.

- Removed safeGetMemberDataTool method, which wasn't used anywhere.

- Initial implementation.

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