qdyn 23.4
pip install qdyn
Python package for interacting with the Fortran QDYN library and tools
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) (BSD license)
- Author: Michael Goerz
- Tags qdyn
- Requires: Python >=3.7
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Natural Language
- Programming Language
- Topic
Project description
QDYN Python Package
QDYN-pylib is a Python package qdyn
for interacting with the Fortran QDYN library and tools. Its purpose is to:
- generate config files and input data for QDYN
- read data generated by QDYN routines
- provide tools for debugging, testing, and documenting QDYN
- wrap QDYN's "utility" programs like
- provide interoperability of QDYN with other optimal control and quantum packages like
, QuTiP and the Krotov Python Package.
The package is not a direct wrapper around QDYN that would allow to call QDYN Fortran routines from Python.
To install the latest released version of QDYN-pylib, run this command in your terminal:
pip install qdyn
This is the preferred method to install QDYN-pylib, as it will always install the most recent stable release.
If you are a QDYN developer, you can install the latest development version of QDYN-pylib with the following command:
pip install git+git@gitlabph.physik.fu-berlin.de:ag-koch/qdyn.git@main#egg=qdyn&subdirectory=qdynpylib
Project details
Unverified details
These details have not been verified by PyPIProject links
- License: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) (BSD license)
- Author: Michael Goerz
- Tags qdyn
- Requires: Python >=3.7
- Development Status
- Intended Audience
- License
- Natural Language
- Programming Language
- Topic
Release history Release notifications | RSS feed
Download files
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Source Distribution
Built Distribution
File details
Details for the file qdyn-23.4.tar.gz
File metadata
- Download URL: qdyn-23.4.tar.gz
- Upload date:
- Size: 92.3 kB
- Tags: Source
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.9.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 8e47b35f0e1ade5d6e5a50f29ccabae7d1802ec4801030814e0fadfbdf8f0bbb |
MD5 | 5b5ba2867169d806516f3fb783beabc2 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 9850a4720f2ed2956631e622ab52f75de75297d9c4b54f6e8c144af068e6b689 |
File details
Details for the file qdyn-23.4-py3-none-any.whl
File metadata
- Download URL: qdyn-23.4-py3-none-any.whl
- Upload date:
- Size: 71.0 kB
- Tags: Python 3
- Uploaded using Trusted Publishing? No
- Uploaded via: twine/4.0.2 CPython/3.9.2
File hashes
Algorithm | Hash digest | |
SHA256 | 35493907221e53ced107f1b6785307e563544c33ee36367bcfe7b0eed73cf415 |
MD5 | 175d6ffeb8d74cd7c2510bfbb4501b82 |
BLAKE2b-256 | 3761af4cbb88889bf04cadd3450d2a9437fcc283a4e84ce24667d42d6b5aa62a |