pyShipping - Shipping related Toolkit
Project description
pyShipping provides connections to interface with shipping companies and to transport shipping related information.
package - shipping/cargo related calculations based on a unit of shipping (box, crate, package), includes a bin packing implementation in pure Python
sendung - defines an abstract shippment (Sendung), with packages and calculations based on that
addressvalidation - check if an address is valid
carriers.dpd - calculation of DPD/Georoutes routing data and labels. Included tables are for shippments from Wuppertal but it should work with all other german routing tables. See this Blogpost about updating routing information.
fortras - tools for reading and writing Fortras messages. Fortras is a EDI standard for logistics related information somewhat common in Germany. See Wikipedia for further enlightenment
It also comes with the only python based 3D Bin Packing implementation I’m aware of. The Algorithm has sufficient performance to be used in everyday shipping and warehousing applications.
You can get the whole Package at
This contains linked in the binpack module code (c) Copyright 1998, 2003, 2005, 2006 by David Pisinger Silvano Martello, Daniele Vigo DIKU, University of Copenhagen DEIS, University of Bologna Universitetsparken 1 Viale Risorgimento 2 Copenhagen, Denmark Bologna, Italy This code can be used free of charge for research and academic purposes.
The rest of the code is BSD Licensed.