Utilities for simplified gain of runtime information on source code and binary locations.
Project description
The ‘pysourceinfo’ package provides basic runtime information on executed sourcefiles based on ‘inspect’, ‘sys’, ‘os’, and additional sources. The covered objects include packages, modules/files and functions/methods/scripts.
The supported platforms are:
Linux, BSD, Unix, OS-X, Cygwin, and Windows
Python2.7+, Python3.5+
Online documentation:
PyPI: https://pypi.org/project/pysourceinfo/
Install: pip install pysourceinfo, see also ‘Install’.
sourceforge.net: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pysourceinfo/files/
bitbucket.org: https://bitbucket.org/acue/pysourceinfo
github.com: https://github.com/ArnoCan/pysourceinfo/
pypi.org: https://pypi.org/project/pysourceinfo/
Project Data
PROJECT: ‘pysourceinfo’
MISSION: Support easy access to RTTI on Python source and binary files.
VERSION: 00.01
RELEASE: 00.01.032
STATUS: alpha
AUTHOR: Arno-Can Uestuensoez
COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2010,2011,2015-2017 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
LICENSE: Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints
Python support:
Standard Python(CPython) - Python2.7, and Python3.5+
PyPy - 5.10+ - Python2.7+, and Python3.5+
Linux: Fedora, CentOS, Debian, and Raspbian
OS-X: Snow Leopard
Windows: Win7, Win10
UNIX: Solaris
Current Release
Major Changes:
Python2.6 support dropped.
Python3.5+ support introduced.
PyPy tests added.
Changed module structure and fitting names into overall category based naming schema.
Split more stack related parts into package PyStackInfo
Added special support for decorators.
Added support for some special cases of Python syntax elements, e.g. support of nested-classes.
Added several new functions.
Enhanced documentation