Read R datasets from Python.
Project description
|build-status| |docs| |coverage| |repostatus| |versions| |pypi| |conda| |zenodo| |pyOpenSci|
Read R datasets from Python.
Github does not support include in README for dubious security reasons, so
we copy-paste instead. Also Github does not understand Sphinx directives.
.. include:: docs/index.rst
.. include:: docs/simpleusage.rst
The package rdata offers a lightweight way to import R datasets/objects stored
in the ".rda" and ".rds" formats into Python.
Its main advantages are:
- It is a pure Python implementation, with no dependencies on the R language or
related libraries.
Thus, it can be used anywhere where Python is supported, including the web
using `Pyodide <>`__.
- It attempt to support all R objects that can be meaningfully translated.
As opposed to other solutions, you are no limited to import dataframes or
data with a particular structure.
- It allows users to easily customize the conversion of R classes to Python
Does your data use custom R classes?
Worry no longer, as it is possible to define custom conversions to the Python
classes of your choosing.
- It has a permissive license (MIT). As opposed to other packages that depend
on R libraries and thus need to adhere to the GPL license, you can use rdata
as a dependency on MIT, BSD or even closed source projects.
rdata is on PyPi and can be installed using :code:`pip`:
.. code::
pip install rdata
It is also available for :code:`conda` using the :code:`conda-forge` channel:
.. code::
conda install -c conda-forge rdata
Installing the develop version
The current version from the develop branch can be installed as
.. code::
pip install git+
The documentation of rdata is in
`ReadTheDocs <>`__.
Examples of use are available in
`ReadTheDocs <>`__.
Simple usage
Read a R dataset
The common way of reading an R dataset is the following one:
.. code:: python
import rdata
converted = rdata.read_rda(rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_vector.rda")
which results in
.. code::
{'test_vector': array([1., 2., 3.])}
Under the hood, this is equivalent to the following code:
.. code:: python
import rdata
parsed = rdata.parser.parse_file(rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_vector.rda")
converted = rdata.conversion.convert(parsed)
This consists on two steps:
#. First, the file is parsed using the function
`rdata.parser.parse_file <>`__.
This provides a literal description of the
file contents as a hierarchy of Python objects representing the basic R
objects. This step is unambiguous and always the same.
#. Then, each object must be converted to an appropriate Python object. In this
step there are several choices on which Python type is the most appropriate
as the conversion for a given R object. Thus, we provide a default
`rdata.conversion.convert <>`__
routine, which tries to select Python objects that preserve most information
of the original R object. For custom R classes, it is also possible to
specify conversion routines to Python objects.
Convert custom R classes
The basic
`convert <>`__
routine only constructs a
`SimpleConverter <>`__
object and calls its
`convert <>`__
method. All arguments of
`convert <>`__
are directly passed to the
`SimpleConverter <>`__
initialization method.
It is possible, although not trivial, to make a custom
`Converter <>`__
object to change the way in which the
basic R objects are transformed to Python objects. However, a more common
situation is that one does not want to change how basic R objects are
converted, but instead wants to provide conversions for specific R classes.
This can be done by passing a dictionary to the
`SimpleConverter <>`__
initialization method, containing
as keys the names of R classes and as values, callables that convert a
R object of that class to a Python object. By default, the dictionary used
which can convert commonly used R classes such as
`data.frame <>`__
and `factor <>`__.
As an example, here is how we would implement a conversion routine for the
factor class to
`bytes <>`__
objects, instead of the default conversion to
`Categorical <>`__ objects:
.. code:: python
import rdata
def factor_constructor(obj, attrs):
values = [bytes(attrs['levels'][i - 1], 'utf8')
if i >= 0 else None for i in obj]
return values
new_dict = {
"factor": factor_constructor
converted = rdata.read_rda(
rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_dataframe.rda",
which has the following result:
.. code::
{'test_dataframe': class value
1 b'a' 1
2 b'b' 2
3 b'b' 3}
Additional examples
Additional examples illustrating the functionalities of this package can be
found in the
`ReadTheDocs documentation <>`__.
.. |build-status| image::
:alt: build status
:scale: 100%
.. |docs| image::
:alt: Documentation Status
:scale: 100%
.. |coverage| image::
:alt: Coverage Status
:scale: 100%
.. |repostatus| image::
:alt: Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
.. |versions| image::
:alt: PyPI - Python Version
:scale: 100%
.. |pypi| image::
:alt: Pypi version
:scale: 100%
.. |conda| image::
:alt: Conda version
:scale: 100%
.. |zenodo| image::
:alt: Zenodo DOI
:scale: 100%
.. |pyOpenSci| image::
:alt: pyOpenSci: Peer reviewed
:scale: 100%
|build-status| |docs| |coverage| |repostatus| |versions| |pypi| |conda| |zenodo| |pyOpenSci|
Read R datasets from Python.
