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Markov logic networks in Python

Project description

pracmln is a toolbox for statistical relational learning and reasoning and provides a pure python implementation of Markov logic networks. pracmln is a statistical relational learning and reasoning system that supports efficient learning and inference in relational domains. pracmln has started as a fork of the ProbCog toolbox and has been extended by latest developments in learning and reasoning by the Institute for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Bremen, Germany.


$ pip install pracmln


pracmln comes with its own sphinx-based documentation. To build it, conduct the following actions:

cdpath/to/pracmln/doc make html

If you have installed Sphinx, the documentation should be build. Open it in your favorite web browser:

$ firefox _build/html/index.html

Sphinx can be installed with

$ sudo pip install sphinx sphinxcontrib-bibtex

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