Lightweight HTTP reverse proxy built on eventlet
Project description
proxylet: lightweight HTTP reverse proxy built on eventlet
This module implements a lightweight reverse proxy for HTTP, using non-blocking
IO based on the eventlet module. It aims to do as little as possible while
supporting simple request/response rewriting and being compatible with HTTP
Basic operation is via the 'serve' function, which will bind to the
specified host and port and start accepting incoming HTTP requests:
Here 'mapper' is a function taking a proxylet.streams.HTTPRequest object,
and returning either None (for '404 Not Found') or a 3-tuple giving the
destination host, destination port, and a rewriter object.
The rewriter can be any callable that takes request and response streams
as arguments and returns wrapped versions of them, but it will most likely
be a subclass of proxylet.relocate.Relocator. This class has the necessary
logic to rewrite the request for proxying.
As an example of the available functionality, this mapping function will
proxy requests to /svn to a private subversion server, requests to /files
to a private fileserver, and return 404 for any other paths:
def mapper(req):
svn = SVNRelocator("","")
if svn.matchesLocal(req.reqURI):
return svn.mapping # contains the (host,port,rewriter) tuple
if req.reqURI.startswith("/files/"):
return ("",80,None)
return None
This module implements a lightweight reverse proxy for HTTP, using non-blocking
IO based on the eventlet module. It aims to do as little as possible while
supporting simple request/response rewriting and being compatible with HTTP
Basic operation is via the 'serve' function, which will bind to the
specified host and port and start accepting incoming HTTP requests:
Here 'mapper' is a function taking a proxylet.streams.HTTPRequest object,
and returning either None (for '404 Not Found') or a 3-tuple giving the
destination host, destination port, and a rewriter object.
The rewriter can be any callable that takes request and response streams
as arguments and returns wrapped versions of them, but it will most likely
be a subclass of proxylet.relocate.Relocator. This class has the necessary
logic to rewrite the request for proxying.
As an example of the available functionality, this mapping function will
proxy requests to /svn to a private subversion server, requests to /files
to a private fileserver, and return 404 for any other paths:
def mapper(req):
svn = SVNRelocator("","")
if svn.matchesLocal(req.reqURI):
return svn.mapping # contains the (host,port,rewriter) tuple
if req.reqURI.startswith("/files/"):
return ("",80,None)
return None