Command line script and Python library to make plots from data files.
Project description
plottoolbox - Quick Guide
The plottoolbox is a Python script to manipulate time-series on the command line or by function calls within Python. Uses pandas ( or numpy ( for any heavy lifting.
pandas - on Windows this is part scientific Python distributions like Python(x,y), Anaconda, or Enthought.
pip install plottoolbox
conda install -c conda-forge plottoolbox
Usage - Command Line
Just run ‘plottoolbox –help’ to get a list of subcommands:
usage: plottoolbox [-h] {autocorrelation, bar, bar_stacked, barh, barh_stacked, bootstrap, boxplot, double_mass, heatmap, histogram, kde, kde_time, lag_plot, lognorm_xaxis, lognorm_yaxis, norm_xaxis, norm_yaxis, probability_density, scatter_matrix, target, taylor, time, weibull_xaxis, weibull_yaxis, xy, about} ... positional arguments: {autocorrelation, bar, bar_stacked, barh, barh_stacked, bootstrap, boxplot, double_mass, heatmap, histogram, kde, kde_time, lag_plot, lognorm_xaxis, lognorm_yaxis, norm_xaxis, norm_yaxis, probability_density, scatter_matrix, target, taylor, time, weibull_xaxis, weibull_yaxis, xy, about} autocorrelation Autocorrelation plot. bar Bar plot, sometimes called a "column" plot. bar_stacked Stacked vertical bar, sometimes called a stacked column plot. barh Bar plot, sometimes called a "column" plot. barh_stacked Horizontal stacked bar plot. bootstrap Bootstrap plot randomly selects a subset of the imput time-series. boxplot Box and whiskers plot. double_mass Double mass curve - cumulative sum of x against cumulative sum of y. heatmap 2D heatmap of daily data. histogram Histogram. kde Kernel density estimation of probability density function. kde_time A time-series plot with a kernel density estimation (KDE) plot. lag_plot Lag plot. lognorm_xaxis Log-normal x-axis. lognorm_yaxis Log-normal y-axis. norm_xaxis Normal x-axis. norm_yaxis Normal y-axis. probability_density Probability plot. scatter_matrix Plots all columns against each other in matrix of plots. target Creates a "target" diagram to plot goodness of fit. taylor Taylor diagram to plot goodness of fit. time Time-series plot. weibull_xaxis Weibull x-axis. weibull_yaxis Weibull y-axis. xy Creates an 'x,y' plot, also known as a scatter plot. about Display version number and system information. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit
The default for all of the subcommands is to accept data from stdin (typically a pipe). If a subcommand accepts an input file for an argument, you can use “–input_ts=input_file_name.csv”, or to explicitly specify from stdin (the default) “–input_ts=’-‘”.
For the subcommands that output data it is printed to the screen and you can then redirect to a file.
Usage - API
You can use all of the command line subcommands as functions. The function signature is identical to the command line subcommands. The return is always a PANDAS DataFrame. Input can be a CSV or TAB separated file, or a PANDAS DataFrame and is supplied to the function via the ‘input_ts’ keyword.
Simply import plottoolbox:
from plottoolbox import plottoolbox # Then you could call the functions plt = plottoolbox.time(input_ts='tests/test_fill_01.csv')