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Produce & Publish Python Client

Project description


Produce & Publish bindings for Python.

The pp.client-python bindings can be used to communicate with the Produce & Publish server pp.server for generating PDF from Python applications or for making document conversions using the unoconv (wrapper around LibreOffice or LibreOffice).


  • Python 3.5

  • Python 3.6

Source code

Bug tracker



pdf API

The pdf API supports the conversion of HTML/XML to PDF through the following PDFconverters:

  • PDFreactor 7+ (commercial)

  • PrinceXML 9+ (commercial)

  • Speedata Publisher (free)

  • PhantomJS (free)

  • Vivliostyle Formatter (free)

The PDF conversion process is based on the “CSS Paged Media” approach where the input documents (XML or HTML) are styled using CSS only.

The pdf API of pp.client-python expects that the input file and all related assets (images, stylesheets, font files etc.) are placed within a working directory. The input file must be named index.html.

Using the commandline frontend:

$ ../bin/pp-pdf  --help
usage: pp-pdf [-h] [-f princexml] [-o] [-a] [-s http://localhost:6543]
              [-t None] [-c] [-v]
              source_directory [cmd_options]

positional arguments:
  source_directory      Source directory containing content and assets to be
  cmd_options           []

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f princexml, --converter princexml
                        PDF converter to be used (princexml, pdfreactor, publisher)
  -o , --output         Write result ZIP to given .zip filename
  -a, --async           Perform conversion asynchronously)
  -s http://localhost:6543, --server-url http://localhost:6543
                        URL of Produce & Publish server)
  -t None, --authorization-token None
                        Authorization token for P&P server
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode

The same functionality is available to any Python application through the pdf() API of the pp.client-python module:

from pp.client.python.pdf import pdf

def pdf(source_directory,

unoconv API

The unoconv API provides a generic conversion API for various formats (supported by the underlaying LibreOffice background service):

The following list of document formats are currently available:

  bib      - BibTeX [.bib]
  doc      - Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP [.doc]
  doc6     - Microsoft Word 6.0 [.doc]
  doc95    - Microsoft Word 95 [.doc]
  docbook  - DocBook [.xml]
  docx     - Microsoft Office Open XML [.docx]
  docx7    - Microsoft Office Open XML [.docx]
  fodt     - OpenDocument Text (Flat XML) [.fodt]
  html     - HTML Document ( Writer) [.html]
  latex    - LaTeX 2e [.ltx]
  mediawiki - MediaWiki [.txt]
  odt      - ODF Text Document [.odt]
  ooxml    - Microsoft Office Open XML [.xml]
  ott      - Open Document Text [.ott]
  pdb      - AportisDoc (Palm) [.pdb]
  pdf      - Portable Document Format [.pdf]
  psw      - Pocket Word [.psw]
  rtf      - Rich Text Format [.rtf]
  sdw      - StarWriter 5.0 [.sdw]
  sdw4     - StarWriter 4.0 [.sdw]
  sdw3     - StarWriter 3.0 [.sdw]
  stw      - Open 1.0 Text Document Template [.stw]
  sxw      - Open 1.0 Text Document [.sxw]
  text     - Text Encoded [.txt]
  txt      - Text [.txt]
  uot      - Unified Office Format text [.uot]
  vor      - StarWriter 5.0 Template [.vor]
  vor4     - StarWriter 4.0 Template [.vor]
  vor3     - StarWriter 3.0 Template [.vor]
  xhtml    - XHTML Document [.html]

The following list of graphics formats are currently available:

