pyxml2obj convert xml to python object and vice versa. This module is inspired by XML::Simple in CPAN
Project description
- This module provides only 2 methods, XMLin and XMLout.
XMLin convert xml to python object, and XMLout python object to xml.
This module is inspired by XML::Simple in CPAN, but some options of XML::Simple are not supported.
Simple example of usage is followings
>>> from pyxml2obj import XMLin, XMLout >>> xml = ''' ... <world> ... <country area="Asia" lang="ja">Japan</country> ... <country area="Europe" lang="fr">France</country> ... <country area="Oceania" lang="en">Australia</country> ... </world> ... ''' >>> world = XMLin(xml) >>> print world {u'country': [{u'area': u'Asia', 'content': u'Japan', u'lang': u'ja'}, {u'area': u'Europe', 'content': u'France', u'lang': u'fr'}, {u'area': u'Oceania', 'content': u'Australia', u'lang': u'en'}]} >>> reverse = XMLout(world) >>> print reverse <root> <country area="Asia" lang="ja">Japan</country> <country area="Europe" lang="fr">France</country> <country area="Oceania" lang="en">Australia</country> </root>
- In current version, following options are supported
[XMLin] keyattr keeproot forcecontent contentkey noattr forcearray grouptags normalizespace valueattr
[XMLout] keyattr keeproot contentkey noattr rootname xmldecl noescape grouptags valueattr