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A pure Python implementation of the trie data structure.

Project description

# pytrie

pytrie is a a pure Python 3 implementation of the trie data structure.

A _trie_ is an ordered tree data structure that is used to store a mapping where the keys are sequences, usually strings over an alphabet. In addition to implementing the mapping interface, tries allow finding the items for a given prefix, and vice versa, finding the items whose keys are prefixes of a given key.

To install run:

pip install pytrie

Documentation is available at [Read the Docs](

## Changelog

### 0.4.0

  • Drop Python 2 support

### 0.3.1

  • Fixed iteritems/itervalues for SortedDicts in Python 2.7.

### 0.3

  • Fixed bug for tries with zero-length keys.

  • Added __bool__ (__nonzero__) and __cmp__ methods to Trie.

  • Added sortedcontainers dependency.

  • Linting.

  • Converted from Mercurial to Git.

### 0.2

  • Initial Python 3 support (thanks Dmitrijs Milajevs)

### 0.1

  • Initial release

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