Github does not support include in README for dubious security reasons, so
we copy-paste instead. Also Github does not understand Sphinx directives.
.. include:: docs/index.rst
.. include:: docs/simpleusage.rst
The package rdata offers a lightweight way to import R datasets/objects stored
in the ".rda" and ".rds" formats into Python.
Its main advantages are:
- It is a pure Python implementation, with no dependencies on the R language or
related libraries.
Thus, it can be used anywhere where Python is supported, including the web
using `Pyodide <>`__.
- It attempt to support all R objects that can be meaningfully translated.
As opposed to other solutions, you are no limited to import dataframes or
data with a particular structure.
- It allows users to easily customize the conversion of R classes to Python
Does your data use custom R classes?
Worry no longer, as it is possible to define custom conversions to the Python
classes of your choosing.
- It has a permissive license (MIT). As opposed to other packages that depend
on R libraries and thus need to adhere to the GPL license, you can use rdata
as a dependency on MIT, BSD or even closed source projects.
rdata is on PyPi and can be installed using :code:`pip`:
.. code::
pip install rdata
It is also available for :code:`conda` using the :code:`conda-forge` channel:
.. code::
conda install -c conda-forge rdata
Installing the develop version
The current version from the develop branch can be installed as
.. code::
pip install git+
The documentation of rdata is in
`ReadTheDocs <>`__.
Examples of use are available in
`ReadTheDocs <>`__.
Simple usage
Read a R dataset
The common way of reading an R dataset is the following one:
.. code:: python
import rdata
converted = rdata.read_rda(rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_vector.rda")
which results in
.. code::
{'test_vector': array([1., 2., 3.])}
Under the hood, this is equivalent to the following code:
.. code:: python
import rdata
parsed = rdata.parser.parse_file(rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_vector.rda")
converted = rdata.conversion.convert(parsed)
This consists on two steps:
#. First, the file is parsed using the function
`rdata.parser.parse_file <>`__.
This provides a literal description of the
file contents as a hierarchy of Python objects representing the basic R
objects. This step is unambiguous and always the same.
#. Then, each object must be converted to an appropriate Python object. In this
step there are several choices on which Python type is the most appropriate
as the conversion for a given R object. Thus, we provide a default
`rdata.conversion.convert <>`__
routine, which tries to select Python objects that preserve most information
of the original R object. For custom R classes, it is also possible to
specify conversion routines to Python objects.
Convert custom R classes
The basic
`convert <>`__
routine only constructs a
`SimpleConverter <>`__
object and calls its
`convert <>`__
method. All arguments of
`convert <>`__
are directly passed to the
`SimpleConverter <>`__
initialization method.
It is possible, although not trivial, to make a custom
`Converter <>`__
object to change the way in which the
basic R objects are transformed to Python objects. However, a more common
situation is that one does not want to change how basic R objects are
converted, but instead wants to provide conversions for specific R classes.
This can be done by passing a dictionary to the
`SimpleConverter <>`__
initialization method, containing
as keys the names of R classes and as values, callables that convert a
R object of that class to a Python object. By default, the dictionary used
which can convert commonly used R classes such as
`data.frame <>`__
and `factor <>`__.
As an example, here is how we would implement a conversion routine for the
factor class to
`bytes <>`__
objects, instead of the default conversion to
`Categorical <>`__ objects:
.. code:: python
import rdata
def factor_constructor(obj, attrs):
values = [bytes(attrs['levels'][i - 1], 'utf8')
if i >= 0 else None for i in obj]
return values
new_dict = {
"factor": factor_constructor
converted = rdata.read_rda(
rdata.TESTDATA_PATH / "test_dataframe.rda",
which has the following result:
.. code::
{'test_dataframe': class value
1 b'a' 1
2 b'b' 2
3 b'b' 3}
Additional examples
Additional examples illustrating the functionalities of this package can be
found in the
`ReadTheDocs documentation <>`__.
.. |build-status| image::
:alt: build status
:scale: 100%
.. |docs| image::
:alt: Documentation Status
:scale: 100%
.. |coverage| image::
:alt: Coverage Status
:scale: 100%
.. |repostatus| image::
:alt: Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.
.. |versions| image::
:alt: PyPI - Python Version
:scale: 100%
.. |pypi| image::
:alt: Pypi version
:scale: 100%
.. |conda| image::
:alt: Conda version
:scale: 100%
.. |zenodo| image::
:alt: Zenodo DOI
:scale: 100%
.. |pyOpenSci| image::
:alt: pyOpenSci: Peer reviewed
:scale: 100%