  bmp      - Windows Bitmap [.bmp]
  emf      - Enhanced Metafile [.emf]
  eps      - Encapsulated PostScript [.eps]
  fodg     - OpenDocument Drawing (Flat XML) [.fodg]
  gif      - Graphics Interchange Format [.gif]
  html     - HTML Document ( Draw) [.html]
  jpg      - Joint Photographic Experts Group [.jpg]
  met      - OS/2 Metafile [.met]
  odd      - OpenDocument Drawing [.odd]
  otg      - OpenDocument Drawing Template [.otg]
  pbm      - Portable Bitmap [.pbm]
  pct      - Mac Pict [.pct]
  pdf      - Portable Document Format [.pdf]
  pgm      - Portable Graymap [.pgm]
  png      - Portable Network Graphic [.png]
  ppm      - Portable Pixelmap [.ppm]
  ras      - Sun Raster Image [.ras]
  std      - 1.0 Drawing Template [.std]
  svg      - Scalable Vector Graphics [.svg]
  svm      - StarView Metafile [.svm]
  swf      - Macromedia Flash (SWF) [.swf]
  sxd      - 1.0 Drawing [.sxd]
  sxd3     - StarDraw 3.0 [.sxd]
  sxd5     - StarDraw 5.0 [.sxd]
  sxw      - StarOffice XML (Draw) [.sxw]
  tiff     - Tagged Image File Format [.tiff]
  vor      - StarDraw 5.0 Template [.vor]
  vor3     - StarDraw 3.0 Template [.vor]
  wmf      - Windows Metafile [.wmf]
  xhtml    - XHTML [.xhtml]
  xpm      - X PixMap [.xpm]

The following list of presentation formats are currently available:

  bmp      - Windows Bitmap [.bmp]
  emf      - Enhanced Metafile [.emf]
  eps      - Encapsulated PostScript [.eps]
  fodp     - OpenDocument Presentation (Flat XML) [.fodp]
  gif      - Graphics Interchange Format [.gif]
  html     - HTML Document ( Impress) [.html]
  jpg      - Joint Photographic Experts Group [.jpg]
  met      - OS/2 Metafile [.met]
  odg      - ODF Drawing (Impress) [.odg]
  odp      - ODF Presentation [.odp]
  otp      - ODF Presentation Template [.otp]
  pbm      - Portable Bitmap [.pbm]
  pct      - Mac Pict [.pct]
  pdf      - Portable Document Format [.pdf]
  pgm      - Portable Graymap [.pgm]
  png      - Portable Network Graphic [.png]
  potm     - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML Template [.potm]
  pot      - Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP Template [.pot]
  ppm      - Portable Pixelmap [.ppm]
  pptx     - Microsoft PowerPoint 2007/2010 XML [.pptx]
  pps      - Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP (Autoplay) [.pps]
  ppt      - Microsoft PowerPoint 97/2000/XP [.ppt]
  pwp      - PlaceWare [.pwp]
  ras      - Sun Raster Image [.ras]
  sda      - StarDraw 5.0 ( Impress) [.sda]
  sdd      - StarImpress 5.0 [.sdd]
  sdd3     - StarDraw 3.0 ( Impress) [.sdd]
  sdd4     - StarImpress 4.0 [.sdd]
  sxd      - 1.0 Drawing ( Impress) [.sxd]
  sti      - 1.0 Presentation Template [.sti]
  svg      - Scalable Vector Graphics [.svg]
  svm      - StarView Metafile [.svm]
  swf      - Macromedia Flash (SWF) [.swf]
  sxi      - 1.0 Presentation [.sxi]
  tiff     - Tagged Image File Format [.tiff]
  uop      - Unified Office Format presentation [.uop]
  vor      - StarImpress 5.0 Template [.vor]
  vor3     - StarDraw 3.0 Template ( Impress) [.vor]
  vor4     - StarImpress 4.0 Template [.vor]
  vor5     - StarDraw 5.0 Template ( Impress) [.vor]
  wmf      - Windows Metafile [.wmf]
  xhtml    - XHTML [.xml]
  xpm      - X PixMap [.xpm]

The following list of spreadsheet formats are currently available:

  csv      - Text CSV [.csv]
  dbf      - dBASE [.dbf]
  dif      - Data Interchange Format [.dif]
  fods     - OpenDocument Spreadsheet (Flat XML) [.fods]
  html     - HTML Document ( Calc) [.html]
  ods      - ODF Spreadsheet [.ods]
  ooxml    - Microsoft Excel 2003 XML [.xml]
  ots      - ODF Spreadsheet Template [.ots]
  pdf      - Portable Document Format [.pdf]
  pxl      - Pocket Excel [.pxl]
  sdc      - StarCalc 5.0 [.sdc]
  sdc4     - StarCalc 4.0 [.sdc]
  sdc3     - StarCalc 3.0 [.sdc]
  slk      - SYLK [.slk]
  stc      - 1.0 Spreadsheet Template [.stc]
  sxc      - 1.0 Spreadsheet [.sxc]
  uos      - Unified Office Format spreadsheet [.uos]
  vor3     - StarCalc 3.0 Template [.vor]
  vor4     - StarCalc 4.0 Template [.vor]
  vor      - StarCalc 5.0 Template [.vor]
  xhtml    - XHTML [.xhtml]
  xls      - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP [.xls]
  xls5     - Microsoft Excel 5.0 [.xls]
  xls95    - Microsoft Excel 95 [.xls]
  xlt      - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP Template [.xlt]
  xlt5     - Microsoft Excel 5.0 Template [.xlt]
  xlt95    - Microsoft Excel 95 Template [.xlt]
  xlsx     - Microsoft Excel 2007/2010 XML [.xlsx]

Using the commandline frontend:

$ bin/pp-unoconv --help
usage: pp-unoconv [-h] [-f pdf] [-o] [-a] [-s http://localhost:6543] [-t None]

positional arguments:
  input_filename        Source file to be converted

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f pdf, --format pdf  Output format (default=pdf)
  -o , --output         Write converted file to custom filename
  -s http://localhost:6543, --server-url http://localhost:6543
                        URL of Produce & Publish server)
  -t None, --authorization-token None
                        Authorization token for P&P server
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode)

For example you can use the following commandline call for converting your my.docx document to HTML. The conversion result will be returned always as a ZIP file containing the converted data (in this case the ZIP file will contain the converted HTML and extracted graphic files if applicable). A dedicated token is necessary if you want to access the hosted conversion service provided by ZOPYX Limited (contact us):

bin/pp-unoconv -f html -s -v -o -t <token> my.docx

The same functionality is available to any Python application through the unoconv() API of the pp.client-python module:

from pp.client.python.unoconv import unoconv

def unoconv(input_filename,


Support for Produce & Publish Server and components is currently only available on a project basis.


pp.client-python is published under the GNU Public License V2 (GPL 2).


Andreas Jung/ZOPYX
Hundskapfklinge 33
D-72074 Tuebingen, Germany


0.4.5 (2017-08-08)

  • disabled option to by-pass SSL cert checks

0.4.4 (2015-11-14)

  • support for Vivliostyle Formatter

0.4.2 (2015-02-02)

  • support for /api/available-converters (requires pp.server>=0.6.1)

0.4.1 (2014-11-19)

  • experimental support for Speedata Publisher

0.4.0 (2014-10-13)

  • compatiblity with Python 3.3 and 3.4

  • dropped Python 2.6 support

0.3.6 (24-01-2014)

  • added option ‘-c’ to most commandline script in order for explicit SSL cert validation

0.3.5 (24-01-2014)

  • disabled SSL cert validation since Python/requests module can not deal properly with the StartCOM SSL cert of

0.3.4 (21-01-2014)

  • updated unoconv API documentation

0.3.3 (13-01-2014)

  • support for server side token-based authorization

0.3.2 (13-01-2014)

  • import fix

0.3.1 (21-10-2013)

0.3.0 (17-10-2013)

  • Python 3.3 compatibility

0.2.9 (06-10-2013)

  • added API methods for version and converters API of pp.server webservice

0.2.8 (05-10-2013)

  • added support for cmd_options parameter for pp.server==0.3.5

0.2.7 (03-10-2013)

  • documentation update

0.2.6 (14-07-2013)

  • better error handling

  • fixed issues with format() calls under Python 2.6

0.2.0 (06-07-2013)

  • minor fixes

  • moved documentation to Sphinx

0.1.5 (04-07-2013)

  • implemented poll support

  • fixes

0.1.4 (04-07-2013)

  • added async support to pp-pdf commandline frontend

0.1.3 (03-07-2013)

  • pdf converter parameter not properly propagated

0.1.2 (03-07-2013)

  • logger fixes/changes

0.1.0 (03-07-2013)

  • initial release

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