Python client library for
Project description
This project aims to provide client functionality for the web site in Python.
Prior to using punters_client, the package must be installed in your current Python environment. In most cases, an automated installation via PyPI and pip will suffice, as follows:
pip install punters_client
If you would prefer to gain access to new (unstable) features via a pre-release version of the package, specify the ‘pre’ option when calling pip, as follows:
pip install --pre punters_client
To gain access to bleeding edge developments, the package can be installed from a source distribution. To do so, you will need to clone the git repository and execute the script from the root directory of the source tree, as follows:
git clone cd punters_client python install
If you would prefer to install the package as a symlink to the source distribution (for development purposes), execute the script with the ‘develop’ option instead, as follows:
python develop
Basic Usage
To access the functionality described below, you must first create an instance of the punters_client.Scraper class. To do so, you will need to provide a compatible HTTP client and a HTML parser. The HTTP client can be any object that implements the requests.Session API, supporting calls such as the following:
response = http_client.get(url) response.raise_for_status() content = response.text
The HTML parser can be any callable that implements the lxml.html.fromstring API, supporting calls such as the following:
html = html_parser(content)
punters_client has only been tested with cache_requests.Session as a HTTP client and lxml.html.fromstring as a HTML parser. To set up the required dependencies in your own project using the same packages, execute the following code in your Python interpreter:
>>> import cache_requests >>> http_client = cache_requests.Session() >>> from lxml import html >>> html_parser = html.fromstring
With these dependencies in place, you can now create an instance of the punters_client.Scraper class as follows:
>>> import punters_client >>> scraper = punters_client.Scraper(http_client, html_parser)
The scraper instance can now be used to scrape a range of racing data from the web, as illustrated in the following sections…
Scraping Meets
Meets represent a collection of races occurring at a given track on a given date. To scrape a list of meets occurring on a specified date, execute the following code in your Python interpreter:
>>> from datetime import datetime >>> date = datetime(2016, 2, 1) >>> meets = scraper.scrape_meets(date)
The scrape_meets method will return a list of dictionaries representing all meets occurring in Australia on the specified date. Accordingly, a meet’s details can be accessed as follows:
>>> meet = meets[index] >>> track = meet['track']
Scraping Races
Races represent a collection of runners competing in a single event at a meet. To scrape a list of races occurring at a specified meet, execute the following code in your Python interpreter:
>>> races = scraper.scrape_races(meet)
The scrape_races method will return a list of dictionaries representing all races occurring at the specified meet. Accordingly, a race’s details can be accessed as follows:
>>> race = races[index] >>> number = race['number']
Scraping Runners
Runners represent a single combination of horse, jockey and trainer competing in a race. To scrape a list of runners competing in a specified race, execute the following code in your Python interpreter:
>>> runners = scraper.scrape_runners(race)
The scrape_runners method will return a list of dictionaries representing all runners occurring at the specified race. Accordingly, a runner’s details can be accessed as follows:
>>> runner = runners[index] >>> number = runner['number']
Scraping Horses, Jockeys and Trainers
Horses, jockeys and trainers represent the distinct components of a runner. To scrape the profile for a runner’s horse, jockey or trainer, execute the following code in your Python interpreter as appropriate:
>>> horse = scraper.scrape_horse(runner) >>> jockey = scraper.scrape_jockey(runner) >>> trainer = scraper.scrape_trainer(runner)
The scrape_horse, scrape_jockey and scrape_trainer methods all return a dictionary representing the horse/jockey/trainer’s profile. Accordingly, profile details can be accessed as follows:
>>> name = horse['name'] >>> name = jockey['name'] >>> name = trainer['name']
Scraping Performances
Performances represent the results of completed runs for a horse/jockey. To scrape a list of performances for a given horse/jockey, execute the following code in your Python interpreter as appropriate:
>>> performances = scraper.scrape_performances(horse) >>> performances = scraper.scrape_performances(jockey)
NOTE: Due to the sheer volume of performances associated with any given jockey, it is only possible to recover a short and incomplete list of the most recent performances as at the time of scraping from This should not be an issue with most horses.
The scrape_performances method returns a list of dictionaries representing the past performances for the specified horse/jockey. Accordingly, a performance’s details can be accessed as follows:
>>> performance = performances[index] >>> result = performance['result']
Development and Testing
The source distribution includes a test suite based on pytest. To ensure compatibility with all supported versions of Python, it is recommended that the test suite be run via tox.
To install all development and test requirements into your current Python environment, execute the following command from the root directory of the source tree:
pip install -e .[dev,test]
To run the test suite included in the source distribution, execute the tox command from the root directory of the source tree as follows: