Python Library to manipulate directed graphs in redis
Project description
Simple python library to manipulate directed graphs in redis
pygraph_redis is released under the MIT Public License
pygraph_redis is a simple library to manipulate directed graphs inside a redis database.
In this library, a graph is a bunch of nodes, each node knows its predecessors and its successors. A node can store some attributs (strings or sets of strings).
pygraph_redis relies on redis and redis-py.
For atomicity of transaction, it requires lua scripting support (redis-py >= 2.7.0 and redis >= 2.6.0), but it provides a legacy mode, without atomicity for older redis and redis-py.
Write atomicity
With proper versions, pygraph_redis provides the atomicity of transaction when adding or removing a node.
to install:
$ python install
$ pip install pygraph_redis
How to use
First you need a redis database, it’s up to you to install it.
The library itself is quite simple:
Cheat Sheet
# initialization
# arg1 | arg2 | arg3
# redis connexion | graph_name | logger
# redis obj | unicode | logger obj
mygraph1 = Directed_graph(r_server, u'mygraph1', logger)
#optional args:
# arg4 | arg5
# separator | has_root
# unicode | bool
mygraph1 = Directed_graph(r_server,
u'mygraph1', logger, u'mysep', True)
# create or add elements to a node
# arg1 | arg2 | arg3 | arg4
# node name | successors | predecessors | attributs
# unicode | unicode list | unicode list | dictionnary of unicode
# | | | or set of unicode (key: unicode)
{u'a3': set([u'69']), u'a2': u'42'}
# delete elements from a node
# arg1 | arg2 | arg3 | arg4
# node name | successors | predecessors | attributs names
# unicode | unicode list | unicode list | list of unicode
mygraph1.write_off_node(u'm1', [u's2'], [u'p1'], [u'attr3', u'attr2']
# delete a node
# arg1
# node name
# unicode
# get attributs list
# arg1
# node name
# unicode
# get an attribut
# arg1 | arg2
# node name | attribut name
# unicode | unicode
mygraph1.get_attribut(u'm1', u'a2')
# get an attribut length
# arg1 | arg2
# node name | attribut name
# unicode | unicode
mygraph1.get_attribut_len(u'm1', u'a2')
# get successors
# arg1
# node name
# unicode
# get predecessors
# arg1
# node name
# unicode
Create an instance of “Directed_graph”:
#importing directed_graph
from pygraph_redis.directed_graph import Directed_graph
import redis
#creating a basic logger
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format = u'%(message)s')
logger = logging.getLogger(u'redis')
#creating the redis connexion
r_server = redis.Redis("localhost")
#creating the graph object
mygraph1 = Directed_graph(r_server, u'mygraph1', logger)
#creating the graph object with a different separator
mygraph2 = Directed_graph(r_server, u'mygraph2', logger, separator = u'mysep')
#creating the graph object with a "root" (improper name, I know)
mygraph2 = Directed_graph(r_server, u'mygraph2', logger, has_root = True)
#"has_root = True" ensures that every node has a predecessor
#if enabled, a node has at least root as a predecessor,
#but if it has any other predecessor it doesn't have root as predecessor
Node manipulation
Node creation:
#add node 'm1' to 'mygraph1' with:
#successors: 's1' and 's2'
#predecessors: 'p1' and 'p2'
# * 'attr1': set([u'51',u'69'])
# * 'attr2': '42'
[u's1', u's2'],
[u'p1', u'p2'],
{u'attr1': set([u'51', u'69']), u'attr2': u'42'}
About successors and predecessors, if node was already declared as a predecessor of one of its successors, it’s not necessary to add this successor in node successors set. Same with predecessors.
Gives the same result that:
Node edition:
#add new elements or edit existing elements of a node
#it's exactly the same function as before
{u'attr3': set([u'16', u'32', u'64']), u'attr2': u'5150'}
#remove some elements of a node (successors, predecessors, attributs)
mygraph1.write_off_node(u"m1", [u"s1"], [u"p2"],[u'attr2'])
#completely delete a node
Node attributs manipulation
To manipulate the attributs of a node:
#create the node 'm2'
[u's1', u's2'],
[u'p1', u'p2'],
{u'attr1': set([u'51', u'69']), u'attr2': u'42'}
#get the set of attribut names
set_of_attributs = mygraph1.get_attributs_list(u'm2')
print set_of_attributs
#get a specific attribut
attr2 = mygraph1.get_attribut(u'm2', u'attr2')
print attr2
#get a specific attribut length
# 1 if it's a string
# cardinal of set if it's a set
# 0 if attribut doesn't exists
attr2 = mygraph1.get_attribut_len(u'm2', u'attr2')
print attr2
About the redis keys
Redis key format:
<graph name><sep><node_name><sep><variable_name>[<sep><other>]*
<graph name>: name of the graph
<sep>: the key fields separator
(this string should not be in node_name or variable_name,
otherwise, there is a redis key collision possibility)
<node_name>: name of the node
<variable_name>: name of the variable
[<sep><other>]: optional extension
To avoid key collision, you must carefully choose the key separator, it must not be included in any node name or node attribut name (possible redis key collision).
About the logs
This library provides a lot of logs, mainly debug, some info (ex: legacy modes), some warning (ex: possible key collision)